- Version 12.1.9
- Published
- 352 kB
- 11 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i webdriver-manager
yarn add webdriver-manager
pnpm add webdriver-manager
A selenium server and browser driver manager for your end to end tests.
class AndroidSDK
class AndroidSDK extends Binary {}
The android sdk binary.
constructor(alternateCDN?: string);
static DEFAULT_API_LEVELS: string;
static DEFAULT_PLATFORMS: string;
property id
static id: string;
property isDefault
static isDefault: boolean;
property os
static os: OS[];
property versionDefault
static versionDefault: string;
property VERSIONS
static VERSIONS: { [api_level: number]: string };
method executableSuffix
executableSuffix: () => string;
method getUrl
getUrl: () => Promise<BinaryUrl>;
method getVersionList
getVersionList: () => Promise<string[]>;
method id
id: () => string;
method prefix
prefix: () => string;
method remove
remove: (sdkPath: string) => void;
method suffix
suffix: () => string;
method url
url: (ostype: string) => string;
method zipContentName
zipContentName: () => string;
class Appium
class Appium extends Binary {}
The appium binary.
constructor(alternateCDN?: string);
property id
static id: string;
property isDefault
static isDefault: boolean;
property os
static os: OS[];
property versionDefault
static versionDefault: string;
method executableSuffix
executableSuffix: () => string;
method getUrl
getUrl: (version?: string) => Promise<BinaryUrl>;
method getVersionList
getVersionList: () => Promise<string[]>;
method id
id: () => string;
method prefix
prefix: () => string;
method remove
remove: (sdkPath: string) => void;
method suffix
suffix: () => string;
class Binary
abstract class Binary {}
constructor(opt_alternativeCdn?: string);
property alternativeDownloadUrl
alternativeDownloadUrl: string;
property cdn
cdn: string;
property configSource
configSource: ConfigSource;
property name
name: string;
property os
static os: OS[];
property osarch
osarch: string;
property ostype
ostype: string;
property versionCustom
versionCustom: string;
property versionDefault
versionDefault: string;
method executableFilename
executableFilename: () => string;
Parameter ostype
The operating system.
The file name for the executable.
method executableSuffix
executableSuffix: () => string;
method filename
filename: () => string;
method getUrl
getUrl: (version?: string) => Promise<BinaryUrl>;
Gets the url to download the file set by the version. This will use the XML if available. If not, it will download from an existing url.
Parameter version
The version we are looking for. This could also be 'latest'.
method getVersionList
abstract getVersionList: () => Promise<string[]>;
Gets the list of available versions available based on the xml. If no XML exists, return an empty list.
method id
abstract id: () => string;
Gets the id of the binary.
method prefix
abstract prefix: () => string;
method remove
remove: (filename: string) => void;
Delete an instance of this binary from the file system
method suffix
abstract suffix: () => string;
method version
version: () => string;
method zipContentName
zipContentName: () => string;
Parameter ostype
The operating system.
The file name for the file inside the downloaded zip file
class ChromeDriver
class ChromeDriver extends Binary {}
constructor(opt_alternativeCdn?: string);
property id
static id: string;
property isDefault
static isDefault: boolean;
property os
static os: OS[];
property versionDefault
static versionDefault: string;
method getVersionList
getVersionList: () => Promise<string[]>;
method id
id: () => string;
method prefix
prefix: () => string;
method suffix
suffix: () => string;
class GeckoDriver
class GeckoDriver extends Binary {}
constructor(opt_alternativeCdn?: string);
property id
static id: string;
property isDefault
static isDefault: boolean;
property os
static os: OS[];
property versionDefault
static versionDefault: string;
method getVersionList
getVersionList: () => Promise<string[]>;
method id
id: () => string;
method prefix
prefix: () => string;
method suffix
suffix: () => string;
class IEDriver
class IEDriver extends Binary {}
constructor(opt_alternativeCdn?: string);
property id
static id: string;
property isDefault32
static isDefault32: boolean;
property isDefault64
static isDefault64: boolean;
property os
static os: OS[];
property versionDefault
static versionDefault: string;
method getVersionList
getVersionList: () => Promise<string[]>;
method id
id: () => string;
method prefix
prefix: () => string;
method suffix
suffix: () => string;
class Standalone
class Standalone extends Binary {}
constructor(opt_alternativeCdn?: string);
property id
static id: string;
property isDefault
static isDefault: boolean;
property os
static os: OS[];
property versionDefault
static versionDefault: string;
method executableSuffix
executableSuffix: () => string;
method getVersionList
getVersionList: () => Promise<string[]>;
method id
id: () => string;
method prefix
prefix: () => string;
method suffix
suffix: () => string;
interface BinaryMap
interface BinaryMap<T extends Binary> {}
Dictionary to map the binary's id to the binary object
index signature
[id: string]: T;
enum OS
enum OS { Windows_NT = 0, Linux = 1, Darwin = 2,}
operating system enum
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