- Version 5.1.4
- Published
- 110 kB
- 13 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i webpack-cli
yarn add webpack-cli
pnpm add webpack-cli
CLI for webpack & friends
- buildConfig()
- builtInOptionsCache
- capitalizeFirstLetter
- checkPackageExists()
- colors
- createColors()
- createCompiler()
- doInstall()
- getAvailablePackageManagers()
- getBuiltInOptions()
- getDefaultPackageManager()
- getInfoOptions()
- getInfoOutput()
- getLogger()
- isColorSupportChanged
- isFunction()
- isMultipleCompiler()
- isPromise()
- isValidationError()
- loadConfig()
- loadJSONFile()
- loadWebpack()
- logger
- makeCommand()
- makeOption()
- needWatchStdin()
- program
- run()
- runWebpack()
- toKebabCase
- tryRequireThenImport()
- webpack
Type Aliases
- BasicPrimitive
- CallableOption
- Callback
- CommandAction
- CommanderOption
- ConfigOptions
- DynamicImport
- FileSystemCacheOptions
- FlagConfig
- Instantiable
- ModuleName
- PackageManager
- Path
- PotentialPromise
- ProcessedArguments
- WebpackCLICommandOptions
- WebpackCLIExternalCommandInfo
- WebpackCLIMainOption
- WebpackCompiler
- WebpackConfiguration
- WebpackDevServerOptions
interface BasicPackageJsonContent
interface BasicPackageJsonContent {}
property description
description: string;
property license
license: string;
property name
name: string;
property version
version: string;
interface CLIPluginOptions
interface CLIPluginOptions {}
Plugins and util types
property analyze
analyze?: boolean;
property configPath
configPath?: string[];
property helpfulOutput
helpfulOutput: boolean;
property hot
hot?: boolean | 'only';
property isMultiCompiler
isMultiCompiler?: boolean;
property prefetch
prefetch?: string;
property progress
progress?: boolean | 'profile';
interface ImportLoaderError
interface ImportLoaderError extends Error {}
property code
code?: string;
interface IWebpackCLI
interface IWebpackCLI {}
Webpack CLI
property builtInOptionsCache
builtInOptionsCache: WebpackCLIBuiltInOption[] | undefined;
property capitalizeFirstLetter
capitalizeFirstLetter: StringFormatter;
property colors
colors: WebpackCLIColors;
property isColorSupportChanged
isColorSupportChanged: boolean | undefined;
property logger
logger: WebpackCLILogger;
property program
program: WebpackCLICommand;
property toKebabCase
toKebabCase: StringFormatter;
property webpack
webpack: typeof webpack;
method buildConfig
buildConfig: ( config: WebpackCLIConfig, options: WebpackDevServerOptions) => Promise<WebpackCLIConfig>;
method checkPackageExists
checkPackageExists: (packageName: string) => boolean;
method createColors
createColors: (useColors?: boolean) => WebpackCLIColors;
method createCompiler
createCompiler: ( options: Partial<WebpackDevServerOptions>, callback?: Callback<[Error | undefined, WebpackCLIStats | undefined]>) => Promise<WebpackCompiler>;
method doInstall
doInstall: ( packageName: string, options?: PackageInstallOptions) => Promise<string>;
method getAvailablePackageManagers
getAvailablePackageManagers: () => PackageManager[];
method getBuiltInOptions
getBuiltInOptions: () => WebpackCLIBuiltInOption[];
method getDefaultPackageManager
getDefaultPackageManager: () => PackageManager | undefined;
method getInfoOptions
getInfoOptions: () => WebpackCLIBuiltInOption[];
method getInfoOutput
getInfoOutput: (options: { output: string; additionalPackage: string[];}) => Promise<string>;
method getLogger
getLogger: () => WebpackCLILogger;
method isFunction
isFunction: (value: unknown) => value is CallableFunction;
method isMultipleCompiler
isMultipleCompiler: (compiler: WebpackCompiler) => compiler is MultiCompiler;
method isPromise
isPromise: <T>(value: Promise<T>) => value is Promise<T>;
method isValidationError
isValidationError: (error: Error) => error is WebpackError;
method loadConfig
loadConfig: ( options: Partial<WebpackDevServerOptions>) => Promise<WebpackCLIConfig>;
method loadJSONFile
loadJSONFile: <T = unknown>(path: Path, handleError: boolean) => Promise<T>;
method loadWebpack
loadWebpack: (handleError?: boolean) => Promise<typeof webpack>;
method makeCommand
makeCommand: ( commandOptions: WebpackCLIOptions, options: WebpackCLICommandOptions, action: CommandAction) => Promise<WebpackCLICommand | undefined>;
method makeOption
makeOption: ( command: WebpackCLICommand, option: WebpackCLIBuiltInOption) => void;
method needWatchStdin
needWatchStdin: (compiler: Compiler | MultiCompiler) => boolean;
method run
run: ( args: Parameters<WebpackCLICommand['parseOptions']>[0], parseOptions?: ParseOptions) => Promise<void>;
method runWebpack
runWebpack: ( options: WebpackRunOptions, isWatchCommand: boolean) => Promise<void>;
method tryRequireThenImport
tryRequireThenImport: <T = unknown>( module: ModuleName, handleError: boolean) => Promise<T>;
interface JsonExt
interface JsonExt {}
property stringifyStream
stringifyStream: typeof stringifyStream;
interface PackageInstallOptions
interface PackageInstallOptions {}
property preMessage
preMessage?: () => void;
interface PromptOptions
interface PromptOptions {}
property defaultResponse
defaultResponse: string;
property message
message: string;
property stream
stream: NodeJS.WritableStream;
interface RechoirError
interface RechoirError extends Error {}
interface WebpackCLIBuiltInFlag
interface WebpackCLIBuiltInFlag {}
property alias
alias?: string;
property configs
configs?: Partial<FlagConfig>[];
property defaultValue
defaultValue?: string;
property describe
describe?: string;
property description
description: string;
property helpLevel
helpLevel: 'minimum' | 'verbose';
property multiple
multiple?: boolean;
property name
name: string;
property negatedDescription
negatedDescription?: string;
property negative
negative?: boolean;
property type
type?: ( value: string, previous: Record<string, BasicPrimitive | object>) => Record<string, BasicPrimitive | object>;
property valueName
valueName?: string;
interface WebpackCLIBuiltInOption
interface WebpackCLIBuiltInOption extends WebpackCLIBuiltInFlag {}
interface WebpackCLIColors
interface WebpackCLIColors extends Colorette {}
property isColorSupported
isColorSupported: boolean;
interface WebpackCLICommand
interface WebpackCLICommand extends Command {}
interface WebpackCLICommandOption
interface WebpackCLICommandOption extends CommanderOption {}
property helpLevel
helpLevel?: 'minimum' | 'verbose';
interface WebpackCLIConfig
interface WebpackCLIConfig {}
interface WebpackCLILogger
interface WebpackCLILogger {}
interface WebpackCLIOptions
interface WebpackCLIOptions extends CommandOptions {}
property alias
alias: string | string[];
property argsDescription
argsDescription?: { [argName: string]: string;};
property dependencies
dependencies?: string[];
property description
description?: string;
property name
name: string;
property pkg
pkg?: string;
property usage
usage?: string;
interface WebpackCLIStats
interface WebpackCLIStats extends Stats {}
property presetToOptions
presetToOptions?: (item: string | boolean) => StatsOptions;
interface WebpackRunOptions
interface WebpackRunOptions extends WebpackOptionsNormalized {}
property argv
argv?: Argv;
property env
env: Env;
property failOnWarnings
failOnWarnings?: boolean;
property isWatchingLikeCommand
isWatchingLikeCommand?: boolean;
property json
json?: boolean;
property progress
progress?: boolean | 'profile';
Type Aliases
type BasicPrimitive
type BasicPrimitive = string | boolean | number;
type CallableOption
type CallableOption = (env: Env | undefined, argv: Argv) => WebpackConfiguration;
type Callback
type Callback<T extends unknown[]> = (...args: T) => void;
type CommandAction
type CommandAction = Parameters<WebpackCLICommand['action']>[0];
type CommanderOption
type CommanderOption = InstanceType<OptionConstructor>;
type ConfigOptions
type ConfigOptions = PotentialPromise<WebpackConfiguration | CallableOption>;
type DynamicImport
type DynamicImport<T> = (url: string) => Promise<{ default: T;}>;
type FileSystemCacheOptions
type FileSystemCacheOptions = WebpackConfiguration & { cache: FileCacheOptions & { defaultConfig: string[]; };};
type FlagConfig
type FlagConfig = { negatedDescription: string; type: FlagType; values: FlagType[];};
type Instantiable
type Instantiable< InstanceType = unknown, ConstructorParameters extends unknown[] = unknown[]> = { new (...args: ConstructorParameters): InstanceType;};
type ModuleName
type ModuleName = string;
type PackageManager
type PackageManager = 'pnpm' | 'yarn' | 'npm';
Package management
type Path
type Path = string;
type PotentialPromise
type PotentialPromise<T> = T | Promise<T>;
type ProcessedArguments
type ProcessedArguments = Record< string, BasicPrimitive | RegExp | (BasicPrimitive | RegExp)[]>;
type WebpackCLICommandOptions
type WebpackCLICommandOptions = | WebpackCLIBuiltInOption[] | (() => Promise<WebpackCLIBuiltInOption[]>);
type WebpackCLIExternalCommandInfo
type WebpackCLIExternalCommandInfo = Pick< WebpackCLIOptions, 'name' | 'alias' | 'description'> & { pkg: string;};
type WebpackCLIMainOption
type WebpackCLIMainOption = Pick< WebpackCLIBuiltInOption, 'valueName' | 'description' | 'defaultValue' | 'multiple'> & { flags: string; type: Set<BooleanConstructor | StringConstructor | NumberConstructor>;};
type WebpackCompiler
type WebpackCompiler = Compiler | MultiCompiler;
type WebpackConfiguration
type WebpackConfiguration = Configuration;
type WebpackDevServerOptions
type WebpackDevServerOptions = DevServerConfig & WebpackConfiguration & ClientConfiguration & AssetEmittedInfo & WebpackOptionsNormalized & FileCacheOptions & Argv & { nodeEnv?: 'string'; watchOptionsStdin?: boolean; progress?: boolean | 'profile' | undefined; analyze?: boolean; prefetch?: string; json?: boolean; entry: EntryOptions; merge?: boolean; config: string[]; configName?: string[]; disableInterpret?: boolean; extends?: string[]; argv: Argv; };
Webpack dev server
Package Files (2)
Dependencies (13)
Dev Dependencies (1)
Peer Dependencies (1)
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