
  • Version 5.3.0
  • Published
  • 2.34 MB
  • No dependencies
  • MIT license


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Full xterm terminal, in your browser



namespace xterm

module 'xterm' {}
  • MIT

    This contains the type declarations for the xterm.js library. Note that some interfaces differ between this file and the actual implementation in src/, that's because this file declares the *public* API which is intended to be stable and consumed by external programs.

class Terminal

class Terminal implements IDisposable {}
  • The class that represents an xterm.js terminal.


constructor(options?: ITerminalOptions & ITerminalInitOnlyOptions);
  • Creates a new Terminal object.

    Parameter options

    An object containing a set of options.

property buffer

readonly buffer: IBufferNamespace;
  • Access to the terminal's normal and alt buffer.

property cols

readonly cols: number;
  • The number of columns in the terminal's viewport. Use ITerminalOptions.cols to set this in the constructor and Terminal.resize for when the terminal exists.

property element

readonly element: HTMLElement;
  • The element containing the terminal.

property markers

readonly markers: readonly IMarker[];
  • (EXPERIMENTAL) Get all markers registered against the buffer. If the alt buffer is active this will always return [].

property modes

readonly modes: IModes;
  • Gets the terminal modes as set by SM/DECSET.

property onBell

onBell: IEvent<void, void>;
  • Adds an event listener for when the bell is triggered.


    an IDisposable to stop listening.

property onBinary

onBinary: IEvent<string, void>;
  • Adds an event listener for when a binary event fires. This is used to enable non UTF-8 conformant binary messages to be sent to the backend. Currently this is only used for a certain type of mouse reports that happen to be not UTF-8 compatible. The event value is a JS string, pass it to the underlying pty as binary data, e.g. pty.write(Buffer.from(data, 'binary')).


    an IDisposable to stop listening.

property onCursorMove

onCursorMove: IEvent<void, void>;
  • Adds an event listener for the cursor moves.


    an IDisposable to stop listening.

property onData

onData: IEvent<string, void>;
  • Adds an event listener for when a data event fires. This happens for example when the user types or pastes into the terminal. The event value is whatever string results, in a typical setup, this should be passed on to the backing pty.


    an IDisposable to stop listening.

property onKey

onKey: IEvent<{ key: string; domEvent: KeyboardEvent }, void>;
  • Adds an event listener for when a key is pressed. The event value contains the string that will be sent in the data event as well as the DOM event that triggered it.


    an IDisposable to stop listening.

property onLineFeed

onLineFeed: IEvent<void, void>;
  • Adds an event listener for when a line feed is added.


    an IDisposable to stop listening.

property onRender

onRender: IEvent<{ start: number; end: number }, void>;
  • Adds an event listener for when rows are rendered. The event value contains the start row and end rows of the rendered area (ranges from 0 to Terminal.rows - 1).


    an IDisposable to stop listening.

property onResize

onResize: IEvent<{ cols: number; rows: number }, void>;
  • Adds an event listener for when the terminal is resized. The event value contains the new size.


    an IDisposable to stop listening.

property onScroll

onScroll: IEvent<number, void>;
  • Adds an event listener for when a scroll occurs. The event value is the new position of the viewport.


    an IDisposable to stop listening.

property onSelectionChange

onSelectionChange: IEvent<void, void>;
  • Adds an event listener for when a selection change occurs.


    an IDisposable to stop listening.

property onTitleChange

onTitleChange: IEvent<string, void>;
  • Adds an event listener for when an OSC 0 or OSC 2 title change occurs. The event value is the new title.


    an IDisposable to stop listening.

property onWriteParsed

onWriteParsed: IEvent<void, void>;
  • Adds an event listener for when data has been parsed by the terminal, after write is called. This event is useful to listen for any changes in the buffer.

    This fires at most once per frame, after data parsing completes. Note that this can fire when there are still writes pending if there is a lot of data.

property options

options: ITerminalOptions;
  • Gets or sets the terminal options. This supports setting multiple options.

    Example 1

    Get a single option


    Example 2

    Set a single option:

    terminal.options.fontSize = 12;

    Note that for options that are object, a new object must be used in order to take effect as a reference comparison will be done:

    const newValue = terminal.options.theme;
    newValue.background = '#000000';
    // This won't work
    terminal.options.theme = newValue;
    // This will work
    terminal.options.theme = { ...newValue };

    Example 3

    Set multiple options

    terminal.options = {
    fontSize: 12,
    fontFamily: 'Courier New'

property parser

readonly parser: IParser;
  • Get the parser interface to register custom escape sequence handlers.

property rows

readonly rows: number;
  • The number of rows in the terminal's viewport. Use ITerminalOptions.rows to set this in the constructor and Terminal.resize for when the terminal exists.

property strings

static strings: ILocalizableStrings;
  • Natural language strings that can be localized.

property textarea

readonly textarea: HTMLTextAreaElement;
  • The textarea that accepts input for the terminal.

property unicode

readonly unicode: IUnicodeHandling;
  • (EXPERIMENTAL) Get the Unicode handling interface to register and switch Unicode version.

method attachCustomKeyEventHandler

attachCustomKeyEventHandler: (
customKeyEventHandler: (event: KeyboardEvent) => boolean
) => void;
  • Attaches a custom key event handler which is run before keys are processed, giving consumers of xterm.js ultimate control as to what keys should be processed by the terminal and what keys should not.

    Parameter customKeyEventHandler

    The custom KeyboardEvent handler to attach. This is a function that takes a KeyboardEvent, allowing consumers to stop propagation and/or prevent the default action. The function returns whether the event should be processed by xterm.js.

    Example 1

    A custom keymap that overrides the backspace key

    const keymap = [
    { "key": "Backspace", "shiftKey": false, "mapCode": 8 },
    { "key": "Backspace", "shiftKey": true, "mapCode": 127 }
    term.attachCustomKeyEventHandler(ev => {
    if (ev.type === 'keydown') {
    for (let i in keymap) {
    if (keymap[i].key == ev.key && keymap[i].shiftKey == ev.shiftKey) {
    return false;

method blur

blur: () => void;
  • Unfocus the terminal.

method clear

clear: () => void;
  • Clear the entire buffer, making the prompt line the new first line.

method clearSelection

clearSelection: () => void;
  • Clears the current terminal selection.

method clearTextureAtlas

clearTextureAtlas: () => void;
  • Clears the texture atlas of the canvas renderer if it's active. Doing this will force a redraw of all glyphs which can workaround issues causing the texture to become corrupt, for example Chromium/Nvidia has an issue where the texture gets messed up when resuming the OS from sleep.

method deregisterCharacterJoiner

deregisterCharacterJoiner: (joinerId: number) => void;
  • (EXPERIMENTAL) Deregisters the character joiner if one was registered. NOTE: character joiners are only used by the canvas renderer.

    Parameter joinerId

    The character joiner's ID (returned after register)

method dispose

dispose: () => void;

    method focus

    focus: () => void;
    • Focus the terminal.

    method getSelection

    getSelection: () => string;
    • Gets the terminal's current selection, this is useful for implementing copy behavior outside of xterm.js.

    method getSelectionPosition

    getSelectionPosition: () => IBufferRange | undefined;
    • Gets the selection position or undefined if there is no selection.

    method hasSelection

    hasSelection: () => boolean;
    • Gets whether the terminal has an active selection.

    method loadAddon

    loadAddon: (addon: ITerminalAddon) => void;
    • Loads an addon into this instance of xterm.js.

      Parameter addon

      The addon to load.

    method open

    open: (parent: HTMLElement) => void;
    • Opens the terminal within an element.

      Parameter parent

      The element to create the terminal within. This element must be visible (have dimensions) when open is called as several DOM- based measurements need to be performed when this function is called.

    method paste

    paste: (data: string) => void;
    • Writes text to the terminal, performing the necessary transformations for pasted text.

      Parameter data

      The text to write to the terminal.

    method refresh

    refresh: (start: number, end: number) => void;
    • Tells the renderer to refresh terminal content between two rows (inclusive) at the next opportunity.

      Parameter start

      The row to start from (between 0 and this.rows - 1).

      Parameter end

      The row to end at (between start and this.rows - 1).

    method registerCharacterJoiner

    registerCharacterJoiner: (
    handler: (text: string) => [number, number][]
    ) => number;
    • (EXPERIMENTAL) Registers a character joiner, allowing custom sequences of characters to be rendered as a single unit. This is useful in particular for rendering ligatures and graphemes, among other things.

      Each registered character joiner is called with a string of text representing a portion of a line in the terminal that can be rendered as a single unit. The joiner must return a sorted array, where each entry is itself an array of length two, containing the start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) index of a substring of the input that should be rendered as a single unit. When multiple joiners are provided, the results of each are collected. If there are any overlapping substrings between them, they are combined into one larger unit that is drawn together.

      All character joiners that are registered get called every time a line is rendered in the terminal, so it is essential for the handler function to run as quickly as possible to avoid slowdowns when rendering. Similarly, joiners should strive to return the smallest possible substrings to render together, since they aren't drawn as optimally as individual characters.

      NOTE: character joiners are only used by the canvas renderer.

      Parameter handler

      The function that determines character joins. It is called with a string of text that is eligible for joining and returns an array where each entry is an array containing the start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) indexes of ranges that should be rendered as a single unit.


      The ID of the new joiner, this can be used to deregister

    method registerDecoration

    registerDecoration: (
    decorationOptions: IDecorationOptions
    ) => IDecoration | undefined;
    • (EXPERIMENTAL) Adds a decoration to the terminal using

      Parameter decorationOptions

      , which takes a marker and an optional anchor, width, height, and x offset from the anchor. Returns the decoration or undefined if the alt buffer is active or the marker has already been disposed of.


      when options include a negative x offset.

    method registerLinkProvider

    registerLinkProvider: (linkProvider: ILinkProvider) => IDisposable;
    • Registers a link provider, allowing a custom parser to be used to match and handle links. Multiple link providers can be used, they will be asked in the order in which they are registered.

      Parameter linkProvider

      The link provider to use to detect links.

    method registerMarker

    registerMarker: (cursorYOffset?: number) => IMarker;
    • Adds a marker to the normal buffer and returns it.

      Parameter cursorYOffset

      The y position offset of the marker from the cursor.


      The new marker or undefined.

    method reset

    reset: () => void;
    • Perform a full reset (RIS, aka '\x1bc').

    method resize

    resize: (columns: number, rows: number) => void;
    • Resizes the terminal. It's best practice to debounce calls to resize, this will help ensure that the pty can respond to the resize event before another one occurs.

      Parameter x

      The number of columns to resize to.

      Parameter y

      The number of rows to resize to.

    method scrollLines

    scrollLines: (amount: number) => void;
    • Scroll the display of the terminal

      Parameter amount

      The number of lines to scroll down (negative scroll up).

    method scrollPages

    scrollPages: (pageCount: number) => void;
    • Scroll the display of the terminal by a number of pages.

      Parameter pageCount

      The number of pages to scroll (negative scrolls up).

    method scrollToBottom

    scrollToBottom: () => void;
    • Scrolls the display of the terminal to the bottom.

    method scrollToLine

    scrollToLine: (line: number) => void;
    • Scrolls to a line within the buffer.

      Parameter line

      The 0-based line index to scroll to.

    method scrollToTop

    scrollToTop: () => void;
    • Scrolls the display of the terminal to the top.

    method select

    select: (column: number, row: number, length: number) => void;
    • Selects text within the terminal.

      Parameter column

      The column the selection starts at.

      Parameter row

      The row the selection starts at.

      Parameter length

      The length of the selection.

    method selectAll

    selectAll: () => void;
    • Selects all text within the terminal.

    method selectLines

    selectLines: (start: number, end: number) => void;
    • Selects text in the buffer between 2 lines.

      Parameter start

      The 0-based line index to select from (inclusive).

      Parameter end

      The 0-based line index to select to (inclusive).

    method write

    write: (data: string | Uint8Array, callback?: () => void) => void;
    • Write data to the terminal.

      Parameter data

      The data to write to the terminal. This can either be raw bytes given as Uint8Array from the pty or a string. Raw bytes will always be treated as UTF-8 encoded, string data as UTF-16.

      Parameter callback

      Optional callback that fires when the data was processed by the parser.

    method writeln

    writeln: (data: string | Uint8Array, callback?: () => void) => void;
    • Writes data to the terminal, followed by a break line character (\n).

      Parameter data

      The data to write to the terminal. This can either be raw bytes given as Uint8Array from the pty or a string. Raw bytes will always be treated as UTF-8 encoded, string data as UTF-16.

      Parameter callback

      Optional callback that fires when the data was processed by the parser.

    interface IBuffer

    interface IBuffer {}
    • Represents a terminal buffer.

    property baseY

    readonly baseY: number;
    • The line within the buffer where the top of the bottom page is (when fully scrolled down).

    property cursorX

    readonly cursorX: number;
    • The x position of the cursor. This ranges between 0 (left side) and Terminal.cols (after last cell of the row).

    property cursorY

    readonly cursorY: number;
    • The y position of the cursor. This ranges between 0 (when the cursor is at baseY) and Terminal.rows - 1 (when the cursor is on the last row).

    property length

    readonly length: number;
    • The amount of lines in the buffer.

    property type

    readonly type: 'normal' | 'alternate';
    • The type of the buffer.

    property viewportY

    readonly viewportY: number;
    • The line within the buffer where the top of the viewport is.

    method getLine

    getLine: (y: number) => IBufferLine | undefined;
    • Gets a line from the buffer, or undefined if the line index does not exist.

      Note that the result of this function should be used immediately after calling as when the terminal updates it could lead to unexpected behavior.

      Parameter y

      The line index to get.

    method getNullCell

    getNullCell: () => IBufferCell;
    • Creates an empty cell object suitable as a cell reference in line.getCell(x, cell). Use this to avoid costly recreation of cell objects when dealing with tons of cells.

    interface IBufferCell

    interface IBufferCell {}
    • Represents a single cell in the terminal's buffer.

    method getBgColor

    getBgColor: () => number;
    • Gets a cell's background color number, this differs depending on what the color mode of the cell is:

      - Default: This should be 0, representing the default background color (CSI 49 m). - Palette: This is a number from 0 to 255 of ANSI colors (CSI 4(0-7) m, CSI 10(0-7) m, CSI 48 ; 5 ; 0-255 m). - RGB: A hex value representing a 'true color': 0xRRGGBB (CSI 4 8 ; 2 ; Pi ; Pr ; Pg ; Pb)

    method getBgColorMode

    getBgColorMode: () => number;
    • Gets the number representation of the background color mode, this can be used to perform quick comparisons of 2 cells to see if they're the same. Use isBgRGB, isBgPalette and isBgDefault to check what color mode a cell is.

    method getChars

    getChars: () => string;
    • The character(s) within the cell. Examples of what this can contain:

      - A normal width character - A wide character (eg. CJK) - An emoji

    method getCode

    getCode: () => number;
    • Gets the UTF32 codepoint of single characters, if content is a combined string it returns the codepoint of the last character in the string.

    method getFgColor

    getFgColor: () => number;
    • Gets a cell's foreground color number, this differs depending on what the color mode of the cell is:

      - Default: This should be 0, representing the default foreground color (CSI 39 m). - Palette: This is a number from 0 to 255 of ANSI colors (CSI 3(0-7) m, CSI 9(0-7) m, CSI 38 ; 5 ; 0-255 m). - RGB: A hex value representing a 'true color': 0xRRGGBB. (CSI 3 8 ; 2 ; Pi ; Pr ; Pg ; Pb)

    method getFgColorMode

    getFgColorMode: () => number;
    • Gets the number representation of the foreground color mode, this can be used to perform quick comparisons of 2 cells to see if they're the same. Use isFgRGB, isFgPalette and isFgDefault to check what color mode a cell is.

    method getWidth

    getWidth: () => number;
    • The width of the character. Some examples:

      - 1 for most cells. - 2 for wide character like CJK glyphs. - 0 for cells immediately following cells with a width of 2.

    method isAttributeDefault

    isAttributeDefault: () => boolean;
    • Whether the cell has the default attribute (no color or style).

    method isBgDefault

    isBgDefault: () => boolean;
    • Whether the cell is using the default background color mode.

    method isBgPalette

    isBgPalette: () => boolean;
    • Whether the cell is using the palette background color mode.

    method isBgRGB

    isBgRGB: () => boolean;
    • Whether the cell is using the RGB background color mode.

    isBlink: () => number;
    • Whether the cell has the blink attribute (CSI 5 m).

    method isBold

    isBold: () => number;
    • Whether the cell has the bold attribute (CSI 1 m).

    method isDim

    isDim: () => number;
    • Whether the cell has the dim attribute (CSI 2 m).

    method isFgDefault

    isFgDefault: () => boolean;
    • Whether the cell is using the default foreground color mode.

    method isFgPalette

    isFgPalette: () => boolean;
    • Whether the cell is using the palette foreground color mode.

    method isFgRGB

    isFgRGB: () => boolean;
    • Whether the cell is using the RGB foreground color mode.

    method isInverse

    isInverse: () => number;
    • Whether the cell has the inverse attribute (CSI 7 m).

    method isInvisible

    isInvisible: () => number;
    • Whether the cell has the invisible attribute (CSI 8 m).

    method isItalic

    isItalic: () => number;
    • Whether the cell has the italic attribute (CSI 3 m).

    method isOverline

    isOverline: () => number;
    • Whether the cell has the overline attribute (CSI 53 m).

    method isStrikethrough

    isStrikethrough: () => number;
    • Whether the cell has the strikethrough attribute (CSI 9 m).

    method isUnderline

    isUnderline: () => number;
    • Whether the cell has the underline attribute (CSI 4 m).

    interface IBufferCellPosition

    interface IBufferCellPosition {}
    • A position within a buffer.

    property x

    x: number;
    • The x position within the buffer (1-based).

    property y

    y: number;
    • The y position within the buffer (1-based).

    interface IBufferElementProvider

    interface IBufferElementProvider {}

      method provideBufferElements

      provideBufferElements: () => DocumentFragment | HTMLElement;
      • Provides a document fragment or HTMLElement containing the buffer elements.

      interface IBufferLine

      interface IBufferLine {}
      • Represents a line in the terminal's buffer.

      property isWrapped

      readonly isWrapped: boolean;
      • Whether the line is wrapped from the previous line.

      property length

      readonly length: number;
      • The length of the line, all call to getCell beyond the length will result in undefined. Note that this may exceed columns as the line array may not be trimmed after a resize, compare against Terminal.cols to get the actual maximum length of a line.

      method getCell

      getCell: (x: number, cell?: IBufferCell) => IBufferCell | undefined;
      • Gets a cell from the line, or undefined if the line index does not exist.

        Note that the result of this function should be used immediately after calling as when the terminal updates it could lead to unexpected behavior.

        Parameter x

        The character index to get.

        Parameter cell

        Optional cell object to load data into for performance reasons. This is mainly useful when every cell in the buffer is being looped over to avoid creating new objects for every cell.

      method translateToString

      translateToString: (
      trimRight?: boolean,
      startColumn?: number,
      endColumn?: number
      ) => string;
      • Gets the line as a string. Note that this is gets only the string for the line, not taking isWrapped into account.

        Parameter trimRight

        Whether to trim any whitespace at the right of the line.

        Parameter startColumn

        The column to start from (inclusive).

        Parameter endColumn

        The column to end at (exclusive).

      interface IBufferNamespace

      interface IBufferNamespace {}
      • Represents the terminal's set of buffers.

      property active

      readonly active: IBuffer;
      • The active buffer, this will either be the normal or alternate buffers.

      property alternate

      readonly alternate: IBuffer;
      • The alternate buffer, this becomes the active buffer when an application enters this mode via DECSET (CSI ? 4 7 h)

      property normal

      readonly normal: IBuffer;
      • The normal buffer.

      property onBufferChange

      onBufferChange: IEvent<IBuffer>;
      • Adds an event listener for when the active buffer changes.


        an IDisposable to stop listening.

      interface IBufferRange

      interface IBufferRange {}
      • A range within a buffer.

      property end

      end: IBufferCellPosition;
      • The end position of the range.

      property start

      start: IBufferCellPosition;
      • The start position of the range.

      interface IDecoration

      interface IDecoration extends IDisposableWithEvent {}
      • Represents a decoration in the terminal that is associated with a particular marker and DOM element.

      property element

      element: HTMLElement | undefined;
      • The element that the decoration is rendered to. This will be undefined until it is rendered for the first time by IDecoration.onRender. that.

      property marker

      readonly marker: IMarker;

        property onRender

        readonly onRender: IEvent<HTMLElement>;
        • An event fired when the decoration is rendered, returns the dom element associated with the decoration.

        property options

        options: Pick<IDecorationOptions, 'overviewRulerOptions'>;

        interface IDecorationOptions

        interface IDecorationOptions {}

          property anchor

          readonly anchor?: 'right' | 'left';

            property backgroundColor

            readonly backgroundColor?: string;
            • The background color of the cell(s). When 2 decorations both set the foreground color the last registered decoration will be used. Only the #RRGGBB format is supported.

            property foregroundColor

            readonly foregroundColor?: string;
            • The foreground color of the cell(s). When 2 decorations both set the foreground color the last registered decoration will be used. Only the #RRGGBB format is supported.

            property height

            readonly height?: number;
            • The height of the decoration in cells, defaults to 1.

            property layer

            readonly layer?: 'bottom' | 'top';
            • What layer to render the decoration at when backgroundColor or foregroundColor are used. 'bottom' will render under the selection, 'top' will render above the selection*.

              ** The selection will render on top regardless of layer on the canvas renderer due to how it renders selection separately.*

            property marker

            readonly marker: IMarker;
            • The line in the terminal where the decoration will be displayed

            property overviewRulerOptions

            overviewRulerOptions?: IDecorationOverviewRulerOptions;
            • When defined, renders the decoration in the overview ruler to the right of the terminal. ITerminalOptions.overviewRulerWidth must be set in order to see the overview ruler.

              Parameter color

              The color of the decoration.

              Parameter position

              The position of the decoration.

            property width

            readonly width?: number;
            • The width of the decoration in cells, defaults to 1.

            property x

            readonly x?: number;
            • The x position offset relative to the anchor

            interface IDecorationOverviewRulerOptions

            interface IDecorationOverviewRulerOptions {}
            • Overview ruler decoration options

            property color

            color: string;

              property position

              position?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right' | 'full';

                interface IDisposable

                interface IDisposable {}
                • An object that can be disposed via a dispose function.

                method dispose

                dispose: () => void;

                  interface IDisposableWithEvent

                  interface IDisposableWithEvent extends IDisposable {}
                  • Represents a disposable that tracks is disposed state.

                  property isDisposed

                  readonly isDisposed: boolean;
                  • Whether this is disposed.

                  property onDispose

                  onDispose: IEvent<void>;
                  • Event listener to get notified when this gets disposed.

                  interface IEvent

                  interface IEvent<T, U = void> {}
                  • An event that can be listened to.


                    an IDisposable to stop listening.

                  call signature

                  (listener: (arg1: T, arg2: U) => any): IDisposable;

                    interface IFunctionIdentifier

                    interface IFunctionIdentifier {}
                    • Data type to register a CSI, DCS or ESC callback in the parser in the form: ESC I..I F CSI Prefix P..P I..I F DCS Prefix P..P I..I F data_bytes ST

                      with these rules/restrictions: - prefix can only be used with CSI and DCS - only one leading prefix byte is recognized by the parser before any other parameter bytes (P..P) - intermediate bytes are recognized up to 2

                      For custom sequences make sure to read ECMA-48 and the resources at vt100.net to not clash with existing sequences or reserved address space. General recommendations: - use private address space (see ECMA-48) - use max one intermediate byte (technically not limited by the spec, in practice there are no sequences with more than one intermediate byte, thus parsers might get confused with more intermediates) - test against other common emulators to check whether they escape/ignore the sequence correctly

                      Notes: OSC command registration is handled differently (see addOscHandler) APC, PM or SOS is currently not supported.

                    property final

                    final: string;
                    • Final byte, must be in range \x40 .. \x7e for CSI and DCS, \x30 .. \x7e for ESC.

                    property intermediates

                    intermediates?: string;
                    • Optional intermediate bytes, must be in range \x20 .. \x2f. Usable in CSI, DCS and ESC.

                    property prefix

                    prefix?: string;
                    • Optional prefix byte, must be in range \x3c .. \x3f. Usable in CSI and DCS.

                    interface ILink {}
                    • A link within the terminal.

                    property decorations

                    decorations?: ILinkDecorations;
                    • What link decorations to show when hovering the link, this property is tracked and changes made after the link is provided will trigger changes. If not set, all decroations will be enabled.

                    property range

                    range: IBufferRange;
                    • The buffer range of the link.

                    property text

                    text: string;
                    • The text of the link.

                    method activate

                    activate: (event: MouseEvent, text: string) => void;
                    • Calls when the link is activated.

                      Parameter event

                      The mouse event triggering the callback.

                      Parameter text

                      The text of the link.

                    method dispose

                    dispose: () => void;
                    • Called when the link is released and no longer used by xterm.js.

                    method hover

                    hover: (event: MouseEvent, text: string) => void;
                    • Called when the mouse hovers the link. To use this to create a DOM-based hover tooltip, create the hover element within Terminal.element and add the xterm-hover class to it, that will cause mouse events to not fall through and activate other links.

                      Parameter event

                      The mouse event triggering the callback.

                      Parameter text

                      The text of the link.

                    method leave

                    leave: (event: MouseEvent, text: string) => void;
                    • Called when the mouse leaves the link.

                      Parameter event

                      The mouse event triggering the callback.

                      Parameter text

                      The text of the link.

                    interface ILinkDecorations

                    interface ILinkDecorations {}
                    • A set of decorations that can be applied to links.

                    property pointerCursor

                    pointerCursor: boolean;
                    • Whether the cursor is set to pointer.

                    property underline

                    underline: boolean;
                    • Whether the underline is visible

                    interface ILinkHandler

                    interface ILinkHandler {}
                    • A link handler for OSC 8 hyperlinks.

                    property allowNonHttpProtocols

                    allowNonHttpProtocols?: boolean;
                    • Whether to receive non-HTTP URLs from LinkProvider. When false, any usage of non-HTTP URLs will be ignored. Enabling this option without proper protection in activate function may cause security issues such as XSS.

                    method activate

                    activate: (event: MouseEvent, text: string, range: IBufferRange) => void;
                    • Calls when the link is activated.

                      Parameter event

                      The mouse event triggering the callback.

                      Parameter text

                      The text of the link.

                      Parameter range

                      The buffer range of the link.

                    method hover

                    hover: (event: MouseEvent, text: string, range: IBufferRange) => void;
                    • Called when the mouse hovers the link. To use this to create a DOM-based hover tooltip, create the hover element within Terminal.element and add the xterm-hover class to it, that will cause mouse events to not fall through and activate other links.

                      Parameter event

                      The mouse event triggering the callback.

                      Parameter text

                      The text of the link.

                      Parameter range

                      The buffer range of the link.

                    method leave

                    leave: (event: MouseEvent, text: string, range: IBufferRange) => void;
                    • Called when the mouse leaves the link.

                      Parameter event

                      The mouse event triggering the callback.

                      Parameter text

                      The text of the link.

                      Parameter range

                      The buffer range of the link.

                    interface ILinkProvider

                    interface ILinkProvider {}
                    • A custom link provider.

                    provideLinks: (
                    bufferLineNumber: number,
                    callback: (links: ILink[] | undefined) => void
                    ) => void;
                    • Provides a link a buffer position

                      Parameter bufferLineNumber

                      The y position of the buffer to check for links within.

                      Parameter callback

                      The callback to be fired when ready with the resulting link(s) for the line or undefined.

                    interface ILocalizableStrings

                    interface ILocalizableStrings {}
                    • The set of localizable strings.

                    property promptLabel

                    promptLabel: string;
                    • The aria label for the underlying input textarea for the terminal.

                    property tooMuchOutput

                    tooMuchOutput: string;
                    • Announcement for when line reading is suppressed due to too many lines being printed to the terminal when screenReaderMode is enabled.

                    interface ILogger

                    interface ILogger {}
                    • A replacement logger for console.

                    method debug

                    debug: (message: string, ...args: any[]) => void;

                    method error

                    error: (message: string | Error, ...args: any[]) => void;

                    method info

                    info: (message: string, ...args: any[]) => void;

                    method trace

                    trace: (message: string, ...args: any[]) => void;

                    method warn

                    warn: (message: string, ...args: any[]) => void;

                    interface IMarker

                    interface IMarker extends IDisposableWithEvent {}
                    • Represents a specific line in the terminal that is tracked when scrollback is trimmed and lines are added or removed. This is a single line that may be part of a larger wrapped line.

                    property id

                    readonly id: number;
                    • A unique identifier for this marker.

                    property line

                    readonly line: number;
                    • The actual line index in the buffer at this point in time. This is set to -1 if the marker has been disposed.

                    interface IModes

                    interface IModes {}
                    • Terminal modes as set by SM/DECSET.

                    property applicationCursorKeysMode

                    readonly applicationCursorKeysMode: boolean;
                    • Application Cursor Keys (DECCKM): CSI ? 1 h

                    property applicationKeypadMode

                    readonly applicationKeypadMode: boolean;
                    • Application Keypad Mode (DECNKM): CSI ? 6 6 h

                    property bracketedPasteMode

                    readonly bracketedPasteMode: boolean;
                    • Bracketed Paste Mode: CSI ? 2 0 0 4 h

                    property insertMode

                    readonly insertMode: boolean;
                    • Insert Mode (IRM): CSI 4 h

                    property mouseTrackingMode

                    readonly mouseTrackingMode: 'none' | 'x10' | 'vt200' | 'drag' | 'any';
                    • Mouse Tracking, this can be one of the following: - none: This is the default value and can be reset with DECRST - x10: Send Mouse X & Y on button press CSI ? 9 h - vt200: Send Mouse X & Y on button press and release CSI ? 1 0 0 0 h - drag: Use Cell Motion Mouse Tracking CSI ? 1 0 0 2 h - any: Use All Motion Mouse Tracking CSI ? 1 0 0 3 h

                    property originMode

                    readonly originMode: boolean;
                    • Origin Mode (DECOM): CSI ? 6 h

                    property reverseWraparoundMode

                    readonly reverseWraparoundMode: boolean;
                    • Reverse-wraparound Mode: CSI ? 4 5 h

                    property sendFocusMode

                    readonly sendFocusMode: boolean;
                    • Send FocusIn/FocusOut events: CSI ? 1 0 0 4 h

                    property wraparoundMode

                    readonly wraparoundMode: boolean;
                    • Auto-Wrap Mode (DECAWM): CSI ? 7 h

                    interface IParser

                    interface IParser {}
                    • Allows hooking into the parser for custom handling of escape sequences.

                      Note on sync vs. async handlers: xterm.js implements all parser actions with synchronous handlers. In general custom handlers should also operate in sync mode wherever possible to keep the parser fast. Still the exposed interfaces allow to register async handlers by returning a Promise<boolean>. Here the parser will pause input processing until the promise got resolved or rejected (in-band blocking). This "full stop" on the input chain allows to implement backpressure from a certain async action while the terminal state will not progress any further from input. It does not mean that the terminal state will not change at all in between, as user actions like resize or reset are still processed immediately. It is an error to assume a stable terminal state while giving back control in between, e.g. by multiple chained then calls. Downside of an async handler is a rather bad throughput performance, thus use async handlers only as a last resort or for actions that have to rely on async interfaces itself.

                    method registerCsiHandler

                    registerCsiHandler: (
                    id: IFunctionIdentifier,
                    callback: (params: (number | number[])[]) => boolean | Promise<boolean>
                    ) => IDisposable;
                    • Adds a handler for CSI escape sequences.

                      Parameter id

                      Specifies the function identifier under which the callback gets registered, e.g. {final: 'm'} for SGR.

                      Parameter callback

                      The function to handle the sequence. The callback is called with the numerical params. If the sequence has subparams the array will contain subarrays with their numercial values. Return true if the sequence was handled, false if the parser should try a previous handler. The most recently added handler is tried first.


                      An IDisposable you can call to remove this handler.

                    method registerDcsHandler

                    registerDcsHandler: (
                    id: IFunctionIdentifier,
                    callback: (
                    data: string,
                    param: (number | number[])[]
                    ) => boolean | Promise<boolean>
                    ) => IDisposable;
                    • Adds a handler for DCS escape sequences.

                      Parameter id

                      Specifies the function identifier under which the callback gets registered, e.g. {intermediates: '$' final: 'q'} for DECRQSS.

                      Parameter callback

                      The function to handle the sequence. Note that the function will only be called once if the sequence finished sucessfully. There is currently no way to intercept smaller data chunks, data chunks will be stored up until the sequence is finished. Since DCS sequences are not limited by the amount of data this might impose a problem for big payloads. Currently xterm.js limits DCS payload to 10 MB which should give enough room for most use cases. The function gets the payload and numerical parameters as arguments. Return true if the sequence was handled, false if the parser should try a previous handler. The most recently added handler is tried first.


                      An IDisposable you can call to remove this handler.

                    method registerEscHandler

                    registerEscHandler: (
                    id: IFunctionIdentifier,
                    handler: () => boolean | Promise<boolean>
                    ) => IDisposable;
                    • Adds a handler for ESC escape sequences.

                      Parameter id

                      Specifies the function identifier under which the callback gets registered, e.g. {intermediates: '%' final: 'G'} for default charset selection.

                      Parameter callback

                      The function to handle the sequence. Return true if the sequence was handled, false if the parser should try a previous handler. The most recently added handler is tried first.


                      An IDisposable you can call to remove this handler.

                    method registerOscHandler

                    registerOscHandler: (
                    ident: number,
                    callback: (data: string) => boolean | Promise<boolean>
                    ) => IDisposable;
                    • Adds a handler for OSC escape sequences.

                      Parameter ident

                      The number (first parameter) of the sequence.

                      Parameter callback

                      The function to handle the sequence. Note that the function will only be called once if the sequence finished sucessfully. There is currently no way to intercept smaller data chunks, data chunks will be stored up until the sequence is finished. Since OSC sequences are not limited by the amount of data this might impose a problem for big payloads. Currently xterm.js limits OSC payload to 10 MB which should give enough room for most use cases. The callback is called with OSC data string. Return true if the sequence was handled, false if the parser should try a previous handler. The most recently added handler is tried first.


                      An IDisposable you can call to remove this handler.

                    interface ITerminalAddon

                    interface ITerminalAddon extends IDisposable {}
                    • An addon that can provide additional functionality to the terminal.

                    method activate

                    activate: (terminal: Terminal) => void;
                    • This is called when the addon is activated.

                    interface ITerminalInitOnlyOptions

                    interface ITerminalInitOnlyOptions {}
                    • An object containing additional options for the terminal that can only be set on start up.

                    property cols

                    cols?: number;
                    • The number of columns in the terminal.

                    property rows

                    rows?: number;
                    • The number of rows in the terminal.

                    interface ITerminalOptions

                    interface ITerminalOptions {}
                    • An object containing options for the terminal.

                    property allowProposedApi

                    allowProposedApi?: boolean;
                    • Whether to allow the use of proposed API. When false, any usage of APIs marked as experimental/proposed will throw an error. The default is false.

                    property allowTransparency

                    allowTransparency?: boolean;
                    • Whether background should support non-opaque color. It must be set before executing the Terminal.open() method and can't be changed later without executing it again. Note that enabling this can negatively impact performance.

                    property altClickMovesCursor

                    altClickMovesCursor?: boolean;
                    • If enabled, alt + click will move the prompt cursor to position underneath the mouse. The default is true.

                    property convertEol

                    convertEol?: boolean;
                    • When enabled the cursor will be set to the beginning of the next line with every new line. This is equivalent to sending '\r\n' for each '\n'. Normally the termios settings of the underlying PTY deals with the translation of '\n' to '\r\n' and this setting should not be used. If you deal with data from a non-PTY related source, this settings might be useful.

                    cursorBlink?: boolean;
                    • Whether the cursor blinks.

                    property cursorInactiveStyle

                    cursorInactiveStyle?: 'outline' | 'block' | 'bar' | 'underline' | 'none';
                    • The style of the cursor when the terminal is not focused.

                    property cursorStyle

                    cursorStyle?: 'block' | 'underline' | 'bar';
                    • The style of the cursor when the terminal is focused.

                    property cursorWidth

                    cursorWidth?: number;
                    • The width of the cursor in CSS pixels when cursorStyle is set to 'bar'.

                    property customGlyphs

                    customGlyphs?: boolean;
                    • Whether to draw custom glyphs for block element and box drawing characters instead of using the font. This should typically result in better rendering with continuous lines, even when line height and letter spacing is used. Note that this doesn't work with the DOM renderer which renders all characters using the font. The default is true.

                    property disableStdin

                    disableStdin?: boolean;
                    • Whether input should be disabled.

                    property drawBoldTextInBrightColors

                    drawBoldTextInBrightColors?: boolean;
                    • Whether to draw bold text in bright colors. The default is true.

                    property fastScrollModifier

                    fastScrollModifier?: 'none' | 'alt' | 'ctrl' | 'shift';
                    • The modifier key hold to multiply scroll speed.

                    property fastScrollSensitivity

                    fastScrollSensitivity?: number;
                    • The scroll speed multiplier used for fast scrolling.

                    property fontFamily

                    fontFamily?: string;
                    • The font family used to render text.

                    property fontSize

                    fontSize?: number;
                    • The font size used to render text.

                    property fontWeight

                    fontWeight?: FontWeight;
                    • The font weight used to render non-bold text.

                    property fontWeightBold

                    fontWeightBold?: FontWeight;
                    • The font weight used to render bold text.

                    property ignoreBracketedPasteMode

                    ignoreBracketedPasteMode?: boolean;
                    • Whether to ignore the bracketed paste mode. When true, this will always paste without the \x1b[200~ and \x1b[201~ sequences, even when the shell enables bracketed mode.

                    property letterSpacing

                    letterSpacing?: number;
                    • The spacing in whole pixels between characters.

                    property lineHeight

                    lineHeight?: number;
                    • The line height used to render text.

                    property linkHandler

                    linkHandler?: ILinkHandler | null;
                    • The handler for OSC 8 hyperlinks. Links will use the confirm browser API with a strongly worded warning if no link handler is set.

                      When setting this, consider the security of users opening these links, at a minimum there should be a tooltip or a prompt when hovering or activating the link respectively. An example of what might be possible is a terminal app writing link in the form javascript:... that runs some javascript, a safe approach to prevent that is to validate the link starts with http(s)://.

                    property logger

                    logger?: ILogger | null;
                    • A logger to use instead of console.

                    property logLevel

                    logLevel?: LogLevel;
                    • What log level to use, this will log for all levels below and including what is set:

                      1. trace 2. debug 3. info (default) 4. warn 5. error 6. off

                    property macOptionClickForcesSelection

                    macOptionClickForcesSelection?: boolean;
                    • Whether holding a modifier key will force normal selection behavior, regardless of whether the terminal is in mouse events mode. This will also prevent mouse events from being emitted by the terminal. For example, this allows you to use xterm.js' regular selection inside tmux with mouse mode enabled.

                    property macOptionIsMeta

                    macOptionIsMeta?: boolean;
                    • Whether to treat option as the meta key.

                    property minimumContrastRatio

                    minimumContrastRatio?: number;
                    • The minimum contrast ratio for text in the terminal, setting this will change the foreground color dynamically depending on whether the contrast ratio is met. Example values:

                      - 1: The default, do nothing. - 4.5: Minimum for WCAG AA compliance. - 7: Minimum for WCAG AAA compliance. - 21: White on black or black on white.

                    property overviewRulerWidth

                    overviewRulerWidth?: number;
                    • The width, in pixels, of the canvas for the overview ruler. The overview ruler will be hidden when not set.

                    property rightClickSelectsWord

                    rightClickSelectsWord?: boolean;
                    • Whether to select the word under the cursor on right click, this is standard behavior in a lot of macOS applications.

                    property screenReaderMode

                    screenReaderMode?: boolean;
                    • Whether screen reader support is enabled. When on this will expose supporting elements in the DOM to support NVDA on Windows and VoiceOver on macOS.

                    property scrollback

                    scrollback?: number;
                    • The amount of scrollback in the terminal. Scrollback is the amount of rows that are retained when lines are scrolled beyond the initial viewport.

                    property scrollOnUserInput

                    scrollOnUserInput?: boolean;
                    • Whether to scroll to the bottom whenever there is some user input. The default is true.

                    property scrollSensitivity

                    scrollSensitivity?: number;
                    • The scrolling speed multiplier used for adjusting normal scrolling speed.

                    property smoothScrollDuration

                    smoothScrollDuration?: number;
                    • The duration to smoothly scroll between the origin and the target in milliseconds. Set to 0 to disable smooth scrolling and scroll instantly.

                    property tabStopWidth

                    tabStopWidth?: number;
                    • The size of tab stops in the terminal.

                    property theme

                    theme?: ITheme;
                    • The color theme of the terminal.

                    property windowOptions

                    windowOptions?: IWindowOptions;
                    • Enable various window manipulation and report features. All features are disabled by default for security reasons.

                    property windowsMode

                    windowsMode?: boolean;
                    • Whether "Windows mode" is enabled. Because Windows backends winpty and conpty operate by doing line wrapping on their side, xterm.js does not have access to wrapped lines. When Windows mode is enabled the following changes will be in effect:

                      - Reflow is disabled. - Lines are assumed to be wrapped if the last character of the line is not whitespace.

                      When using conpty on Windows 11 version >= 21376, it is recommended to disable this because native text wrapping sequences are output correctly thanks to https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/405


                      Use windowsPty. This value will be ignored if windowsPty is set.

                    property windowsPty

                    windowsPty?: IWindowsPty;
                    • Compatibility information when the pty is known to be hosted on Windows. Setting this will turn on certain heuristics/workarounds depending on the values:

                      - if (backend !== undefined || buildNumber !== undefined) - When increasing the rows in the terminal, the amount increased into the scrollback. This is done because ConPTY does not behave like expect scrollback to come back into the viewport, instead it makes empty rows at of the viewport. Not having this behavior can result in missing data as the rows get replaced. - if !(backend === 'conpty' && buildNumber >= 21376) - Reflow is disabled - Lines are assumed to be wrapped if the last character of the line is not whitespace.

                    property wordSeparator

                    wordSeparator?: string;
                    • A string containing all characters that are considered word separated by the double click to select work logic.

                    interface ITheme

                    interface ITheme {}
                    • Contains colors to theme the terminal with.

                    property background

                    background?: string;
                    • The default background color

                    property black

                    black?: string;
                    • ANSI black (eg. \x1b[30m)

                    property blue

                    blue?: string;
                    • ANSI blue (eg. \x1b[34m)

                    property brightBlack

                    brightBlack?: string;
                    • ANSI bright black (eg. \x1b[1;30m)

                    property brightBlue

                    brightBlue?: string;
                    • ANSI bright blue (eg. \x1b[1;34m)

                    property brightCyan

                    brightCyan?: string;
                    • ANSI bright cyan (eg. \x1b[1;36m)

                    property brightGreen

                    brightGreen?: string;
                    • ANSI bright green (eg. \x1b[1;32m)

                    property brightMagenta

                    brightMagenta?: string;
                    • ANSI bright magenta (eg. \x1b[1;35m)

                    property brightRed

                    brightRed?: string;
                    • ANSI bright red (eg. \x1b[1;31m)

                    property brightWhite

                    brightWhite?: string;
                    • ANSI bright white (eg. \x1b[1;37m)

                    property brightYellow

                    brightYellow?: string;
                    • ANSI bright yellow (eg. \x1b[1;33m)

                    property cursor

                    cursor?: string;
                    • The cursor color

                    property cursorAccent

                    cursorAccent?: string;
                    • The accent color of the cursor (fg color for a block cursor)

                    property cyan

                    cyan?: string;
                    • ANSI cyan (eg. \x1b[36m)

                    property extendedAnsi

                    extendedAnsi?: string[];
                    • ANSI extended colors (16-255)

                    property foreground

                    foreground?: string;
                    • The default foreground color

                    property green

                    green?: string;
                    • ANSI green (eg. \x1b[32m)

                    property magenta

                    magenta?: string;
                    • ANSI magenta (eg. \x1b[35m)

                    property red

                    red?: string;
                    • ANSI red (eg. \x1b[31m)

                    property selectionBackground

                    selectionBackground?: string;
                    • The selection background color (can be transparent)

                    property selectionForeground

                    selectionForeground?: string;
                    • The selection foreground color

                    property selectionInactiveBackground

                    selectionInactiveBackground?: string;
                    • The selection background color when the terminal does not have focus (can be transparent)

                    property white

                    white?: string;
                    • ANSI white (eg. \x1b[37m)

                    property yellow

                    yellow?: string;
                    • ANSI yellow (eg. \x1b[33m)

                    interface IUnicodeHandling

                    interface IUnicodeHandling {}
                    • (EXPERIMENTAL) Unicode handling interface.

                    property activeVersion

                    activeVersion: string;
                    • Getter/setter for active Unicode version.

                    property versions

                    readonly versions: ReadonlyArray<string>;
                    • Registered Unicode versions.

                    method register

                    register: (provider: IUnicodeVersionProvider) => void;
                    • Register a custom Unicode version provider.

                    interface IUnicodeVersionProvider

                    interface IUnicodeVersionProvider {}
                    • (EXPERIMENTAL) Unicode version provider. Used to register custom Unicode versions with Terminal.unicode.register.

                    property version

                    readonly version: string;
                    • String indicating the Unicode version provided.

                    method wcwidth

                    wcwidth: (codepoint: number) => 0 | 1 | 2;
                    • Unicode version dependent wcwidth implementation.

                    interface IViewportRange

                    interface IViewportRange {}
                    • An object representing a range within the viewport of the terminal.

                    property end

                    end: IViewportRangePosition;
                    • The end of the range.

                    property start

                    start: IViewportRangePosition;
                    • The start of the range.

                    interface IViewportRangePosition

                    interface IViewportRangePosition {}
                    • An object representing a cell position within the viewport of the terminal.

                    property x

                    x: number;
                    • The x position of the cell. This is a 0-based index that refers to the space in between columns, not the column itself. Index 0 refers to the left side of the viewport, index Terminal.cols refers to the right side of the viewport. This can be thought of as how a cursor is positioned in a text editor.

                    property y

                    y: number;
                    • The y position of the cell. This is a 0-based index that refers to a specific row.

                    interface IWindowOptions

                    interface IWindowOptions {}
                    • Enable various window manipulation and report features (CSI Ps ; Ps ; Ps t).

                      Most settings have no default implementation, as they heavily rely on the embedding environment.

                      To implement a feature, create a custom CSI hook like this:

                      term.parser.addCsiHandler({final: 't'}, params => {
                      const ps = params[0];
                      switch (ps) {
                      case XY:
                      ... // your implementation for option XY
                      return true; // signal Ps=XY was handled
                      return false; // any Ps that was not handled

                      Note on security: Most features are meant to deal with some information of the host machine where the terminal runs on. This is seen as a security risk possibly leaking sensitive data of the host to the program in the terminal. Therefore all options (even those without a default implementation) are guarded by the boolean flag and disabled by default.

                    property fullscreenWin

                    fullscreenWin?: boolean;
                    • Ps=10 ; 0 Undo full-screen mode. Ps=10 ; 1 Change to full-screen. Ps=10 ; 2 Toggle full-screen. No default implementation.

                    property getCellSizePixels

                    getCellSizePixels?: boolean;
                    • Ps=16 Report xterm character cell size in pixels. Result is "CSI 6 ; height ; width t". Has a default implementation.

                    property getIconTitle

                    getIconTitle?: boolean;
                    • Ps=20 Report xterm window's icon label. Result is "OSC L label ST". No default implementation.

                    property getScreenSizeChars

                    getScreenSizeChars?: boolean;
                    • Ps=19 Report the size of the screen in characters. Result is "CSI 9 ; height ; width t". No default implementation.

                    property getScreenSizePixels

                    getScreenSizePixels?: boolean;
                    • Ps=15 Report size of the screen in pixels. Result is "CSI 5 ; height ; width t". No default implementation.

                    property getWinPosition

                    getWinPosition?: boolean;
                    • Ps=13 Report xterm window position. Result is "CSI 3 ; x ; y t". Ps=13 ; 2 Report xterm text-area position. Result is "CSI 3 ; x ; y t". No default implementation.

                    property getWinSizeChars

                    getWinSizeChars?: boolean;
                    • Ps=18 Report the size of the text area in characters. Result is "CSI 8 ; height ; width t". Has a default implementation.

                    property getWinSizePixels

                    getWinSizePixels?: boolean;
                    • Ps=14 Report xterm text area size in pixels. Result is "CSI 4 ; height ; width t". Ps=14 ; 2 Report xterm window size in pixels. Result is "CSI 4 ; height ; width t". Has a default implementation.

                    property getWinState

                    getWinState?: boolean;
                    • Ps=11 Report xterm window state. If the xterm window is non-iconified, it returns "CSI 1 t". If the xterm window is iconified, it returns "CSI 2 t". No default implementation.

                    property getWinTitle

                    getWinTitle?: boolean;
                    • Ps=21 Report xterm window's title. Result is "OSC l label ST". No default implementation.

                    property lowerWin

                    lowerWin?: boolean;
                    • Ps=6 Lower the xterm window to the bottom of the stacking order. No default implementation.

                    property maximizeWin

                    maximizeWin?: boolean;
                    • Ps=9 ; 0 Restore maximized window. Ps=9 ; 1 Maximize window (i.e., resize to screen size). Ps=9 ; 2 Maximize window vertically. Ps=9 ; 3 Maximize window horizontally. No default implementation.

                    property minimizeWin

                    minimizeWin?: boolean;
                    • Ps=2 Iconify window. No default implementation.

                    property popTitle

                    popTitle?: boolean;
                    • Ps=23 ; 0 Restore xterm icon and window title from stack. Ps=23 ; 1 Restore xterm icon title from stack. Ps=23 ; 2 Restore xterm window title from stack. All variants have a default implementation.

                    property pushTitle

                    pushTitle?: boolean;
                    • Ps=22 ; 0 Save xterm icon and window title on stack. Ps=22 ; 1 Save xterm icon title on stack. Ps=22 ; 2 Save xterm window title on stack. All variants have a default implementation.

                    property raiseWin

                    raiseWin?: boolean;
                    • Ps=5 Raise the window to the front of the stacking order. No default implementation.

                    property refreshWin

                    refreshWin?: boolean;
                    • Ps=7 Refresh the window.

                    property restoreWin

                    restoreWin?: boolean;
                    • Ps=1 De-iconify window. No default implementation.

                    property setWinLines

                    setWinLines?: boolean;
                    • Ps>=24 Resize to Ps lines (DECSLPP). DECSLPP is not implemented. This settings is also used to enable / disable DECCOLM (earlier variant of DECSLPP).

                    property setWinPosition

                    setWinPosition?: boolean;
                    • Ps=3 ; x ; y Move window to [x, y]. No default implementation.

                    property setWinSizeChars

                    setWinSizeChars?: boolean;
                    • Ps = 8 ; height ; width Resize the text area to given height and width in characters. Omitted parameters should reuse the current height or width. Zero parameters use the display's height or width. No default implementation.

                    property setWinSizePixels

                    setWinSizePixels?: boolean;
                    • Ps = 4 ; height ; width Resize the window to given height and width in pixels. Omitted parameters should reuse the current height or width. Zero parameters should use the display's height or width. No default implementation.

                    interface IWindowsPty

                    interface IWindowsPty {}
                    • Pty information for Windows.

                    property backend

                    backend?: 'conpty' | 'winpty';
                    • What pty emulation backend is being used.

                    property buildNumber

                    buildNumber?: number;
                    • The Windows build version (eg. 19045)

                    type FontWeight

                    type FontWeight =
                    | 'normal'
                    | 'bold'
                    | '100'
                    | '200'
                    | '300'
                    | '400'
                    | '500'
                    | '600'
                    | '700'
                    | '800'
                    | '900'
                    | number;
                    • A string or number representing text font weight.

                    type LogLevel

                    type LogLevel = 'trace' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'off';
                    • A string representing log level.

                    Package Files (1)

                    Dependencies (0)

                    No dependencies.

                    Dev Dependencies (37)

                    Peer Dependencies (0)

                    No peer dependencies.


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