
  • Version 8.36.0
  • Published
  • 612 kB
  • 24 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i webdriverio
yarn add webdriverio
pnpm add webdriverio


Next-gen browser and mobile automation test framework for Node.js



variable Key

const Key: {
readonly Ctrl: 'WDIO_CONTROL';
readonly NULL: '';
readonly Cancel: '';
readonly Help: '';
readonly Backspace: '';
readonly Tab: '';
readonly Clear: '';
readonly Return: '';
readonly Enter: '';
readonly Shift: '';
readonly Control: '';
readonly Alt: '';
readonly Pause: '';
readonly Escape: '';
readonly Space: '';
readonly PageUp: '';
readonly PageDown: '';
readonly End: '';
readonly Home: '';
readonly ArrowLeft: '';
readonly ArrowUp: '';
readonly ArrowRight: '';
readonly ArrowDown: '';
readonly Insert: '';
readonly Delete: '';
readonly Semicolon: '';
readonly Equals: '';
readonly Numpad0: '';
readonly Numpad1: '';
readonly Numpad2: '';
readonly Numpad3: '';
readonly Numpad4: '';
readonly Numpad5: '';
readonly Numpad6: '';
readonly Numpad7: '';
readonly Numpad8: '';
readonly Numpad9: '';
readonly Multiply: '';
readonly Add: '';
readonly Separator: '';
readonly Subtract: '';
readonly Decimal: '';
readonly Divide: '';
readonly F1: '';
readonly F2: '';
readonly F3: '';
readonly F4: '';
readonly F5: '';
readonly F6: '';
readonly F7: '';
readonly F8: '';
readonly F9: '';
readonly F10: '';
readonly F11: '';
readonly F12: '';
readonly Command: '';
readonly ZenkakuHankaku: '';

    variable SevereServiceError

    const SevereServiceError: typeof SevereServiceErrorImport;


      function attach

      attach: (attachOptions: AttachOptions) => Promise<WebdriverIO.Browser>;

        function multiremote

        multiremote: (
        params: Capabilities.MultiRemoteCapabilities,
        { automationProtocol }?: { automationProtocol?: string }
        ) => Promise<WebdriverIO.MultiRemoteBrowser>;
        • WebdriverIO allows you to run multiple automated sessions in a single test. This is handy when you're testing features that require multiple users (for example, chat or WebRTC applications).

          Instead of creating a couple of remote instances where you need to execute common commands like newSession() or url() on each instance, you can simply create a multiremote instance and control all browsers at the same time.

          NOTE: Multiremote is not meant to execute all your tests in parallel. It is intended to help coordinate multiple browsers and/or mobile devices for special integration tests (e.g. chat applications).

          Parameter params

          capabilities to choose desired devices.

          Parameter automationProtocol

          All remote instances, the first result represents the capability defined first in the capability object, the second result the second capability and so on.

          See Also

          • External document and example usage.

        function remote

        remote: (
        params: RemoteOptions,
        remoteModifier?: (
        client: WebDriverTypes.Client,
        options: Options.WebdriverIO
        ) => WebDriverTypes.Client
        ) => Promise<WebdriverIO.Browser>;
        • A method to create a new session with WebdriverIO.

          NOTE: If you hit "error TS2694: Namespace 'global.WebdriverIO' has no exported member 'Browser'" when using typescript, add "@wdio/globals/types" into tsconfig.json's "types" array will solve it: { "compilerOptions": { "types": ["@wdio/globals/types"] } }

          Parameter params

          Options to create the session with

          Parameter remoteModifier

          Modifier function to change the monad object browser object with sessionId

          See Also

          • Typescript setup


        interface Action

        interface Action {}

          property actions

          actions: (NoneActionEntity | PointerActionEntity | KeyActionEntity)[];

            property id

            id: string;

              property parameters

              parameters?: {
              pointerType: 'mouse' | 'pen' | 'touch';

                property type

                type?: 'pointer' | 'key';

                  interface ActionParameter

                  interface ActionParameter {}

                    property actions

                    actions: Action[];

                      interface AttachOptions

                      interface AttachOptions extends Omit<WebDriverAttachOptions, 'capabilities'> {}

                        property capabilities

                        capabilities: WebDriverAttachOptions['capabilities'];

                          property options

                          options: Options.WebdriverIO;

                            property requestedCapabilities

                            requestedCapabilities?: WebDriverAttachOptions['capabilities'];

                              interface Browser

                              interface Browser
                              extends Omit<BrowserBase, 'on' | 'once'>,
                              BrowserCommandsType {}
                              • Deprecated

                                use WebdriverIO.Browser instead

                              interface BrowserBase

                              interface BrowserBase extends InstanceBase, CustomInstanceCommands<Browser> {}
                              • a browser base that has everything besides commands which are defined for sync and async seperately

                              property isMultiremote

                              isMultiremote: false;

                                interface ChainablePromiseArray

                                interface ChainablePromiseArray<T> extends Promise<T>, AsyncIterators<T> {}

                                  property length

                                  length: Promise<number>;
                                  • Amount of element fetched.

                                  property parent

                                  parent: Promise<
                                  WebdriverIO.Element | WebdriverIO.Browser | WebdriverIO.MultiRemoteBrowser
                                  • parent of the element if fetched via $(parent).$(child)

                                  property selector

                                  selector: Promise<Selector>;
                                  • selector used to fetch this element, can be - undefined if element was created via $({ 'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf': 'ELEMENT-1' }) - a string if findElement was used and a reference was found - or a function if element was found via e.g. $(() => document.body)

                                  method [Symbol.asyncIterator]

                                  [Symbol.asyncIterator]: () => AsyncIterableIterator<WebdriverIO.Element>;

                                    index signature

                                    [n: number]: ChainablePromiseElement<WebdriverIO.Element | undefined>;
                                    • allow to access a specific index of the element set

                                    interface ChainablePromiseElement

                                    interface ChainablePromiseElement<T>
                                    extends ChainablePromiseBaseElement,
                                    keyof ChainablePromiseBaseElement | keyof AsyncElementProto
                                    > {}

                                      interface CustomInstanceCommands

                                      interface CustomInstanceCommands<T> {}

                                        method addCommand

                                        addCommand: <IsElement extends boolean = false>(
                                        name: string,
                                        func: AddCommandFn | AddCommandFnScoped<T, IsElement>,
                                        attachToElement?: IsElement,
                                        proto?: Record<string, any>,
                                        instances?: Record<
                                        WebdriverIO.Browser | WebdriverIO.MultiRemoteBrowser
                                        ) => void;
                                        • add command to browser or element scope

                                        method addLocatorStrategy

                                        addLocatorStrategy: (
                                        name: string,
                                        | ((selector: string, root: HTMLElement) => CustomLocatorReturnValue)
                                        | ((selector: string) => CustomLocatorReturnValue)
                                        ) => void;
                                        • create custom selector

                                        method overwriteCommand

                                        overwriteCommand: <
                                        ElementKey extends
                                        | '$$'
                                        | '$'
                                        | 'addValue'
                                        | 'clearValue'
                                        | 'click'
                                        | 'custom$$'
                                        | 'custom$'
                                        | 'doubleClick'
                                        | 'dragAndDrop'
                                        | 'getAttribute'
                                        | 'getCSSProperty'
                                        | 'getComputedRole'
                                        | 'getComputedLabel'
                                        | 'getHTML'
                                        | 'getLocation'
                                        | 'getProperty'
                                        | 'getSize'
                                        | 'getTagName'
                                        | 'getText'
                                        | 'getValue'
                                        | 'isClickable'
                                        | 'isDisplayed'
                                        | 'isDisplayedInViewport'
                                        | 'isEnabled'
                                        | 'isEqual'
                                        | 'isExisting'
                                        | 'isFocused'
                                        | 'isSelected'
                                        | 'isStable'
                                        | 'moveTo'
                                        | 'nextElement'
                                        | 'parentElement'
                                        | 'previousElement'
                                        | 'react$$'
                                        | 'react$'
                                        | 'saveScreenshot'
                                        | 'scrollIntoView'
                                        | 'selectByAttribute'
                                        | 'selectByIndex'
                                        | 'selectByVisibleText'
                                        | 'setValue'
                                        | 'shadow$$'
                                        | 'shadow$'
                                        | 'touchAction'
                                        | 'waitForClickable'
                                        | 'waitForDisplayed'
                                        | 'waitForEnabled'
                                        | 'waitForExist'
                                        | 'waitForStable'
                                        | 'waitUntil',
                                        BrowserKey extends
                                        | '$$'
                                        | '$'
                                        | 'custom$$'
                                        | 'custom$'
                                        | 'react$$'
                                        | 'react$'
                                        | 'saveScreenshot'
                                        | 'touchAction'
                                        | 'waitUntil'
                                        | 'action'
                                        | 'actions'
                                        | 'call'
                                        | 'debug'
                                        | 'deleteCookies'
                                        | 'emulate'
                                        | 'execute'
                                        | 'executeAsync'
                                        | 'getCookies'
                                        | 'getPuppeteer'
                                        | 'getWindowSize'
                                        | 'keys'
                                        | 'mock'
                                        | 'SESSION_MOCKS'
                                        | 'CDP_SESSIONS'
                                        | 'mockClearAll'
                                        | 'mockRestoreAll'
                                        | 'newWindow'
                                        | 'pause'
                                        | 'reloadSession'
                                        | 'savePDF'
                                        | 'saveRecordingScreen'
                                        | 'scroll'
                                        | 'setCookies'
                                        | 'setTimeout'
                                        | 'setWindowSize'
                                        | 'switchWindow'
                                        | 'throttle'
                                        | 'throttleCPU'
                                        | 'throttleNetwork'
                                        | 'uploadFile'
                                        | 'url',
                                        IsElement extends boolean = false
                                        name: IsElement extends true ? ElementKey : BrowserKey,
                                        | OverwriteCommandFn<ElementKey, BrowserKey, IsElement>
                                        | OverwriteCommandFnScoped<ElementKey, BrowserKey, IsElement>,
                                        attachToElement?: IsElement,
                                        proto?: Record<string, any>,
                                        instances?: Record<
                                        WebdriverIO.Browser | WebdriverIO.MultiRemoteBrowser
                                        ) => void;
                                        • overwrite browser or element command

                                        interface CustomThrottle

                                        interface CustomThrottle {}

                                          property downloadThroughput

                                          downloadThroughput: number;

                                            property latency

                                            latency: number;

                                              property offline

                                              offline: boolean;

                                                property uploadThroughput

                                                uploadThroughput: number;

                                                  interface Element

                                                  interface Element extends ElementBase, ProtocolCommands, ElementCommandsType {}
                                                  • Deprecated

                                                    use WebdriverIO.Element instead

                                                  interface ElementBase

                                                  interface ElementBase
                                                  extends InstanceBase,
                                                  CustomInstanceCommands<Element> {}
                                                  • export a browser interface that can be used for typing plugins

                                                  property ELEMENT

                                                  ELEMENT: string;
                                                  • WebDriver element reference

                                                  property elementId

                                                  elementId: string;
                                                  • WebDriver element reference

                                                  property error

                                                  error?: Error;
                                                  • error response if element was not found

                                                  property index

                                                  index?: number;
                                                  • index of the element if fetched with $$

                                                  property isMultiremote

                                                  isMultiremote: false;

                                                    property isReactElement

                                                    isReactElement?: boolean;
                                                    • true if element is a React component

                                                    property isShadowElement

                                                    isShadowElement?: boolean;
                                                    • true if element was queried from a shadow root

                                                    property parent

                                                    parent: WebdriverIO.Element | WebdriverIO.Browser;
                                                    • parent of the element if fetched via $(parent).$(child)

                                                    property selector

                                                    selector: Selector;
                                                    • selector used to fetch this element, can be - undefined if element was created via $({ 'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf': 'ELEMENT-1' }) - a string if findElement was used and a reference was found - or a functin if element was found via e.g. $(() => document.body)

                                                    interface Matches

                                                    interface Matches extends Request {}

                                                      property body

                                                      body: string | Buffer | JsonCompatible;
                                                      • body response of actual resource

                                                      property responseHeaders

                                                      responseHeaders: Record<string, string>;
                                                      • HTTP response headers.

                                                      property statusCode

                                                      statusCode: number;
                                                      • HTTP response status code.

                                                      interface Mock

                                                      interface Mock extends MockFunctions, MockProperties {}

                                                        interface MultiRemoteBrowser

                                                        interface MultiRemoteBrowser extends MultiRemoteBrowserType {}
                                                        • Deprecated

                                                          use WebdriverIO.MultiRemoteBrowser instead

                                                        interface MultiRemoteElement

                                                        interface MultiRemoteElement extends MultiRemoteElementType {}
                                                        • Deprecated

                                                          use WebdriverIO.MultiRemoteElement instead

                                                        interface ParsedCSSValue

                                                        interface ParsedCSSValue {}

                                                          property parsed

                                                          parsed: ParsedColor;

                                                            property property

                                                            property?: string;

                                                              property value

                                                              value?: string;

                                                                interface Request

                                                                interface Request {}

                                                                  property hasPostData

                                                                  hasPostData?: boolean;
                                                                  • True when the request has POST data. Note that postData might still be omitted when this flag is true when the data is too long.

                                                                  property headers

                                                                  headers: Record<string, string>;
                                                                  • HTTP request headers.

                                                                  property initialPriority

                                                                  initialPriority: ResourcePriority;
                                                                  • Priority of the resource request at the time request is sent.

                                                                  property isLinkPreload

                                                                  isLinkPreload?: boolean;
                                                                  • Whether is loaded via link preload.

                                                                  property method

                                                                  method: string;
                                                                  • HTTP request method.

                                                                  property mixedContentType

                                                                  mixedContentType?: MixedContentType;
                                                                  • The mixed content export type of the request.

                                                                  property postData

                                                                  postData?: string;
                                                                  • HTTP POST request data.

                                                                  property referrerPolicy

                                                                  referrerPolicy: ReferrerPolicy;
                                                                  • The referrer policy of the request, as defined in https://www.w3.org/TR/referrer-policy/

                                                                  property url

                                                                  url: string;
                                                                  • Request URL (without fragment).

                                                                  property urlFragment

                                                                  urlFragment?: string;
                                                                  • Fragment of the requested URL starting with hash, if present.

                                                                  interface TouchAction

                                                                  interface TouchAction {}

                                                                    property action

                                                                    action: ActionTypes;

                                                                      property element

                                                                      element?: WebdriverIO.Element;

                                                                        property ms

                                                                        ms?: number;

                                                                          property x

                                                                          x?: number;

                                                                            property y

                                                                            y?: number;

                                                                              Type Aliases

                                                                              type ActionTypes

                                                                              type ActionTypes = 'press' | 'longPress' | 'tap' | 'moveTo' | 'wait' | 'release';

                                                                                type AddCommandFn

                                                                                type AddCommandFn = (...args: any[]) => any;

                                                                                  type BrowserCommandsType

                                                                                  type BrowserCommandsType = Omit<$BrowserCommands, keyof ChainablePrototype> &

                                                                                    type ClickOptions

                                                                                    type ClickOptions = {
                                                                                    button?: number | string;
                                                                                    x?: number;
                                                                                    y?: number;
                                                                                    skipRelease?: boolean;

                                                                                      type CustomLocatorReturnValue

                                                                                      type CustomLocatorReturnValue =
                                                                                      | HTMLElement
                                                                                      | HTMLElement[]
                                                                                      | NodeListOf<HTMLElement>;

                                                                                        type CustomStrategyFunction

                                                                                        type CustomStrategyFunction = (
                                                                                        ...args: any
                                                                                        ) => ElementReference | ElementReference[];

                                                                                          type CustomStrategyReference

                                                                                          type CustomStrategyReference = {
                                                                                          strategy: CustomStrategyFunction;
                                                                                          strategyName: string;
                                                                                          strategyArguments: any[];

                                                                                            type DragAndDropCoordinate

                                                                                            type DragAndDropCoordinate = {
                                                                                            x: number;
                                                                                            y: number;

                                                                                              type DragAndDropOptions

                                                                                              type DragAndDropOptions = {
                                                                                              duration?: number;

                                                                                                type ElementArray

                                                                                                type ElementArray = ElementArrayExport;

                                                                                                  type ElementCommandsType

                                                                                                  type ElementCommandsType = Omit<$ElementCommands, keyof ChainablePrototype> &

                                                                                                    type ElementFunction

                                                                                                    type ElementFunction =
                                                                                                    | ((elem: HTMLElement) => HTMLElement | undefined)
                                                                                                    | ((elem: HTMLElement) => (HTMLElement | undefined)[]);

                                                                                                      type ErrorCode

                                                                                                      type ErrorCode =
                                                                                                      | 'Failed'
                                                                                                      | 'Aborted'
                                                                                                      | 'TimedOut'
                                                                                                      | 'AccessDenied'
                                                                                                      | 'ConnectionClosed'
                                                                                                      | 'ConnectionReset'
                                                                                                      | 'ConnectionRefused'
                                                                                                      | 'ConnectionAborted'
                                                                                                      | 'ConnectionFailed'
                                                                                                      | 'NameNotResolved'
                                                                                                      | 'InternetDisconnected'
                                                                                                      | 'AddressUnreachable'
                                                                                                      | 'BlockedByClient'
                                                                                                      | 'BlockedByResponse';

                                                                                                        type Matcher

                                                                                                        type Matcher = {
                                                                                                        name: string;
                                                                                                        args: Array<string | object>;
                                                                                                        class?: string;

                                                                                                          type MixedContentType

                                                                                                          type MixedContentType = 'blockable' | 'optionally-blockable' | 'none';

                                                                                                            type MockFilterOptions

                                                                                                            type MockFilterOptions = {
                                                                                                            method?: string | ((method: string) => boolean);
                                                                                                            | Record<string, string>
                                                                                                            | ((headers: Record<string, string>) => boolean);
                                                                                                            | Record<string, string>
                                                                                                            | ((headers: Record<string, string>) => boolean);
                                                                                                            | Record<string, string>
                                                                                                            | ((headers: Record<string, string>) => boolean);
                                                                                                            statusCode?: number | ((statusCode: number) => boolean);
                                                                                                            postData?: string | ((payload: string | undefined) => boolean);

                                                                                                              type MockOverwrite

                                                                                                              type MockOverwrite = string | Record<string, any> | MockOverwriteFunction;

                                                                                                                type MockOverwriteFunction

                                                                                                                type MockOverwriteFunction = (
                                                                                                                request: Matches,
                                                                                                                client: CDPSession
                                                                                                                ) => Promise<string | Record<string, any>>;

                                                                                                                  type MockResponseParams

                                                                                                                  type MockResponseParams = {
                                                                                                                  statusCode?: number | ((request: Matches) => number);
                                                                                                                  | Record<string, string>
                                                                                                                  | ((request: Matches) => Record<string, string>);
                                                                                                                  * fetch real response before responding with mocked data. Default: true
                                                                                                                  fetchResponse?: boolean;

                                                                                                                    type MoveToOptions

                                                                                                                    type MoveToOptions = {
                                                                                                                    xOffset?: number;
                                                                                                                    yOffset?: number;

                                                                                                                      type MultiRemoteBrowserCommandsType

                                                                                                                      type MultiRemoteBrowserCommandsType = {
                                                                                                                      [K in keyof Omit<
                                                                                                                      ElementCommandNames | 'SESSION_MOCKS' | 'CDP_SESSIONS'
                                                                                                                      >]: (
                                                                                                                      ...args: Parameters<BrowserCommandsType[K]>
                                                                                                                      ) => Promise<ThenArg<ReturnType<BrowserCommandsType[K]>>[]>;
                                                                                                                      } & MultiRemoteElementCommands;

                                                                                                                        type MultiRemoteElementCommandsType

                                                                                                                        type MultiRemoteElementCommandsType = {
                                                                                                                        [K in keyof Omit<ElementCommandsType, ElementCommandNames>]: (
                                                                                                                        ...args: Parameters<ElementCommandsType[K]>
                                                                                                                        ) => Promise<ThenArg<ReturnType<ElementCommandsType[K]>>[]>;
                                                                                                                        } & MultiRemoteElementCommands;

                                                                                                                          type MultiRemoteProtocolCommandsType

                                                                                                                          type MultiRemoteProtocolCommandsType = {
                                                                                                                          [K in keyof ProtocolCommands]: (
                                                                                                                          ...args: Parameters<ProtocolCommands[K]>
                                                                                                                          ) => Promise<ThenArg<ReturnType<ProtocolCommands[K]>>[]>;

                                                                                                                            type NewWindowOptions

                                                                                                                            type NewWindowOptions = {
                                                                                                                            windowName?: string;
                                                                                                                            windowFeatures?: string;

                                                                                                                              type ReactSelectorOptions

                                                                                                                              type ReactSelectorOptions = {
                                                                                                                              props?: object;
                                                                                                                              state?: any[] | number | string | object | boolean;

                                                                                                                                type ReferrerPolicy

                                                                                                                                type ReferrerPolicy =
                                                                                                                                | 'unsafe-url'
                                                                                                                                | 'no-referrer-when-downgrade'
                                                                                                                                | 'no-referrer'
                                                                                                                                | 'origin'
                                                                                                                                | 'origin-when-cross-origin'
                                                                                                                                | 'same-origin'
                                                                                                                                | 'strict-origin'
                                                                                                                                | 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin';

                                                                                                                                  type RemoteOptions

                                                                                                                                  type RemoteOptions = Options.WebdriverIO &
                                                                                                                                  Omit<Options.Testrunner, 'capabilities' | 'rootDir'>;

                                                                                                                                    type ResourcePriority

                                                                                                                                    type ResourcePriority = 'VeryLow' | 'Low' | 'Medium' | 'High' | 'VeryHigh';
                                                                                                                                    • HTTP request data. (copied from the puppeteer-core package as there is currently no way to access these types otherwise)

                                                                                                                                    type Selector

                                                                                                                                    type Selector =
                                                                                                                                    | string
                                                                                                                                    | ElementReference
                                                                                                                                    | ElementFunction
                                                                                                                                    | CustomStrategyReference
                                                                                                                                    | HTMLElement;

                                                                                                                                      type ThrottleOptions

                                                                                                                                      type ThrottleOptions = ThrottlePreset | CustomThrottle;

                                                                                                                                        type ThrottlePreset

                                                                                                                                        type ThrottlePreset =
                                                                                                                                        | 'offline'
                                                                                                                                        | 'GPRS'
                                                                                                                                        | 'Regular2G'
                                                                                                                                        | 'Good2G'
                                                                                                                                        | 'Regular3G'
                                                                                                                                        | 'Good3G'
                                                                                                                                        | 'Regular4G'
                                                                                                                                        | 'DSL'
                                                                                                                                        | 'WiFi'
                                                                                                                                        | 'online';

                                                                                                                                          type TouchActionParameter

                                                                                                                                          type TouchActionParameter = string | string[] | TouchAction | TouchAction[];

                                                                                                                                            type TouchActions

                                                                                                                                            type TouchActions = TouchActionParameter | TouchActionParameter[];

                                                                                                                                              type WaitForOptions

                                                                                                                                              type WaitForOptions = {
                                                                                                                                              timeout?: number;
                                                                                                                                              interval?: number;
                                                                                                                                              timeoutMsg?: string;
                                                                                                                                              reverse?: boolean;

                                                                                                                                                type WaitUntilOptions

                                                                                                                                                type WaitUntilOptions = {
                                                                                                                                                timeout?: number;
                                                                                                                                                timeoutMsg?: string;
                                                                                                                                                interval?: number;

                                                                                                                                                  Package Files (3)

                                                                                                                                                  Dependencies (24)

                                                                                                                                                  Dev Dependencies (5)

                                                                                                                                                  Peer Dependencies (1)


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