
  • Version 4.5.0
  • Published
  • 861 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


npm i vue-router
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Type Aliases


const RouterLink: _RouterLinkI;
  • Component to render a link that triggers a navigation on click.

variable RouterView

const RouterView: new () => {
$props: AllowedComponentProps &
ComponentCustomProps &
VNodeProps &
$slots: {
default?: ({
}: {
Component: VNode;
route: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded;
}) => VNode[];
  • Component to display the current route the user is at.


const START_LOCATION: RouteLocationNormalizedLoadedGeneric;
  • Initial route location where the router is. Can be used in navigation guards to differentiate the initial navigation.

    Example 1

    import { START_LOCATION } from 'vue-router'
    router.beforeEach((to, from) => {
    if (from === START_LOCATION) {
    // initial navigation


function createMemoryHistory

createMemoryHistory: (base?: string) => RouterHistory;
  • Creates an in-memory based history. The main purpose of this history is to handle SSR. It starts in a special location that is nowhere. It's up to the user to replace that location with the starter location by either calling router.push or router.replace.

    Parameter base

    Base applied to all urls, defaults to '/'


    a history object that can be passed to the router constructor

function createRouter

createRouter: (options: RouterOptions) => Router;
  • Creates a Router instance that can be used by a Vue app.

    Parameter options


function createWebHashHistory

createWebHashHistory: (base?: string) => RouterHistory;
  • Creates a hash history. Useful for web applications with no host (e.g. file://) or when configuring a server to handle any URL is not possible.

    Parameter base

    optional base to provide. Defaults to location.pathname + If there is a <base> tag in the head, its value will be ignored in favor of this parameter **but note it affects all the history.pushState() calls**, meaning that if you use a <base> tag, it's href value **has to match this parameter** (ignoring anything after the #).

    Example 1

    // at
    createWebHashHistory() // gives a url of ``
    createWebHashHistory('/folder/') // gives a url of ``
    // if the `#` is provided in the base, it won't be added by `createWebHashHistory`
    createWebHashHistory('/folder/#/app/') // gives a url of ``
    // you should avoid doing this because it changes the original url and breaks copying urls
    createWebHashHistory('/other-folder/') // gives a url of ``
    // at file:///usr/etc/folder/index.html
    // for locations with no `host`, the base is ignored
    createWebHashHistory('/iAmIgnored') // gives a url of `file:///usr/etc/folder/index.html#`

function createWebHistory

createWebHistory: (base?: string) => RouterHistory;
  • Creates an HTML5 history. Most common history for single page applications.

    Parameter base

function isNavigationFailure

isNavigationFailure: {
error: any,
): error is NavigationRedirectError;
error: any,
type?: ErrorTypes | NavigationFailureType
): error is NavigationFailure;
  • Check if an object is a NavigationFailure.

    Parameter error

    possible NavigationFailure

    Parameter type

    optional types to check for

    Example 1

    import { isNavigationFailure, NavigationFailureType } from 'vue-router'
    router.afterEach((to, from, failure) => {
    // Any kind of navigation failure
    if (isNavigationFailure(failure)) {
    // ...
    // Only duplicated navigations
    if (isNavigationFailure(failure, NavigationFailureType.duplicated)) {
    // ...
    // Aborted or canceled navigations
    if (isNavigationFailure(failure, NavigationFailureType.aborted | NavigationFailureType.canceled)) {
    // ...

function loadRouteLocation

loadRouteLocation: (
route: RouteLocation | RouteLocationNormalized
) => Promise<RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded>;
  • Ensures a route is loaded, so it can be passed as o prop to <RouterView>.

    Parameter route

    resolved route to load

function onBeforeRouteLeave

onBeforeRouteLeave: (leaveGuard: NavigationGuard) => void;
  • Add a navigation guard that triggers whenever the component for the current location is about to be left. Similar to beforeRouteLeave but can be used in any component. The guard is removed when the component is unmounted.

    Parameter leaveGuard


function onBeforeRouteUpdate

onBeforeRouteUpdate: (updateGuard: NavigationGuard) => void;
  • Add a navigation guard that triggers whenever the current location is about to be updated. Similar to beforeRouteUpdate but can be used in any component. The guard is removed when the component is unmounted.

    Parameter updateGuard


useLink: <Name extends string | symbol = string | symbol>(
props: UseLinkOptions<Name>
) => UseLinkReturn<Name>;
  • Returns the internal behavior of a RouterLink without the rendering part.

    Parameter props

    a to location and an optional replace flag

function useRoute

useRoute: <Name extends string | symbol = string | symbol>(
_name?: Name
) => RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded<Name>;
  • Returns the current route location. Equivalent to using $route inside templates.

function useRouter

useRouter: () => Router;
  • Returns the router instance. Equivalent to using $router inside templates.


interface HistoryState

interface HistoryState {}
  • Allowed HTML history.state

index signature

[x: number]: HistoryStateValue;

    index signature

    [x: string]: HistoryStateValue;

      interface MatcherLocation

      interface MatcherLocation {}
      • Normalized/resolved Route location that returned by the matcher.

      property matched

      matched: RouteRecord[];
      • Array of RouteRecord containing components as they were passed when adding records. It can also contain redirect records. This can't be used directly

      property meta

      meta: RouteMeta;
      • Merged meta properties from all the matched route records.

      property name

      name: RouteRecordNameGeneric | null | undefined;
      • Name of the matched record

      property params

      params: RouteParamsGeneric;
      • Object of decoded params extracted from the path.

      property path

      path: string;
      • Percentage encoded pathname section of the URL.

      interface NavigationFailure extends Error {}
      • Extended Error that contains extra information regarding a failed navigation.

      from: RouteLocationNormalized;
      • Route location we were navigating from

      to: RouteLocationNormalized;
      • Route location we were navigating to

      interface NavigationGuard {}
      • Navigation Guard.

      to: RouteLocationNormalized,
      from: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded,
      next: NavigationGuardNext
      ): _Awaitable<NavigationGuardReturn>;
        interface NavigationGuardNext {}
        • next() callback passed to navigation guards.

        (): void;
          (error: Error): void;
            (location: RouteLocationRaw): void;
              (valid: boolean | undefined): void;
                (cb: NavigationGuardNextCallback): void;
                  interface NavigationGuardWithThis<T> {}
                  • Navigation Guard with a type parameter for this.

                    See Also

                  this: T,
                  to: RouteLocationNormalized,
                  from: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded,
                  next: NavigationGuardNext
                  ): _Awaitable<NavigationGuardReturn>;
                    interface NavigationHookAfter {}
                    • Navigation hook triggered after a navigation is settled.

                    to: RouteLocationNormalized,
                    from: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded,
                    failure?: NavigationFailure | void
                    ): unknown;

                      interface RouteLocationAsPathGeneric

                      interface RouteLocationAsPathGeneric
                      extends RouteQueryAndHash,
                      RouteLocationOptions {}

                      property path

                      path: string;
                      • Percentage encoded pathname section of the URL.

                      interface RouteLocationAsPathTyped

                      interface RouteLocationAsPathTyped<
                      RouteMap extends RouteMapGeneric = RouteMapGeneric,
                      Name extends keyof RouteMap = keyof RouteMap
                      > extends RouteLocationAsPathGeneric {}

                      property path

                      path: _LiteralUnion<RouteMap[Name]['path']>;

                        interface RouteLocationAsRelativeGeneric

                        interface RouteLocationAsRelativeGeneric
                        extends RouteQueryAndHash,
                        RouteLocationOptions {}

                        property name

                        name?: RouteRecordNameGeneric;

                          property params

                          params?: RouteParamsRawGeneric;

                            property path

                            path?: undefined;
                            • A relative path to the current location. This property should be removed

                            interface RouteLocationAsRelativeTyped

                            interface RouteLocationAsRelativeTyped<
                            RouteMap extends RouteMapGeneric = RouteMapGeneric,
                            Name extends keyof RouteMap = keyof RouteMap
                            > extends RouteLocationAsRelativeGeneric {}

                            property name

                            name?: Extract<Name, string | symbol>;

                              property params

                              params?: RouteMap[Name]['paramsRaw'];

                                interface RouteLocationGeneric

                                interface RouteLocationGeneric extends _RouteLocationBase {}

                                property matched

                                matched: RouteRecord[];
                                • Array of RouteRecord containing components as they were passed when adding records. It can also contain redirect records. This can't be used directly. **This property is non-enumerable**.

                                interface RouteLocationMatched

                                interface RouteLocationMatched extends RouteRecordNormalized {}

                                  property components

                                  components: Record<string, RouteComponent> | null | undefined;

                                    interface RouteLocationNormalizedGeneric

                                    interface RouteLocationNormalizedGeneric extends _RouteLocationBase {}

                                    property matched

                                    matched: RouteRecordNormalized[];

                                    property name

                                    name: RouteRecordNameGeneric;

                                      property params

                                      params: RouteParamsGeneric;

                                        interface RouteLocationNormalizedLoadedGeneric

                                        interface RouteLocationNormalizedLoadedGeneric
                                        extends RouteLocationNormalizedGeneric {}

                                        property matched

                                        matched: RouteLocationMatched[];
                                        • Array of RouteLocationMatched containing only plain components (any lazy-loaded components have been loaded and were replaced inside the components object) so it can be directly used to display routes. It cannot contain redirect records either. **This property is non-enumerable**.

                                        interface RouteLocationNormalizedLoadedTyped

                                        interface RouteLocationNormalizedLoadedTyped<
                                        RouteMap extends RouteMapGeneric = RouteMapGeneric,
                                        Name extends keyof RouteMap = keyof RouteMap
                                        > extends RouteLocationNormalizedLoadedGeneric {}

                                        property name

                                        name: Extract<Name, string | symbol>;

                                          property params

                                          params: RouteMap[Name]['params'];

                                            interface RouteLocationNormalizedTyped

                                            interface RouteLocationNormalizedTyped<
                                            RouteMap extends RouteMapGeneric = RouteMapGeneric,
                                            Name extends keyof RouteMap = keyof RouteMap
                                            > extends RouteLocationNormalizedGeneric {}

                                            property matched

                                            matched: RouteRecordNormalized[];

                                            property name

                                            name: Extract<Name, string | symbol>;

                                              property params

                                              params: RouteMap[Name]['params'];

                                                interface RouteLocationOptions

                                                interface RouteLocationOptions {}
                                                • Common options for all navigation methods.

                                                property force

                                                force?: boolean;
                                                • Triggers the navigation even if the location is the same as the current one. Note this will also add a new entry to the history unless replace: true is passed.

                                                property replace

                                                replace?: boolean;
                                                • Replace the entry in the history instead of pushing a new entry

                                                property state

                                                state?: HistoryState;
                                                • State to save using the History API. This cannot contain any reactive values and some primitives like Symbols are forbidden. More info at

                                                interface RouteLocationResolvedGeneric

                                                interface RouteLocationResolvedGeneric extends RouteLocationGeneric {}

                                                property href

                                                href: string;
                                                • Resolved href for the route location that will be set on the <a href="...">.

                                                interface RouteLocationResolvedTyped

                                                interface RouteLocationResolvedTyped<
                                                RouteMap extends RouteMapGeneric,
                                                Name extends keyof RouteMap
                                                > extends RouteLocationTyped<RouteMap, Name> {}

                                                property href

                                                href: string;
                                                • Resolved href for the route location that will be set on the <a href="...">.

                                                interface RouteLocationTyped

                                                interface RouteLocationTyped<
                                                RouteMap extends RouteMapGeneric,
                                                Name extends keyof RouteMap
                                                > extends RouteLocationGeneric {}
                                                • Helper to generate a type safe version of the RouteLocation type.

                                                property name

                                                name: Extract<Name, string | symbol>;

                                                  property params

                                                  params: RouteMap[Name]['params'];

                                                    interface RouteMeta

                                                    interface RouteMeta extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown> {}
                                                    • Interface to type meta fields in route records.

                                                      Example 1

                                                      // typings.d.ts or router.ts
                                                      import 'vue-router';
                                                      declare module 'vue-router' {
                                                      interface RouteMeta {
                                                      requiresAuth?: boolean

                                                    interface Router

                                                    interface Router {}
                                                    • Router instance.

                                                    property currentRoute

                                                    readonly currentRoute: Ref<RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded>;

                                                    property listening

                                                    listening: boolean;
                                                    • Allows turning off the listening of history events. This is a low level api for micro-frontend.

                                                    property options

                                                    readonly options: RouterOptions;
                                                    • Original options object passed to create the Router

                                                    method addRoute

                                                    addRoute: {
                                                    parentName: NonNullable<RouteRecordNameGeneric>,
                                                    route: RouteRecordRaw
                                                    ): () => void;
                                                    (route: RouteRecordRaw): () => void;
                                                    • Add a new route record as the child of an existing route.

                                                      Parameter parentName

                                                      Parent Route Record where route should be appended at

                                                      Parameter route

                                                      Route Record to add

                                                    • Add a new route record to the router.

                                                      Parameter route

                                                      Route Record to add

                                                    method afterEach

                                                    afterEach: (guard: NavigationHookAfter) => () => void;
                                                    • Add a navigation hook that is executed after every navigation. Returns a function that removes the registered hook.

                                                      Parameter guard

                                                      navigation hook to add


                                                      a function that removes the registered hook

                                                      Example 1

                                                      router.afterEach((to, from, failure) => {
                                                      if (isNavigationFailure(failure)) {
                                                      console.log('failed navigation', failure)

                                                    method back

                                                    back: () => ReturnType<Router['go']>;
                                                    • Go back in history if possible by calling history.back(). Equivalent to router.go(-1).

                                                    method beforeEach

                                                    beforeEach: (guard: NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined>) => () => void;
                                                    • Add a navigation guard that executes before any navigation. Returns a function that removes the registered guard.

                                                      Parameter guard

                                                      navigation guard to add

                                                    method beforeResolve

                                                    beforeResolve: (guard: NavigationGuardWithThis<undefined>) => () => void;
                                                    • Add a navigation guard that executes before navigation is about to be resolved. At this state all component have been fetched and other navigation guards have been successful. Returns a function that removes the registered guard.

                                                      Parameter guard

                                                      navigation guard to add


                                                      a function that removes the registered guard

                                                      Example 1

                                                      router.beforeResolve(to => {
                                                      if (to.meta.requiresAuth && !isAuthenticated) return false

                                                    method clearRoutes

                                                    clearRoutes: () => void;
                                                    • Delete all routes from the router matcher.

                                                    method forward

                                                    forward: () => ReturnType<Router['go']>;
                                                    • Go forward in history if possible by calling history.forward(). Equivalent to router.go(1).

                                                    method getRoutes

                                                    getRoutes: () => RouteRecord[];

                                                    method go

                                                    go: (delta: number) => void;
                                                    • Allows you to move forward or backward through the history. Calls history.go().

                                                      Parameter delta

                                                      The position in the history to which you want to move, relative to the current page

                                                    method hasRoute

                                                    hasRoute: (name: NonNullable<RouteRecordNameGeneric>) => boolean;
                                                    • Checks if a route with a given name exists

                                                      Parameter name

                                                      Name of the route to check

                                                    method isReady

                                                    isReady: () => Promise<void>;
                                                    • Returns a Promise that resolves when the router has completed the initial navigation, which means it has resolved all async enter hooks and async components that are associated with the initial route. If the initial navigation already happened, the promise resolves immediately.

                                                      This is useful in server-side rendering to ensure consistent output on both the server and the client. Note that on server side, you need to manually push the initial location while on client side, the router automatically picks it up from the URL.

                                                    method onError

                                                    onError: (handler: _ErrorListener) => () => void;
                                                    • Adds an error handler that is called every time a non caught error happens during navigation. This includes errors thrown synchronously and asynchronously, errors returned or passed to next in any navigation guard, and errors occurred when trying to resolve an async component that is required to render a route.

                                                      Parameter handler

                                                      error handler to register

                                                    method push

                                                    push: (to: RouteLocationRaw) => Promise<NavigationFailure | void | undefined>;
                                                    • Programmatically navigate to a new URL by pushing an entry in the history stack.

                                                      Parameter to

                                                      Route location to navigate to

                                                    method removeRoute

                                                    removeRoute: (name: NonNullable<RouteRecordNameGeneric>) => void;
                                                    • Remove an existing route by its name.

                                                      Parameter name

                                                      Name of the route to remove

                                                    method replace

                                                    replace: (to: RouteLocationRaw) => Promise<NavigationFailure | void | undefined>;
                                                    • Programmatically navigate to a new URL by replacing the current entry in the history stack.

                                                      Parameter to

                                                      Route location to navigate to

                                                    method resolve

                                                    resolve: {
                                                    <Name extends string | symbol = string | symbol>(
                                                    to: RouteLocationAsRelativeTyped<RouteMap, Name>,
                                                    currentLocation?: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded
                                                    ): RouteLocationResolved<Name>;
                                                    to: string | RouteLocationAsRelativeGeneric | RouteLocationAsPathGeneric,
                                                    currentLocation?: RouteLocationNormalizedLoadedGeneric
                                                    ): RouteLocationResolvedGeneric;
                                                    • Returns the normalized version of a route location. Also includes an href property that includes any existing base. By default, the currentLocation used is router.currentRoute and should only be overridden in advanced use cases.

                                                      Parameter to

                                                      Raw route location to resolve

                                                      Parameter currentLocation

                                                      Optional current location to resolve against

                                                    interface RouteRecordInfo

                                                    interface RouteRecordInfo<
                                                    Name extends string | symbol = string,
                                                    Path extends string = string,
                                                    ParamsRaw extends RouteParamsRawGeneric = RouteParamsRawGeneric,
                                                    Params extends RouteParamsGeneric = RouteParamsGeneric,
                                                    Meta extends RouteMeta = RouteMeta
                                                    > {}
                                                    • Helper type to define a Typed RouteRecord

                                                      See Also

                                                    property meta

                                                    meta: Meta;

                                                      property name

                                                      name: Name;

                                                        property params

                                                        params: Params;

                                                          property paramsRaw

                                                          paramsRaw: ParamsRaw;

                                                            property path

                                                            path: Path;

                                                              interface RouteRecordMultipleViews

                                                              interface RouteRecordMultipleViews extends _RouteRecordBase {}
                                                              • Route Record defining multiple named components with the components option.

                                                              property children

                                                              children?: never;

                                                                property component

                                                                component?: never;

                                                                  property components

                                                                  components: Record<string, RawRouteComponent>;
                                                                  • Components to display when the URL matches this route. Allow using named views.

                                                                  property props

                                                                  props?: Record<string, _RouteRecordProps> | boolean;
                                                                  • Allow passing down params as props to the component rendered by router-view. Should be an object with the same keys as components or a boolean to be applied to every component.

                                                                  property redirect

                                                                  redirect?: never;

                                                                    interface RouteRecordMultipleViewsWithChildren

                                                                    interface RouteRecordMultipleViewsWithChildren extends _RouteRecordBase {}
                                                                    • Route Record defining multiple named components with the components option and children.

                                                                    property children

                                                                    children: RouteRecordRaw[];

                                                                      property component

                                                                      component?: never;

                                                                        property components

                                                                        components?: Record<string, RawRouteComponent> | null | undefined;
                                                                        • Components to display when the URL matches this route. Allow using named views.

                                                                        property props

                                                                        props?: Record<string, _RouteRecordProps> | boolean;
                                                                        • Allow passing down params as props to the component rendered by router-view. Should be an object with the same keys as components or a boolean to be applied to every component.

                                                                        interface RouteRecordNormalized

                                                                        interface RouteRecordNormalized {}

                                                                        property aliasOf

                                                                        aliasOf: RouteRecordNormalized | undefined;
                                                                        • Defines if this record is the alias of another one. This property is undefined if the record is the original one.

                                                                        property beforeEnter

                                                                        beforeEnter: _RouteRecordBase['beforeEnter'];
                                                                        • Registered beforeEnter guards

                                                                        property children

                                                                        children: RouteRecordRaw[];
                                                                        • Nested route records.

                                                                        property components

                                                                        components: RouteRecordMultipleViews['components'] | null | undefined;

                                                                        property instances

                                                                        instances: Record<string, ComponentPublicInstance | undefined | null>;
                                                                        • Mounted route component instances Having the instances on the record mean beforeRouteUpdate and beforeRouteLeave guards can only be invoked with the latest mounted app instance if there are multiple application instances rendering the same view, basically duplicating the content on the page, which shouldn't happen in practice. It will work if multiple apps are rendering different named views.

                                                                        property meta

                                                                        meta: Exclude<_RouteRecordBase['meta'], void>;

                                                                        property name

                                                                        name: _RouteRecordBase['name'];

                                                                        property path

                                                                        path: _RouteRecordBase['path'];

                                                                        property props

                                                                        props: Record<string, _RouteRecordProps>;

                                                                        property redirect

                                                                        redirect: _RouteRecordBase['redirect'] | undefined;

                                                                        interface RouteRecordRedirect

                                                                        interface RouteRecordRedirect extends _RouteRecordBase {}
                                                                        • Route Record that defines a redirect. Cannot have component or components as it is never rendered.

                                                                        property component

                                                                        component?: never;

                                                                          property components

                                                                          components?: never;

                                                                            property props

                                                                            props?: never;

                                                                              property redirect

                                                                              redirect: RouteRecordRedirectOption;

                                                                                interface RouteRecordSingleView

                                                                                interface RouteRecordSingleView extends _RouteRecordBase {}
                                                                                • Route Record defining one single component with the component option.

                                                                                property children

                                                                                children?: never;

                                                                                  property component

                                                                                  component: RawRouteComponent;
                                                                                  • Component to display when the URL matches this route.

                                                                                  property components

                                                                                  components?: never;

                                                                                    property props

                                                                                    props?: _RouteRecordProps;
                                                                                    • Allow passing down params as props to the component rendered by router-view.

                                                                                    property redirect

                                                                                    redirect?: never;

                                                                                      interface RouteRecordSingleViewWithChildren

                                                                                      interface RouteRecordSingleViewWithChildren extends _RouteRecordBase {}
                                                                                      • Route Record defining one single component with a nested view.

                                                                                      property children

                                                                                      children: RouteRecordRaw[];

                                                                                        property component

                                                                                        component?: RawRouteComponent | null | undefined;
                                                                                        • Component to display when the URL matches this route.

                                                                                        property components

                                                                                        components?: never;

                                                                                          property props

                                                                                          props?: _RouteRecordProps;
                                                                                          • Allow passing down params as props to the component rendered by router-view.

                                                                                          interface RouterHistory

                                                                                          interface RouterHistory {}
                                                                                          • Interface implemented by History implementations that can be passed to the router as Router.history


                                                                                            • @alpha

                                                                                          property base

                                                                                          readonly base: string;
                                                                                          • Base path that is prepended to every url. This allows hosting an SPA at a sub-folder of a domain like by having a base of /sub-folder

                                                                                          property location

                                                                                          readonly location: HistoryLocation;
                                                                                          • Current History location

                                                                                          property state

                                                                                          readonly state: HistoryState;
                                                                                          • Current History state

                                                                                          method createHref

                                                                                          createHref: (location: HistoryLocation) => string;
                                                                                          • Generates the corresponding href to be used in an anchor tag.

                                                                                            Parameter location

                                                                                            history location that should create an href

                                                                                          method destroy

                                                                                          destroy: () => void;
                                                                                          • Clears any event listener attached by the history implementation.

                                                                                          method go

                                                                                          go: (delta: number, triggerListeners?: boolean) => void;
                                                                                          • Traverses history in a given direction.

                                                                                            Parameter delta

                                                                                            distance to travel. If delta is < 0, it will go back, if it's > 0, it will go forward by that amount of entries.

                                                                                            Parameter triggerListeners

                                                                                            whether this should trigger listeners attached to the history

                                                                                            Example 1

                                                                                            myHistory.go(-1) // equivalent to window.history.back()
                                                                                            myHistory.go(1) // equivalent to window.history.forward()

                                                                                          method listen

                                                                                          listen: (callback: NavigationCallback) => () => void;
                                                                                          • Attach a listener to the History implementation that is triggered when the navigation is triggered from outside (like the Browser back and forward buttons) or when passing true to RouterHistory.back and RouterHistory.forward

                                                                                            Parameter callback

                                                                                            listener to attach


                                                                                            a callback to remove the listener

                                                                                          method push

                                                                                          push: (to: HistoryLocation, data?: HistoryState) => void;
                                                                                          • Navigates to a location. In the case of an HTML5 History implementation, this will call history.pushState to effectively change the URL.

                                                                                            Parameter to

                                                                                            location to push

                                                                                            Parameter data

                                                                                            optional HistoryState to be associated with the navigation entry

                                                                                          method replace

                                                                                          replace: (to: HistoryLocation, data?: HistoryState) => void;
                                                                                          • Same as RouterHistory.push but performs a history.replaceState instead of history.pushState

                                                                                            Parameter to

                                                                                            location to set

                                                                                            Parameter data

                                                                                            optional HistoryState to be associated with the navigation entry

                                                                                          interface RouterLinkProps

                                                                                          interface RouterLinkProps extends RouterLinkOptions {}

                                                                                            property activeClass

                                                                                            activeClass?: string;
                                                                                            • Class to apply when the link is active

                                                                                            property ariaCurrentValue

                                                                                            | 'page'
                                                                                            | 'step'
                                                                                            | 'location'
                                                                                            | 'date'
                                                                                            | 'time'
                                                                                            | 'true'
                                                                                            | 'false';
                                                                                            • Value passed to the attribute aria-current when the link is exact active.

                                                                                            property custom

                                                                                            custom?: boolean;
                                                                                            • Whether RouterLink should not wrap its content in an a tag. Useful when using v-slot to create a custom RouterLink

                                                                                            property exactActiveClass

                                                                                            exactActiveClass?: string;
                                                                                            • Class to apply when the link is exact active

                                                                                            property viewTransition

                                                                                            viewTransition?: boolean;
                                                                                            • Pass the returned promise of router.push() to document.startViewTransition() if supported.

                                                                                            interface RouterOptions

                                                                                            interface RouterOptions extends PathParserOptions {}
                                                                                            • Options to initialize a Router instance.

                                                                                            property history

                                                                                            history: RouterHistory;
                                                                                            • History implementation used by the router. Most web applications should use createWebHistory but it requires the server to be properly configured. You can also use a _hash_ based history with createWebHashHistory that does not require any configuration on the server but isn't handled at all by search engines and does poorly on SEO.

                                                                                              Example 1

                                                                                              history: createWebHistory(),
                                                                                              // other options...

                                                                                            property linkActiveClass

                                                                                            linkActiveClass?: string;
                                                                                            • Default class applied to active RouterLink. If none is provided, router-link-active will be applied.

                                                                                            property linkExactActiveClass

                                                                                            linkExactActiveClass?: string;
                                                                                            • Default class applied to exact active RouterLink. If none is provided, router-link-exact-active will be applied.

                                                                                            property parseQuery

                                                                                            parseQuery?: typeof parseQuery;
                                                                                            • Custom implementation to parse a query. See its counterpart, RouterOptions.stringifyQuery.

                                                                                              Example 1

                                                                                              Let's say you want to use the [qs package]( to parse queries, you can provide both parseQuery and stringifyQuery:

                                                                                              import qs from 'qs'
                                                                                              // other options...
                                                                                              parseQuery: qs.parse,
                                                                                              stringifyQuery: qs.stringify,

                                                                                            property routes

                                                                                            routes: Readonly<RouteRecordRaw[]>;
                                                                                            • Initial list of routes that should be added to the router.

                                                                                            property scrollBehavior

                                                                                            scrollBehavior?: RouterScrollBehavior;
                                                                                            • Function to control scrolling when navigating between pages. Can return a Promise to delay scrolling. Check ScrollBehavior.

                                                                                              Example 1

                                                                                              function scrollBehavior(to, from, savedPosition) {
                                                                                              // `to` and `from` are both route locations
                                                                                              // `savedPosition` can be null if there isn't one

                                                                                            property stringifyQuery

                                                                                            stringifyQuery?: typeof stringifyQuery;
                                                                                            • Custom implementation to stringify a query object. Should not prepend a leading ?. parseQuery counterpart to handle query parsing.

                                                                                            interface RouterScrollBehavior

                                                                                            interface RouterScrollBehavior {}
                                                                                            • Type of the scrollBehavior option that can be passed to createRouter.

                                                                                            call signature

                                                                                            to: RouteLocationNormalized,
                                                                                            from: RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded,
                                                                                            savedPosition: _ScrollPositionNormalized | null
                                                                                            ): Awaitable<ScrollPosition | false | void>;
                                                                                            • Parameter to

                                                                                              Route location where we are navigating to

                                                                                              Parameter from

                                                                                              Route location where we are navigating from

                                                                                              Parameter savedPosition

                                                                                              saved position if it exists, null otherwise

                                                                                            interface RouterViewProps

                                                                                            interface RouterViewProps {}

                                                                                              property name

                                                                                              name?: string;

                                                                                                property route

                                                                                                route?: RouteLocationNormalized;

                                                                                                  interface UseLinkOptions

                                                                                                  interface UseLinkOptions<Name extends keyof RouteMap = keyof RouteMap> {}

                                                                                                  property replace

                                                                                                  replace?: MaybeRef<boolean | undefined>;

                                                                                                    property to

                                                                                                    to: MaybeRef<
                                                                                                    | RouteLocationAsString
                                                                                                    | RouteLocationAsRelativeTyped<RouteMap, Name>
                                                                                                    | RouteLocationAsPath
                                                                                                    | RouteLocationRaw

                                                                                                      property viewTransition

                                                                                                      viewTransition?: boolean;
                                                                                                      • Pass the returned promise of router.push() to document.startViewTransition() if supported.


                                                                                                      enum NavigationFailureType {
                                                                                                      aborted = 4,
                                                                                                      cancelled = 8,
                                                                                                      duplicated = 16,
                                                                                                      • Enumeration with all possible types for navigation failures. Can be passed to isNavigationFailure to check for specific failures.

                                                                                                      aborted = 4
                                                                                                      • An aborted navigation is a navigation that failed because a navigation guard returned false or called next(false)

                                                                                                      cancelled = 8
                                                                                                      • A cancelled navigation is a navigation that failed because a more recent navigation finished started (not necessarily finished).

                                                                                                      duplicated = 16
                                                                                                      • A duplicated navigation is a navigation that failed because it was initiated while already being at the exact same location.

                                                                                                      Type Aliases

                                                                                                      type LocationQuery

                                                                                                      type LocationQuery = Record<string, LocationQueryValue | LocationQueryValue[]>;

                                                                                                      type LocationQueryRaw

                                                                                                      type LocationQueryRaw = Record<
                                                                                                      string | number,
                                                                                                      LocationQueryValueRaw | LocationQueryValueRaw[]
                                                                                                      type NavigationGuardNextCallback = (vm: ComponentPublicInstance) => unknown;
                                                                                                      • Callback that can be passed to next() in beforeRouteEnter() guards.

                                                                                                      type NavigationGuardReturn = void | Error | boolean | RouteLocationRaw;
                                                                                                      • Return types for a Navigation Guard. Based on TypesConfig

                                                                                                        See Also

                                                                                                      type ParamValue

                                                                                                      type ParamValue<isRaw extends boolean> = true extends isRaw
                                                                                                      ? string | number
                                                                                                      : string;
                                                                                                      • Utility type for raw and non raw params like :id

                                                                                                      type ParamValueOneOrMore

                                                                                                      type ParamValueOneOrMore<isRaw extends boolean> = [
                                                                                                      • Utility type for raw and non raw params like :id+

                                                                                                      type ParamValueZeroOrMore

                                                                                                      type ParamValueZeroOrMore<isRaw extends boolean> = true extends isRaw
                                                                                                      ? ParamValue<isRaw>[] | undefined | null
                                                                                                      : ParamValue<isRaw>[] | undefined;
                                                                                                      • Utility type for raw and non raw params like :id*

                                                                                                      type ParamValueZeroOrOne

                                                                                                      type ParamValueZeroOrOne<isRaw extends boolean> = true extends isRaw
                                                                                                      ? string | number | null | undefined
                                                                                                      : string;
                                                                                                      • Utility type for raw and non raw params like :id?

                                                                                                      type PathParserOptions

                                                                                                      type PathParserOptions = Pick<_PathParserOptions, 'end' | 'sensitive' | 'strict'>;

                                                                                                        type RouteComponent

                                                                                                        type RouteComponent = Component | DefineComponent;

                                                                                                        type RouteLocation

                                                                                                        type RouteLocation<Name extends keyof RouteMap = keyof RouteMap> =
                                                                                                        RouteMapGeneric extends RouteMap
                                                                                                        ? RouteLocationGeneric
                                                                                                        : RouteLocationTypedList<RouteMap>[Name];

                                                                                                        type RouteLocationAsPath

                                                                                                        type RouteLocationAsPath<Name extends keyof RouteMap = keyof RouteMap> =
                                                                                                        RouteMapGeneric extends RouteMap
                                                                                                        ? RouteLocationAsPathGeneric
                                                                                                        : RouteLocationAsPathTypedList<RouteMap>[Name];
                                                                                                        • Route location as an object with a path property.

                                                                                                        type RouteLocationAsRelative

                                                                                                        type RouteLocationAsRelative<Name extends keyof RouteMap = keyof RouteMap> =
                                                                                                        RouteMapGeneric extends RouteMap
                                                                                                        ? RouteLocationAsRelativeGeneric
                                                                                                        : RouteLocationAsRelativeTypedList<RouteMap>[Name];
                                                                                                        • Route location relative to the current location. It accepts other properties than path like params, query and hash to conveniently change them.

                                                                                                        type RouteLocationAsString

                                                                                                        type RouteLocationAsString<Name extends keyof RouteMap = keyof RouteMap> =
                                                                                                        RouteMapGeneric extends RouteMap
                                                                                                        ? string
                                                                                                        : _LiteralUnion<RouteLocationAsStringTypedList<RouteMap>[Name], string>;

                                                                                                        type RouteLocationAsStringTyped

                                                                                                        type RouteLocationAsStringTyped<
                                                                                                        RouteMap extends RouteMapGeneric = RouteMapGeneric,
                                                                                                        Name extends keyof RouteMap = keyof RouteMap
                                                                                                        > = RouteMap[Name]['path'];

                                                                                                        type RouteLocationNormalized

                                                                                                        type RouteLocationNormalized<Name extends keyof RouteMap = keyof RouteMap> =
                                                                                                        RouteMapGeneric extends RouteMap
                                                                                                        ? RouteLocationNormalizedGeneric
                                                                                                        : RouteLocationNormalizedTypedList<RouteMap>[Name];

                                                                                                        type RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded

                                                                                                        type RouteLocationNormalizedLoaded<Name extends keyof RouteMap = keyof RouteMap> =
                                                                                                        RouteMapGeneric extends RouteMap
                                                                                                        ? RouteLocationNormalizedLoadedGeneric
                                                                                                        : RouteLocationNormalizedLoadedTypedList<RouteMap>[Name];
                                                                                                        • Similar to RouteLocationNormalized but its components do not contain any function to lazy load components. In other words, it's ready to be rendered by <RouterView>.

                                                                                                        type RouteLocationRaw

                                                                                                        type RouteLocationRaw<Name extends keyof RouteMap = keyof RouteMap> =
                                                                                                        RouteMapGeneric extends RouteMap
                                                                                                        | RouteLocationAsString
                                                                                                        | RouteLocationAsRelativeGeneric
                                                                                                        | RouteLocationAsPathGeneric
                                                                                                        | _LiteralUnion<RouteLocationAsStringTypedList<RouteMap>[Name], string>
                                                                                                        | RouteLocationAsRelativeTypedList<RouteMap>[Name]
                                                                                                        | RouteLocationAsPathTypedList<RouteMap>[Name];
                                                                                                        • Route location that can be passed to router.push() and other user-facing APIs.

                                                                                                        type RouteLocationResolved

                                                                                                        type RouteLocationResolved<Name extends keyof RouteMap = keyof RouteMap> =
                                                                                                        RouteMapGeneric extends RouteMap
                                                                                                        ? RouteLocationResolvedGeneric
                                                                                                        : RouteLocationResolvedTypedList<RouteMap>[Name];

                                                                                                        type RouteMap

                                                                                                        type RouteMap = TypesConfig extends Record<'RouteNamedMap', infer RouteNamedMap>
                                                                                                        ? RouteNamedMap
                                                                                                        : RouteMapGeneric;
                                                                                                        • Convenience type to get the typed RouteMap or a generic one if not provided. It is extracted from the TypesConfig if it exists, it becomes RouteMapGeneric otherwise.

                                                                                                        type RouteMapGeneric

                                                                                                        type RouteMapGeneric = Record<string | symbol, RouteRecordInfo>;
                                                                                                        • Generic version of the RouteMap.

                                                                                                        type RouteParams

                                                                                                        type RouteParams<Name extends keyof RouteMap = keyof RouteMap> =
                                                                                                        • Generate a type safe params for a route location. Requires the name of the route to be passed as a generic.

                                                                                                          See Also

                                                                                                        type RouteParamsGeneric

                                                                                                        type RouteParamsGeneric = Record<string, RouteParamValue | RouteParamValue[]>;

                                                                                                          type RouteParamsRaw

                                                                                                          type RouteParamsRaw<Name extends keyof RouteMap = keyof RouteMap> =
                                                                                                          • Generate a type safe raw params for a route location. Requires the name of the route to be passed as a generic.

                                                                                                            See Also

                                                                                                          type RouteParamsRawGeneric

                                                                                                          type RouteParamsRawGeneric = Record<
                                                                                                          RouteParamValueRaw | Exclude<RouteParamValueRaw, null | undefined>[]

                                                                                                            type RouteRecord

                                                                                                            type RouteRecord = RouteRecordNormalized;

                                                                                                            type RouteRecordName

                                                                                                            type RouteRecordName = RouteMapGeneric extends RouteMap
                                                                                                            ? RouteRecordNameGeneric
                                                                                                            : keyof RouteMap;
                                                                                                            • Possible values for a route record **after normalization**

                                                                                                              NOTE: since RouteRecordName is a type, it evaluates too early and it's often the generic version RouteRecordNameGeneric. If you need a typed version of all of the names of routes, use `keyof RouteMap`

                                                                                                            type RouteRecordNameGeneric

                                                                                                            type RouteRecordNameGeneric = string | symbol | undefined;

                                                                                                            type RouteRecordRaw

                                                                                                            type RouteRecordRaw =
                                                                                                            | RouteRecordSingleView
                                                                                                            | RouteRecordSingleViewWithChildren
                                                                                                            | RouteRecordMultipleViews
                                                                                                            | RouteRecordMultipleViewsWithChildren
                                                                                                            | RouteRecordRedirect;

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