
  • Version 5.0.4
  • Published
  • 530 kB
  • 30 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i webpack-dev-server
yarn add webpack-dev-server
pnpm add webpack-dev-server


Serves a webpack app. Updates the browser on changes.





    class Server

    class Server {}


      constructor(options: any, compiler: any);
      • Parameter options

        Parameter compiler

      property app

      app: any;
      • {import("express").Application | undefined}

      property compiler

      compiler: any;

        property logger

        logger: any;
        • {ReturnType<Compiler["getInfrastructureLogger"]>}

        property middleware

        middleware: any;

          property options

          options: Configuration;

            property schema

            static readonly schema: {
            title: string;
            type: string;
            definitions: {
            AllowedHosts: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            minItems: number;
            items: { $ref: string };
            enum?: undefined;
            $ref?: undefined;
            | {
            enum: string[];
            type?: undefined;
            minItems?: undefined;
            items?: undefined;
            $ref?: undefined;
            | {
            $ref: string;
            type?: undefined;
            minItems?: undefined;
            items?: undefined;
            enum?: undefined;
            description: string;
            link: string;
            AllowedHostsItem: { type: string; minLength: number };
            Bonjour: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            cli: { negatedDescription: string };
            description?: undefined;
            link?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            description: string;
            link: string;
            cli?: undefined;
            description: string;
            link: string;
            Client: {
            description: string;
            link: string;
            anyOf: (
            | {
            enum: boolean[];
            cli: { negatedDescription: string };
            type?: undefined;
            additionalProperties?: undefined;
            properties?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            properties: {
            logging: { $ref: string };
            overlay: { $ref: string };
            progress: { $ref: string };
            reconnect: { $ref: string };
            webSocketTransport: { $ref: string };
            webSocketURL: { $ref: string };
            enum?: undefined;
            cli?: undefined;
            ClientLogging: { enum: string[]; description: string; link: string };
            ClientOverlay: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            description: string;
            link: string;
            type: string;
            cli: { negatedDescription: string };
            additionalProperties?: undefined;
            properties?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            properties: {
            errors: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            description: string;
            type: string;
            cli: { negatedDescription: string };
            instanceof?: undefined;
            | {
            instanceof: string;
            description: string;
            type?: undefined;
            cli?: undefined;
            warnings: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            description: string;
            type: string;
            cli: { negatedDescription: string };
            instanceof?: undefined;
            | {
            instanceof: string;
            description: string;
            type?: undefined;
            cli?: undefined;
            runtimeErrors: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            description: string;
            type: string;
            cli: { negatedDescription: string };
            instanceof?: undefined;
            | {
            instanceof: string;
            description: string;
            type?: undefined;
            cli?: undefined;
            trustedTypesPolicyName: {
            description: string;
            type: string;
            description?: undefined;
            link?: undefined;
            cli?: undefined;
            ClientProgress: {
            description: string;
            link: string;
            type: string;
            cli: { negatedDescription: string };
            ClientReconnect: {
            description: string;
            link: string;
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            cli: { negatedDescription: string };
            minimum?: undefined;
            | { type: string; minimum: number; cli?: undefined }
            ClientWebSocketTransport: {
            anyOf: { $ref: string }[];
            description: string;
            link: string;
            ClientWebSocketTransportEnum: { enum: string[] };
            ClientWebSocketTransportString: { type: string; minLength: number };
            ClientWebSocketURL: {
            description: string;
            link: string;
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            minLength: number;
            additionalProperties?: undefined;
            properties?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            properties: {
            hostname: {
            description: string;
            type: string;
            minLength: number;
            pathname: { description: string; type: string };
            password: { description: string; type: string };
            port: {
            description: string;
            anyOf: (
            | { type: string; minLength?: undefined }
            | { type: string; minLength: number }
            protocol: {
            description: string;
            anyOf: (
            | {
            enum: string[];
            type?: undefined;
            minLength?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            minLength: number;
            enum?: undefined;
            username: { description: string; type: string };
            minLength?: undefined;
            Compress: {
            type: string;
            description: string;
            link: string;
            cli: { negatedDescription: string };
            DevMiddleware: {
            description: string;
            link: string;
            type: string;
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            HeaderObject: {
            type: string;
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            properties: {
            key: { description: string; type: string };
            value: { description: string; type: string };
            cli: { exclude: boolean };
            Headers: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            items: { $ref: string };
            minItems: number;
            instanceof?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            items?: undefined;
            minItems?: undefined;
            instanceof?: undefined;
            | {
            instanceof: string;
            type?: undefined;
            items?: undefined;
            minItems?: undefined;
            description: string;
            link: string;
            HistoryApiFallback: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            cli: { negatedDescription: string };
            description?: undefined;
            link?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            description: string;
            link: string;
            cli?: undefined;
            description: string;
            link: string;
            Host: {
            description: string;
            link: string;
            anyOf: (
            | { enum: string[]; type?: undefined; minLength?: undefined }
            | { type: string; minLength: number; enum?: undefined }
            Hot: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            cli: { negatedDescription: string };
            enum?: undefined;
            | { enum: string[]; type?: undefined; cli?: undefined }
            description: string;
            link: string;
            IPC: {
            anyOf: (
            | { type: string; minLength: number; enum?: undefined }
            | { type: string; enum: boolean[]; minLength?: undefined }
            description: string;
            link: string;
            LiveReload: {
            type: string;
            description: string;
            cli: { negatedDescription: string };
            link: string;
            OnListening: { instanceof: string; description: string; link: string };
            Open: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            items: { anyOf: { $ref: string }[] };
            $ref?: undefined;
            | { $ref: string; type?: undefined; items?: undefined }
            description: string;
            link: string;
            OpenBoolean: { type: string; cli: { negatedDescription: string } };
            OpenObject: {
            type: string;
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            properties: {
            target: {
            anyOf: (
            | { type: string; items: { type: string } }
            | { type: string; items?: undefined }
            description: string;
            app: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            properties: {
            name: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            items: {
            type: string;
            minLength: number;
            minItems: number;
            minLength?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            minLength: number;
            items?: undefined;
            minItems?: undefined;
            arguments: {
            items: { type: string; minLength: number };
            minLength?: undefined;
            description?: undefined;
            cli?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            minLength: number;
            description: string;
            cli: { exclude: boolean };
            additionalProperties?: undefined;
            properties?: undefined;
            description: string;
            OpenString: { type: string; minLength: number };
            Port: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            minimum: number;
            maximum: number;
            minLength?: undefined;
            enum?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            minLength: number;
            minimum?: undefined;
            maximum?: undefined;
            enum?: undefined;
            | {
            enum: string[];
            type?: undefined;
            minimum?: undefined;
            maximum?: undefined;
            minLength?: undefined;
            description: string;
            link: string;
            Proxy: {
            type: string;
            items: {
            anyOf: (
            | { type: string; instanceof?: undefined }
            | { instanceof: string; type?: undefined }
            description: string;
            link: string;
            Server: { anyOf: { $ref: string }[]; link: string; description: string };
            ServerType: { enum: string[] };
            ServerEnum: { enum: string[]; cli: { exclude: boolean } };
            ServerString: {
            type: string;
            minLength: number;
            cli: { exclude: boolean };
            ServerObject: {
            type: string;
            properties: {
            type: { anyOf: { $ref: string }[] };
            options: { $ref: string };
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            ServerOptions: {
            type: string;
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            properties: {
            passphrase: { type: string; description: string };
            requestCert: {
            type: string;
            description: string;
            cli: { negatedDescription: string };
            ca: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            items: {
            anyOf: (
            | { type: string; instanceof?: undefined }
            | { instanceof: string; type?: undefined }
            instanceof?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            items?: undefined;
            instanceof?: undefined;
            | {
            instanceof: string;
            type?: undefined;
            items?: undefined;
            description: string;
            cert: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            items: {
            anyOf: (
            | { type: string; instanceof?: undefined }
            | { instanceof: string; type?: undefined }
            instanceof?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            items?: undefined;
            instanceof?: undefined;
            | {
            instanceof: string;
            type?: undefined;
            items?: undefined;
            description: string;
            crl: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            items: {
            anyOf: (
            | { type: string; instanceof?: undefined }
            | { instanceof: string; type?: undefined }
            instanceof?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            items?: undefined;
            instanceof?: undefined;
            | {
            instanceof: string;
            type?: undefined;
            items?: undefined;
            description: string;
            key: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            items: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            instanceof?: undefined;
            additionalProperties?: undefined;
            | {
            instanceof: string;
            type?: undefined;
            additionalProperties?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            instanceof?: undefined;
            instanceof?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            items?: undefined;
            instanceof?: undefined;
            | {
            instanceof: string;
            type?: undefined;
            items?: undefined;
            description: string;
            pfx: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            items: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            instanceof?: undefined;
            additionalProperties?: undefined;
            | {
            instanceof: string;
            type?: undefined;
            additionalProperties?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            instanceof?: undefined;
            instanceof?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            items?: undefined;
            instanceof?: undefined;
            | {
            instanceof: string;
            type?: undefined;
            items?: undefined;
            description: string;
            SetupExitSignals: {
            type: string;
            description: string;
            link: string;
            cli: { exclude: boolean };
            SetupMiddlewares: {
            instanceof: string;
            description: string;
            link: string;
            Static: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            items: { anyOf: { $ref: string }[] };
            cli?: undefined;
            $ref?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            cli: { negatedDescription: string };
            items?: undefined;
            $ref?: undefined;
            | {
            $ref: string;
            type?: undefined;
            items?: undefined;
            cli?: undefined;
            description: string;
            link: string;
            StaticObject: {
            type: string;
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            properties: {
            directory: {
            type: string;
            minLength: number;
            description: string;
            link: string;
            staticOptions: {
            type: string;
            link: string;
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            publicPath: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            items: { type: string };
            minItems: number;
            | {
            type: string;
            items?: undefined;
            minItems?: undefined;
            description: string;
            link: string;
            serveIndex: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            cli: { negatedDescription: string };
            additionalProperties?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            cli?: undefined;
            description: string;
            link: string;
            watch: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            cli: { negatedDescription: string };
            description?: undefined;
            link?: undefined;
            | {
            type: string;
            description: string;
            link: string;
            cli?: undefined;
            description: string;
            link: string;
            StaticString: { type: string; minLength: number };
            WatchFiles: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            items: { anyOf: { $ref: string }[] };
            $ref?: undefined;
            | { $ref: string; type?: undefined; items?: undefined }
            description: string;
            link: string;
            WatchFilesObject: {
            cli: { exclude: boolean };
            type: string;
            properties: {
            paths: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            type: string;
            items: { type: string; minLength: number };
            minLength?: undefined;
            | { type: string; minLength: number; items?: undefined }
            description: string;
            options: {
            type: string;
            description: string;
            link: string;
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            WatchFilesString: { type: string; minLength: number };
            WebSocketServer: {
            anyOf: { $ref: string }[];
            description: string;
            link: string;
            WebSocketServerType: { enum: string[] };
            WebSocketServerEnum: {
            anyOf: (
            | {
            enum: boolean[];
            cli: { negatedDescription: string; exclude?: undefined };
            | {
            enum: string[];
            cli: { exclude: boolean; negatedDescription?: undefined };
            WebSocketServerFunction: { instanceof: string };
            WebSocketServerObject: {
            type: string;
            properties: {
            type: { anyOf: { $ref: string }[] };
            options: {
            type: string;
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            cli: { exclude: boolean };
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            WebSocketServerString: {
            type: string;
            minLength: number;
            cli: { exclude: boolean };
            additionalProperties: boolean;
            properties: {
            allowedHosts: { $ref: string };
            bonjour: { $ref: string };
            client: { $ref: string };
            compress: { $ref: string };
            devMiddleware: { $ref: string };
            headers: { $ref: string };
            historyApiFallback: { $ref: string };
            host: { $ref: string };
            hot: { $ref: string };
            ipc: { $ref: string };
            liveReload: { $ref: string };
            onListening: { $ref: string };
            open: { $ref: string };
            port: { $ref: string };
            proxy: { $ref: string };
            server: { $ref: string };
            setupExitSignals: { $ref: string };
            setupMiddlewares: { $ref: string };
            static: { $ref: string };
            watchFiles: { $ref: string };
            webSocketServer: { $ref: string };

              property server

              server: any;
              • {import("http").Server | undefined | null}

              property sockets

              sockets: any[];
              • {Socket[]}

              property staticWatchers

              staticWatchers: any[];
              • {FSWatcher[]}

              property webSocketServer

              webSocketServer: WebSocketServerImplementation;
              • {WebSocketServerImplementation | undefined | null}

              method findCacheDir

              static findCacheDir: () => string;
              • Returns


              method findIp

              static findIp: (gateway: string) => string | undefined;
              • Parameter gateway


                {string | undefined}

              method getFreePort

              static getFreePort: (port: Port, host: string) => Promise<number | string>;
              • Parameter port

                Parameter host


                {Promise<number | string>}

              method getHostname

              static getHostname: (hostname: Host) => Promise<string>;
              • Parameter hostname



              method internalIP

              static internalIP: (family: 'v4' | 'v6') => Promise<string | undefined>;
              • Parameter family


                {Promise<string | undefined>}

              method internalIPSync

              static internalIPSync: (family: 'v4' | 'v6') => string | undefined;
              • Parameter family


                {string | undefined}

              method invalidate

              invalidate: (
              callback?: import('webpack-dev-middleware').Callback | undefined
              ) => void;
              • Parameter callback

              method isAbsoluteURL

              static isAbsoluteURL: (URL: string) => boolean;
              • Parameter URL



              method sendMessage

              sendMessage: (
              clients: ClientConnection[],
              type: string,
              data?: any,
              params?: any
              ) => void;
              • Parameter clients

                Parameter type

                Parameter data

                Parameter params

              method start

              start: () => Promise<void>;
              • Returns


              method startCallback

              startCallback: (callback?: (err?: Error) => void) => void;
              • Parameter callback

              method stop

              stop: () => Promise<void>;
              • Returns


              method stopCallback

              stopCallback: (callback?: (err?: Error) => void) => void;
              • Parameter callback

              method watchFiles

              watchFiles: (
              watchPath: string | string[],
              watchOptions?: import('chokidar').WatchOptions | undefined
              ) => void;
              • Parameter watchPath

                Parameter watchOptions

              Type Aliases

              type Bonjour

              type Bonjour = import('bonjour-service').Bonjour;

                type BonjourOptions

                type BonjourOptions = import('bonjour-service').Service;

                  type ByPass

                  type ByPass = (
                  req: Request,
                  res: Response,
                  proxyConfig: ProxyConfigArrayItem
                  ) => any;

                    type ClientConfiguration

                    type ClientConfiguration = {
                    logging?: 'none' | 'error' | 'warn' | 'info' | 'log' | 'verbose' | undefined;
                    | boolean
                    | {
                    warnings?: OverlayMessageOptions | undefined;
                    errors?: OverlayMessageOptions | undefined;
                    runtimeErrors?: OverlayMessageOptions | undefined;
                    | undefined;
                    progress?: boolean | undefined;
                    reconnect?: number | boolean | undefined;
                    webSocketTransport?: string | undefined;
                    webSocketURL?: string | WebSocketURL | undefined;

                      type ClientConnection

                      type ClientConnection = (
                      | import('ws').WebSocket
                      | (import('sockjs').Connection & {
                      send: import('ws').WebSocket['send'];
                      terminate: import('ws').WebSocket['terminate'];
                      ping: import('ws').WebSocket['ping'];
                      ) & {
                      isAlive?: boolean;

                        type Compiler

                        type Compiler = import('webpack').Compiler;

                          type Configuration

                          type Configuration = {
                          ipc?: string | boolean | undefined;
                          host?: string | undefined;
                          port?: Port | undefined;
                          hot?: boolean | 'only' | undefined;
                          liveReload?: boolean | undefined;
                          | DevMiddlewareOptions<
                          Record<string, any>
                          import('express').Response<any, Record<string, any>>
                          | undefined;
                          compress?: boolean | undefined;
                          allowedHosts?: string | string[] | undefined;
                          | boolean
                          | import('connect-history-api-fallback').Options
                          | undefined;
                          | boolean
                          | Record<string, never>
                          | import('bonjour-service').Service
                          | undefined;
                          | string
                          | string[]
                          | WatchFiles
                          | (string | WatchFiles)[]
                          | undefined;
                          static?: string | boolean | Static | (string | Static)[] | undefined;
                          https?: boolean | ServerOptions | undefined;
                          http2?: boolean | undefined;
                          server?: string | ServerConfiguration | undefined;
                          webSocketServer?: string | boolean | WebSocketServerConfiguration | undefined;
                          proxy?: ProxyConfigArray | undefined;
                          open?: string | boolean | Open | (string | Open)[] | undefined;
                          setupExitSignals?: boolean | undefined;
                          client?: boolean | ClientConfiguration | undefined;
                          | Headers
                          | ((
                          req: Request,
                          res: Response,
                          context: DevMiddlewareContext<Request, Response>
                          ) => Headers)
                          | undefined;
                          onListening?: ((devServer: Server) => void) | undefined;
                          | ((middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server) => Middleware[])
                          | undefined;

                            type ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions

                            type ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions =

                              type DevMiddlewareContext

                              type DevMiddlewareContext<
                              T extends import('express').Request<
                              Record<string, any>
                              U extends import('express').Response<any, Record<string, any>>
                              > = import('webpack-dev-middleware').Context<T, U>;

                                type DevMiddlewareOptions

                                type DevMiddlewareOptions<
                                T extends import('express').Request<
                                Record<string, any>
                                U extends import('express').Response<any, Record<string, any>>
                                > = import('webpack-dev-middleware').Options<T, U>;

                                  type ExpressErrorRequestHandler

                                  type ExpressErrorRequestHandler = import('express').ErrorRequestHandler;

                                    type ExpressRequestHandler

                                    type ExpressRequestHandler = import('express').RequestHandler;

                                      type FSWatcher

                                      type FSWatcher = import('chokidar').FSWatcher;

                                        type Headers

                                        type Headers =
                                        | Array<{
                                        key: string;
                                        value: string;
                                        | Record<string, string | string[]>;

                                          type Host

                                          type Host = 'local-ip' | 'local-ipv4' | 'local-ipv6' | string;

                                            type HttpProxyMiddlewareOptions

                                            type HttpProxyMiddlewareOptions = import('http-proxy-middleware').Options;

                                              type HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter

                                              type HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter = import('http-proxy-middleware').Filter;

                                                type IncomingMessage

                                                type IncomingMessage = import('http').IncomingMessage;

                                                  type IPv4

                                                  type IPv4 = import('ipaddr.js').IPv4;

                                                    type IPv6

                                                    type IPv6 = import('ipaddr.js').IPv6;

                                                      type Middleware

                                                      type Middleware =
                                                      | {
                                                      name?: string;
                                                      path?: string;
                                                      middleware: ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler;
                                                      | ExpressRequestHandler
                                                      | ExpressErrorRequestHandler;

                                                        type MultiCompiler

                                                        type MultiCompiler = import('webpack').MultiCompiler;

                                                          type MultiStats

                                                          type MultiStats = import('webpack').MultiStats;

                                                            type NetworkInterfaceInfo

                                                            type NetworkInterfaceInfo = import('os').NetworkInterfaceInfo;

                                                              type NextFunction

                                                              type NextFunction = import('express').NextFunction;

                                                                type NormalizedOpen

                                                                type NormalizedOpen = {
                                                                target: string;
                                                                options: import('open').Options;

                                                                  type NormalizedStatic

                                                                  type NormalizedStatic = {
                                                                  directory: string;
                                                                  publicPath: string[];
                                                                  serveIndex: false | ServeIndexOptions;
                                                                  staticOptions: ServeStaticOptions;
                                                                  watch: false | WatchOptions;

                                                                    type Open

                                                                    type Open = {
                                                                    app?: string | string[] | OpenApp | undefined;
                                                                    target?: string | string[] | undefined;

                                                                      type OpenApp

                                                                      type OpenApp = {
                                                                      name?: string | undefined;
                                                                      arguments?: string[] | undefined;

                                                                        type OpenOptions

                                                                        type OpenOptions = import('open').Options;

                                                                          type OverlayMessageOptions

                                                                          type OverlayMessageOptions = boolean | ((error: Error) => void);

                                                                            type Port

                                                                            type Port = number | string | 'auto';

                                                                              type ProxyConfigArray

                                                                              type ProxyConfigArray = (
                                                                              | ProxyConfigArrayItem
                                                                              | ((
                                                                              req?: Request | undefined,
                                                                              res?: Response | undefined,
                                                                              next?: NextFunction | undefined
                                                                              ) => ProxyConfigArrayItem)

                                                                                type ProxyConfigArrayItem

                                                                                type ProxyConfigArrayItem = {
                                                                                path?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined;
                                                                                context?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined;
                                                                                } & {
                                                                                bypass?: ByPass;
                                                                                } & HttpProxyMiddlewareOptions;

                                                                                  type Request

                                                                                  type Request = import('express').Request;

                                                                                    type RequestHandler

                                                                                    type RequestHandler = import('http-proxy-middleware').RequestHandler;

                                                                                      type Response

                                                                                      type Response = import('express').Response;

                                                                                        type Schema

                                                                                        type Schema = import('schema-utils/declarations/validate').Schema;

                                                                                          type ServeIndexOptions

                                                                                          type ServeIndexOptions = import('serve-index').Options;

                                                                                            type ServerConfiguration

                                                                                            type ServerConfiguration = {
                                                                                            type?: string | undefined;
                                                                                            options?: ServerOptions | undefined;

                                                                                              type ServerOptions

                                                                                              type ServerOptions = import('https').ServerOptions & {
                                                                                              spdy?: {
                                                                                              plain?: boolean | undefined;
                                                                                              ssl?: boolean | undefined;
                                                                                              'x-forwarded-for'?: string | undefined;
                                                                                              protocol?: string | undefined;
                                                                                              protocols?: string[] | undefined;

                                                                                                type ServerResponse

                                                                                                type ServerResponse = import('http').ServerResponse;

                                                                                                  type ServeStaticOptions

                                                                                                  type ServeStaticOptions = import('serve-static').ServeStaticOptions;

                                                                                                    type Socket

                                                                                                    type Socket = import('net').Socket;

                                                                                                      type Static

                                                                                                      type Static = {
                                                                                                      directory?: string | undefined;
                                                                                                      publicPath?: string | string[] | undefined;
                                                                                                      serveIndex?: boolean | import('serve-index').Options | undefined;
                                                                                                      | import('serve-static').ServeStaticOptions<
                                                                                                      | undefined;
                                                                                                      | boolean
                                                                                                      | (import('chokidar').WatchOptions & {
                                                                                                      aggregateTimeout?: number | undefined;
                                                                                                      ignored?: WatchOptions['ignored'];
                                                                                                      poll?: number | boolean | undefined;
                                                                                                      | undefined;

                                                                                                        type Stats

                                                                                                        type Stats = import('webpack').Stats;

                                                                                                          type StatsCompilation

                                                                                                          type StatsCompilation = import('webpack').StatsCompilation;

                                                                                                            type StatsOptions

                                                                                                            type StatsOptions = import('webpack').StatsOptions;

                                                                                                              type WatchFiles

                                                                                                              type WatchFiles = {
                                                                                                              paths: string | string[];
                                                                                                              | (import('chokidar').WatchOptions & {
                                                                                                              aggregateTimeout?: number | undefined;
                                                                                                              ignored?: WatchOptions['ignored'];
                                                                                                              poll?: number | boolean | undefined;
                                                                                                              | undefined;

                                                                                                                type WatchOptions

                                                                                                                type WatchOptions = import('chokidar').WatchOptions;

                                                                                                                  type WebpackConfiguration

                                                                                                                  type WebpackConfiguration = import('webpack').Configuration;

                                                                                                                    type WebSocketServer

                                                                                                                    type WebSocketServer =
                                                                                                                    | import('ws').WebSocketServer
                                                                                                                    | (import('sockjs').Server & {
                                                                                                                    close: import('ws').WebSocketServer['close'];

                                                                                                                      type WebSocketServerConfiguration

                                                                                                                      type WebSocketServerConfiguration = {
                                                                                                                      type?: string | Function | undefined;
                                                                                                                      options?: Record<string, any> | undefined;

                                                                                                                        type WebSocketServerImplementation

                                                                                                                        type WebSocketServerImplementation = {
                                                                                                                        implementation: WebSocketServer;
                                                                                                                        clients: ClientConnection[];

                                                                                                                          type WebSocketURL

                                                                                                                          type WebSocketURL = {
                                                                                                                          hostname?: string | undefined;
                                                                                                                          password?: string | undefined;
                                                                                                                          pathname?: string | undefined;
                                                                                                                          port?: string | number | undefined;
                                                                                                                          protocol?: string | undefined;
                                                                                                                          username?: string | undefined;

                                                                                                                            Package Files (1)

                                                                                                                            Dependencies (30)

                                                                                                                            Dev Dependencies (54)

                                                                                                                            Peer Dependencies (1)


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