
  • Version 5.10.0
  • Published
  • 47.9 kB
  • 3 dependencies
  • MIT license


npm i webpack-merge
yarn add webpack-merge
pnpm add webpack-merge


Variant of merge that's useful for webpack configuration



function customizeArray

customizeArray: (rules: {
[s: string]: CustomizeRule | CustomizeRuleString;
}) => (a: any, b: any, key: Key) => any;

    function customizeObject

    customizeObject: (rules: {
    [s: string]: CustomizeRule | CustomizeRuleString;
    }) => (a: any, b: any, key: Key) => any;

      function merge

      merge: <Configuration extends object>(
      firstConfiguration: Configuration | Configuration[],
      ...configurations: Configuration[]
      ) => Configuration;

        function mergeWithCustomize

        mergeWithCustomize: <Configuration extends object>(
        options: ICustomizeOptions
        ) => (
        firstConfiguration: Configuration | Configuration[],
        ...configurations: Configuration[]
        ) => Configuration;

          function mergeWithRules

          mergeWithRules: (
          rules: Rules
          ) => (firstConfiguration: object | object[], ...configurations: object[]) => object;

            function unique

            unique: (
            key: string,
            uniques: string[],
            getter: (a: object) => string
            ) => (a: [], b: [], k: string) => false | any[];


              enum CustomizeRule

              enum CustomizeRule {
              Match = 'match',
              Merge = 'merge',
              Append = 'append',
              Prepend = 'prepend',
              Replace = 'replace',

                member Append

                Append = 'append'

                  member Match

                  Match = 'match'

                    member Merge

                    Merge = 'merge'

                      member Prepend

                      Prepend = 'prepend'

                        member Replace

                        Replace = 'replace'

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