
  • Version 2.0.0
  • Published
  • 697 kB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i vuex-module-decorators
yarn add vuex-module-decorators
pnpm add vuex-module-decorators


Decorators to make class-like Vuex modules



variable config

const config: IConfig;


    function Action

    Action: {
    <T, R>(
    target: T,
    key: string | symbol,
    descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<(...args: any[]) => R>
    ): void;
    <T>(params: ActionDecoratorParams): MethodDecorator;

      function getModule

      getModule: <M extends VuexModule<ThisType<any>, any>>(
      moduleClass: ConstructorOf<M>,
      store?: Store<any>
      ) => M;

        function Module

        Module: {
        <S>(module: Function & Mod<S, any>): void;
        <S>(options: ModuleOptions): ClassDecorator;

          function Mutation

          Mutation: <T extends Object, R>(
          target: T,
          key: string | symbol,
          descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<(...args: any[]) => R>
          ) => void;

            function MutationAction

            MutationAction: {
            <K, T extends K>(
            target: { [k in keyof T]: T[k] },
            key: string | symbol,
            descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<(...args: any[]) => Promise<K>>
            ): void;
            <T>(params: MutationActionParams<T>): (
            target: T,
            key: string | symbol,
            descriptor: TypedPropertyDescriptor<(...args: any[]) => Promise<T>>
            ) => void;


              class VuexModule

              class VuexModule<S = ThisType<any>, R = any> implements Mod<S, R> {}


                constructor(module: Mod<S, any>);

                  property actions

                  static actions?: ActionTree<any, any>;

                    property actions

                    actions?: ActionTree<S, R>;

                      property context

                      context: ActionContext<S, R>;

                        property getters

                        static getters?: GetterTree<any, any>;

                          property getters

                          getters?: GetterTree<S, R>;

                            property modules

                            static modules?: ModuleTree<any>;

                              property modules

                              modules?: ModuleTree<any>;

                                property mutations

                                static mutations?: MutationTree<any>;

                                  property mutations

                                  mutations?: MutationTree<S>;

                                    property namespaced

                                    static namespaced?: boolean;

                                      property namespaced

                                      namespaced?: boolean;

                                        property state

                                        static state?: any;

                                          property state

                                          state?: S | (() => S);

                                            Package Files (7)

                                            Dependencies (0)

                                            No dependencies.

                                            Dev Dependencies (23)

                                            Peer Dependencies (2)


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