
  • Version 5.0.0
  • Published
  • 36.7 kB
  • 2 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i webpack-manifest-plugin
yarn add webpack-manifest-plugin
pnpm add webpack-manifest-plugin


A Webpack Plugin for generating Asset Manifests



function getCompilerHooks

getCompilerHooks: (compiler: Compiler) => any;


    class WebpackManifestPlugin

    class WebpackManifestPlugin implements WebpackPluginInstance {}


      constructor(opts: Partial<InternalOptions>);

        method apply

        apply: (compiler: Compiler) => void;


          interface InternalOptions

          interface InternalOptions {}

            property assetHookStage

            assetHookStage: number;

              property basePath

              basePath: string;

                property fileName

                fileName: string;

                  property filter

                  filter: (file: FileDescriptor) => Boolean;

                    property generate

                    generate: (
                    seed: Record<any, any>,
                    files: FileDescriptor[],
                    entries: Record<string, string[]>
                    ) => Manifest;

                      property map

                      map: (file: FileDescriptor) => FileDescriptor;

                        property publicPath

                        publicPath: string;

                          property removeKeyHash

                          removeKeyHash: RegExp | false;

                            property seed

                            seed: Record<any, any>;

                              property serialize

                              serialize: (manifest: Manifest) => string;

                                property sort

                                sort: (fileA: FileDescriptor, fileB: FileDescriptor) => Number;

                                  property transformExtensions

                                  transformExtensions: RegExp;

                                    property useEntryKeys

                                    useEntryKeys: Boolean;

                                      property useLegacyEmit

                                      useLegacyEmit: Boolean;

                                        property writeToFileEmit

                                        writeToFileEmit: Boolean;

                                          index signature

                                          [key: string]: any;

                                            Type Aliases

                                            type EmitCountMap

                                            type EmitCountMap = Map<any, any>;

                                              type Manifest

                                              type Manifest = Record<string, any>;

                                                type ManifestPluginOptions

                                                type ManifestPluginOptions = Partial<InternalOptions>;

                                                  Package Files (2)

                                                  Dependencies (2)

                                                  Dev Dependencies (28)

                                                  Peer Dependencies (1)


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