- Version 10.0.1
- Published
- 87.7 kB
- 5 dependencies
- MIT license
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Test utilities for Yeoman generators
- askedQuestions
- assertNotBuild()
- build()
- cd()
- cleanTestDirectory()
- cleanup()
- cleanupTemporaryDir()
- commitFiles()
- completed
- doInDir()
- editor
- env
- environmentPromise
- envOptions
- generator
- inDir()
- inTmpDir()
- memFs
- mockedGeneratorFactory
- mockedGenerators
- on()
- onBeforePrepare()
- onEnvironment()
- onGenerator()
- onTargetDirectory()
- prepare()
- restore()
- run()
- settings
- spawnStub
- targetDirectory
- toPromise()
- withAdapterOptions()
- withAnswers()
- withArguments()
- withEnvironment()
- withEnvironmentRun()
- withFiles()
- withGenerators()
- withKeepFsState()
- withLocalConfig()
- withLookups()
- withMockedGeneratorFactory()
- withMockedGenerators()
- withOptions()
- withPrompts()
- withSpawnMock()
- withYoRc()
- withYoRcConfig()
- askedQuestions
- assertEqualsFileContent()
- assertFile()
- assertFileContent()
- assertGeneratorComposed()
- assertGeneratorComposedOnce()
- assertGeneratorNotComposed()
- assertJsonFileContent()
- assertNoFile()
- assertNoFileContent()
- assertNoJsonFileContent()
- assertNoObjectContent()
- assertObjectContent()
- assertTextEqual()
- cleanup()
- create()
- cwd
- dumpFilenames()
- dumpFiles()
- env
- fs
- generator
- getComposedGenerators()
- getGeneratorComposeCount()
- getGeneratorMock()
- getSnapshot()
- getSpawnArgsUsingDefaultImplementation()
- getStateSnapshot()
- memFs
- mockedGenerators
- oldCwd
- options
- restore()
- spawnStub
Type Aliases
variable context
const context: TestContext;
variable defaultHelpers
const defaultHelpers: YeomanTest;
variable result
const result: RunResult<BaseGenerator>;
Provides a proxy for last executed context result.
function createHelpers
createHelpers: (options: any) => YeomanTest;
class RunContext
class RunContext<GeneratorType extends BaseGenerator = BaseGenerator> extends RunContextBase<GeneratorType> implements Promise<RunResult<GeneratorType>> {}
property [Symbol.toStringTag]
readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string;
method catch
catch: <TResult = never>( onrejected?: (reason: any) => TResult | PromiseLike<TResult>) => Promise<RunResult<GeneratorType> | TResult>;
method finally
finally: ( onfinally?: (() => void) | undefined) => Promise<RunResult<GeneratorType>>;
method then
then: <TResult1 = RunResult<GeneratorType>, TResult2 = never>( onfulfilled?: ( value: RunResult<GeneratorType> ) => TResult1 | PromiseLike<TResult1>, onrejected?: (reason: any) => TResult2 | PromiseLike<TResult2>) => Promise<TResult1 | TResult2>;
class RunContextBase
class RunContextBase< GeneratorType extends BaseGenerator = DefaultGeneratorApi> extends EventEmitter {}
constructor( generatorType?: any, settings?: RunContextSettings, environmentOptions?: any, helpers?: YeomanTest);
This class provide a run context object to façade the complexity involved in setting up a generator for testing
Parameter Generator
Namespace or generator constructor. If the later is provided, then namespace is assumed to be 'gen:test' in all cases
Parameter settings
property askedQuestions
readonly askedQuestions: AskedQuestions;
property completed
completed: boolean;
property editor
editor: MemFsEditor;
property env
env: IfAny<any, BaseEnvironment, any>;
property environmentPromise
protected environmentPromise?: PromiseRunResult<GeneratorType>;
property envOptions
readonly envOptions: any;
property generator
generator: BaseGenerator;
property memFs
memFs: Store<MemFsEditorFile>;
property mockedGeneratorFactory
mockedGeneratorFactory: MockedGeneratorFactory<IfAny<any, BaseGenerator, any>>;
property mockedGenerators
readonly mockedGenerators: Record<string, BaseGenerator>;
property settings
readonly settings: RunContextSettings;
property spawnStub
spawnStub?: any;
property targetDirectory
targetDirectory?: string;
method assertNotBuild
protected assertNotBuild: () => void;
method build
build: () => Promise<void>;
Build the generator and the environment. {RunContext|false} this
method cd
cd: (dirPath: string) => this;
Parameter dirPath
Directory path (relative to CWD). Prefer passing an absolute file path for predictable results run context instance
Change directory without deleting directory content.
method cleanTestDirectory
cleanTestDirectory: (force?: boolean) => void;
Clean the directory used for tests inside inDir/inTmpDir
Parameter force
force directory cleanup for not tmpdir
method cleanup
cleanup: () => void;
Clean the directory used for tests inside inDir/inTmpDir
Parameter force
force directory cleanup for not tmpdir
method cleanupTemporaryDir
cleanupTemporaryDir: () => void;
Clean the directory used for tests inside inDir/inTmpDir
Parameter force
force directory cleanup for not tmpdir
method commitFiles
commitFiles: () => this;
Commit mem-fs files.
method doInDir
doInDir: (callback: (folderPath: string) => void) => this;
Register an callback to prepare the destination folder.
Parameter cb
callback who'll receive the folder path as argument this - run context instance
method inDir
inDir: (dirPath: string, callback?: (folderPath: string) => void) => this;
Parameter dirPath
Directory path (relative to CWD). Prefer passing an absolute file path for predictable results
Parameter cb
callback who'll receive the folder path as argument run context instance
Clean the provided directory, then change directory into it
method inTmpDir
inTmpDir: (callback?: (folderPath: string) => void) => this;
Cleanup a temporary directory and change the CWD into it
This method is called automatically when creating a RunContext. Only use it if you need to use the callback.
Parameter cb
callback who'll receive the folder path as argument this - run context instance
method on
on: ( eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...arguments_: any[]) => void) => this;
method onBeforePrepare
onBeforePrepare: (callback: (this: this) => void | Promise<void>) => this;
Execute callback prefore parepare
Parameter callback
method onEnvironment
onEnvironment: ( callback: (this: this, environment: IfAny<any, BaseEnvironment, any>) => any) => this;
Execute callback after environment is ready
Parameter callback
method onGenerator
onGenerator: (callback: (this: this, generator: GeneratorType) => any) => this;
Execute callback after generator is ready
Parameter callback
method onTargetDirectory
onTargetDirectory: ( callback: (this: this, targetDirectory: string) => any) => this;
Execute callback after targetDirectory is set
Parameter callback
method prepare
prepare: () => Promise<void>;
method restore
restore: () => this;
Restore cwd to initial cwd. {this} run context instance
method run
run: () => PromiseRunResult<GeneratorType>;
Run the generator on the environment and promises a RunResult instance. {PromiseRunResult} Promise a RunResult instance.
method toPromise
protected toPromise: () => PromiseRunResult<GeneratorType>;
Return a promise representing the generator run process Promise resolved on end or rejected on error
method withAdapterOptions
withAdapterOptions: (options: Omit<TestAdapterOptions, 'mockedAnswers'>) => this;
TestAdapter options.
method withAnswers
withAnswers: ( answers: PromptAnswers, options?: Omit<DummyPromptOptions, 'mockedAnswers'>) => this;
Mock answers for prompts
Parameter answers
Answers to the prompt questions
Parameter options
Options or callback. {this}
method withArguments
withArguments: (arguments_: string | string[]) => this;
Provide arguments to the run context
Parameter args
command line arguments as Array or space separated string
method withEnvironment
withEnvironment: (callback: any) => this;
Create an environment
This method is called automatically when creating a RunContext. Only use it if you need to use the callback.
Parameter cb
callback who'll receive the folder path as argument {this} run context instance
method withEnvironmentRun
withEnvironmentRun: ( callback: ( this: this, env: IfAny<any, BaseEnvironment, any>, gen: GeneratorType ) => void) => this;
Customize enviroment run method.
Parameter callback
{this} run context instance
method withFiles
withFiles: { (files: Record<string, string | Record<string, unknown>>): this; ( relativePath: string, files: Record<string, string | Record<string, unknown>> ): this;};
Add files to mem-fs. Files will be resolved relative to targetDir.
Files with Object content will be merged to existing content. To avoid merging,
the content.
method withGenerators
withGenerators: (dependencies: Dependency[]) => this;
Provide dependent generators
Parameter dependencies
paths to the generators dependencies {this}
Example 1
var angular = new RunContext('../../app'); angular.withGenerators([ '../../common', '../../controller', '../../main', [helpers.createDummyGenerator(), 'testacular:app'] ]); angular.on('end', function () { // assert something });
method withKeepFsState
withKeepFsState: () => this;
Don't reset mem-fs state cleared to aggregate snapshots from multiple runs.
method withLocalConfig
withLocalConfig: (localConfig: any) => this;
Mock the local configuration with the provided config
Parameter localConfig
should look just like if called config.getAll()
method withLookups
withLookups: (lookups: LookupOptions | LookupOptions[]) => this;
Run lookup on the environment.
Parameter lookups
lookup to run.
method withMockedGeneratorFactory
withMockedGeneratorFactory: ( mockedGeneratorFactory: MockedGeneratorFactory) => this;
method withMockedGenerators
withMockedGenerators: (namespaces: string[]) => this;
Create mocked generators
Parameter namespaces
namespaces of mocked generators this
Example 1
var angular = helpers .create('../../app') .withMockedGenerators([ 'foo:app', 'foo:bar', ]) .run() .then(runResult => assert(runResult .mockedGenerators['foo:app'] .calledOnce));
method withOptions
withOptions: ( options: Partial< Omit< GetGeneratorOptions<GeneratorType>, 'env' | 'namespace' | 'resolved' > >) => this;
Provide options to the run context
Parameter options
command line options (e.g.
) {this}
method withPrompts
withPrompts: ( answers: PromptAnswers, options?: Omit<DummyPromptOptions, 'mockedAnswers'>) => this;
Parameter answers
Answers to the prompt questions
Parameter options
Options or callback.
{Function} [options.callback] - Callback.
{Boolean} [options.throwOnMissingAnswer] - Throw if a answer is missing. {this}
Mock the prompt with dummy answers
method withSpawnMock
withSpawnMock: <StubType = any>( options?: | ((...arguments_: any[]) => any) | { stub?: (...arguments_: any[]) => any; registerNodeMockDefaults?: boolean; callback?: ({ stub, implementation, }: { stub: StubType; implementation: any; }) => void | Promise<void>; }) => this;
method withYoRc
withYoRc: (content: string | Record<string, unknown>) => this;
Add .yo-rc.json to mem-fs.
Parameter content
method withYoRcConfig
withYoRcConfig: (key: string, content: Record<string, unknown>) => this;
Add a generator config to .yo-rc.json
class RunResult
class RunResult<GeneratorType extends BaseGenerator = BaseGenerator> {}
This class provides utilities for testing generated content.
constructor(options: RunResultOptions<GeneratorType>);
property askedQuestions
readonly askedQuestions: AskedQuestions;
property cwd
cwd: string;
property env
env: any;
property fs
fs: MemFsEditor;
property generator
generator: BaseGenerator;
property memFs
memFs: Store<MemFsEditorFile>;
property mockedGenerators
mockedGenerators: any;
property oldCwd
oldCwd: string;
property options
options: RunResultOptions<GeneratorType>;
property spawnStub
spawnStub?: any;
method assertEqualsFileContent
assertEqualsFileContent: { (file: string, expectedContent: string): void; (pairs: [string, string][]): void;};
Assert that a file's content is the same as the given string
Parameter file
path to a file
Parameter expectedContent
the expected content of the file
Parameter pairs
an array of arrays, where each subarray is a [String, String] pair
Example 1
result.assertEqualsFileContent( 'data.js', 'const greeting = "Hello";\nexport default { greeting }' );
Assert that each file in an array of file-string pairs equals its corresponding string
Example 2
result.assertEqualsFileContent([ ['data.js', 'const greeting = "Hello";\nexport default { greeting }'], ['user.js', 'export default {\n name: 'Coleman',\n age: 0\n}'] ]);
method assertFile
assertFile: (path: string | string[]) => void;
Assert that a file exists
Parameter path
path to a file
Parameter paths
an array of paths to files
Example 1
Assert that each files in the array exists
Example 2
result.assertFile(['templates/user.hbs', 'templates/user/edit.hbs']);
method assertFileContent
assertFileContent: { (file: string, reg: string | RegExp): void; (pairs: [string, string | RegExp][]): void;};
Assert that a file's content matches a regex or string
Parameter file
path to a file
Parameter reg
regex / string that will be used to search the file
Parameter pairs
an array of arrays, where each subarray is a [String, RegExp] pair
Example 1
result.assertFileContent('models/user.js', /App.User = DS.Model.extend/); result.assertFileContent('models/user.js', 'App.User = DS.Model.extend');
Assert that each file in an array of file-regex pairs matches its corresponding regex
Example 2
var arg = [ [ 'models/user.js', /App.User = DS.Model.extend/ ], [ 'controllers/user.js', /App.UserController = Ember.ObjectController.extend/ ] ] result.assertFileContent(arg);
method assertGeneratorComposed
assertGeneratorComposed: (generator: string) => void;
Assert that a generator was composed
Parameter generator
the namespace of the mocked generator
method assertGeneratorComposedOnce
assertGeneratorComposedOnce: (generator: string) => void;
Assert that a generator was composed only once
Parameter generator
the namespace of the mocked generator
method assertGeneratorNotComposed
assertGeneratorNotComposed: (generator: string) => void;
Assert that a generator was composed
Parameter generator
the namespace of the mocked generator
method assertJsonFileContent
assertJsonFileContent: (filename: string, content: Record<string, any>) => void;
Assert a JSON file contains the provided keys
Parameter filename
Parameter content
An object of key/values the file should contains
method assertNoFile
assertNoFile: (files: string | string[]) => void;
Assert that a file doesn't exist
Parameter file
path to a file
Parameter pairs
an array of paths to files
Example 1
Assert that each of an array of files doesn't exist
Example 2
result.assertNoFile(['templates/user.hbs', 'templates/user/edit.hbs']);
method assertNoFileContent
assertNoFileContent: { (file: string, reg: RegExp | string): void; (pairs: [string, string | RegExp][]): void;};
Assert that a file's content does not match a regex / string
Parameter file
path to a file
Parameter reg
regex / string that will be used to search the file
Parameter pairs
an array of arrays, where each subarray is a [String, RegExp] pair var arg = [ [ 'models/user.js', /App.User \ DS.Model.extend/ ], [ 'controllers/user.js', /App.UserController = Ember.ObjectController.extend/ ] ] result.assertNoFileContent(arg);
Example 1
result.assertNoFileContent('models/user.js', /App.User = DS.Model.extend/); result.assertNoFileContent('models/user.js', 'App.User = DS.Model.extend');
Assert that each file in an array of file-regex pairs does not match its corresponding regex
method assertNoJsonFileContent
assertNoJsonFileContent: ( filename: string, content: Record<string, any>) => void;
Assert a JSON file does not contain the provided keys
Parameter filename
Parameter content
An object of key/values the file should not contain
method assertNoObjectContent
assertNoObjectContent: ( object: Record<string, unknown>, content: Record<string, any>) => void;
Assert an object does not contain the provided keys
Parameter obj
Object that should not match the given pattern
Parameter content
An object of key/values the object should not contain
method assertObjectContent
assertObjectContent: ( object: Record<string, unknown>, content: Record<string, any>) => void;
Assert an object contains the provided keys
Parameter obj
Object that should match the given pattern
Parameter content
An object of key/values the object should contains
method assertTextEqual
assertTextEqual: (value: string, expected: string) => void;
Assert that two strings are equal after standardization of newlines
Parameter value
a string
Parameter expected
the expected value of the string
Example 1
result.assertTextEqual('I have a yellow cat', 'I have a yellow cat');
method cleanup
cleanup: () => this;
Deletes the test directory recursively.
method create
create: <G extends BaseGenerator = GeneratorType>( GeneratorOrNamespace: string | GetGeneratorConstructor<G>, settings?: RunContextSettings, environmentOptions?: BaseEnvironmentOptions) => import('./run-context.js').default<G>;
Create another RunContext reusing the settings. See helpers.create api
method dumpFilenames
dumpFilenames: () => this;
Dumps the name of each file to the console.
method dumpFiles
dumpFiles: (...files: string[]) => this;
Either dumps the contents of the specified files or the name and the contents of each file to the console.
method getComposedGenerators
getComposedGenerators: () => string[];
Assert that a generator was composed multiple times
an array of the names of the mocked generators that were composed
method getGeneratorComposeCount
getGeneratorComposeCount: (generator: string) => number;
Get the number of times a mocked generator was composed
Parameter generator
the namespace of the mocked generator
the number of times the generator was composed
method getGeneratorMock
getGeneratorMock: (generator: string) => ReturnType<typeof mock.fn>['mock'];
Get the generator mock
Parameter generator
the namespace of the mocked generator
the generator mock
method getSnapshot
getSnapshot: ( filter?: any) => Record<string, { contents: string; stateCleared: string }>;
Return an object with fs changes.
Parameter filter
parameter forwarded to mem-fs-editor#dump
method getSpawnArgsUsingDefaultImplementation
getSpawnArgsUsingDefaultImplementation: () => unknown[][];
method getStateSnapshot
getStateSnapshot: ( filter?: any) => Record<string, { stateCleared?: string; state?: string }>;
Return an object with filenames with state.
Parameter filter
parameter forwarded to mem-fs-editor#dump
method restore
restore: () => this;
Reverts to old cwd.
class TestAdapter
class TestAdapter extends BaseTestAdapter {}
constructor(options?: TestAdapterOptions);
class YeomanTest
class YeomanTest {}
Collection of unit test helpers. (mostly related to Mocha syntax) YeomanTest
property adapterOptions
adapterOptions?: Omit<TestAdapterOptions, 'mockedAnswers'>;
property environmentOptions
environmentOptions?: BaseEnvironmentOptions;
property generatorOptions
generatorOptions?: BaseGeneratorOptions;
property settings
settings?: RunContextSettings;
method create
create: <GeneratorType extends BaseGenerator = IfAny<any, BaseGenerator, any>>( GeneratorOrNamespace: string | GetGeneratorConstructor<GeneratorType>, settings?: RunContextSettings, environmentOptions?: BaseEnvironmentOptions) => RunContext<GeneratorType>;
Prepare a run context
Parameter GeneratorOrNamespace
Generator constructor or namespace {RunContext}
method createDummyGenerator
createDummyGenerator: < GenParameter extends BaseGenerator = IfAny<any, BaseGenerator, any>>( Generator?: GetGeneratorConstructor<GenParameter>, contents?: Record<string, (...arguments_: any[]) => void>) => new (...arguments_: any[]) => GenParameter;
Create a simple, dummy generator
method createEnv
createEnv: (options: BaseEnvironmentOptions) => Promise<DefaultEnvironmentApi>;
Shortcut to the Environment's createEnv.
Parameter args
environment constructor arguments.
{Object} environment instance
Use to test with specific Environment version: let createEnv; before(() => { createEnv = stub(helper, 'createEnv').callsFake(Environment.creatEnv); }); after(() => { createEnv.restore(); });
method createGenerator
createGenerator: < GeneratorType extends BaseGenerator = IfAny<any, BaseGenerator, any>>( name: string | GetGeneratorConstructor<GeneratorType>, options?: { dependencies?: Dependency[]; localConfigOnly?: boolean; } & InstantiateOptions<GeneratorType>) => Promise<GeneratorType>;
Create a generator, using the given dependencies and controller arguments Dependecies can be path (autodiscovery) or an array [{generator}, {name}]
Parameter name
the name of the generator
Parameter dependencies
paths to the generators dependencies
Parameter args
arguments to the generator; if String, will be split on spaces to create an Array
Parameter options
configuration for the generator
Parameter localConfigOnly
passes localConfigOnly to the generators
Example 1
var deps = ['../../app', '../../common', '../../controller', '../../main', [createDummyGenerator(), 'testacular:app'] ]; var angular = createGenerator('angular:app', deps);
method createMockedGenerator
createMockedGenerator: (GeneratorClass?: any) => ReturnType<typeof mock.fn>;
Create a mocked generator
method createTestAdapter
createTestAdapter: (options?: TestAdapterOptions) => TestAdapter;
Creates a TestAdapter using helpers default options.
method createTestEnv
createTestEnv: ( environmentContructor?: CreateEnv, options?: BaseEnvironmentOptions) => Promise<BaseEnvironment>;
Creates a test environment.
{Function} - environment constructor method.
{Object} - Options to be passed to the environment const env = createTestEnv(require('yeoman-environment').createEnv);
method getRunContextType
getRunContextType: () => typeof RunContext;
Get RunContext type {RunContext}
method mockLocalConfig
mockLocalConfig: (generator: BaseGenerator, localConfig: any) => void;
Parameter generator
a Yeoman generator
Parameter localConfig
localConfig - should look just like if called config.getAll()
Provide mocked values to the config
method mockPrompt
mockPrompt: ( environmentOrGenerator: BaseGenerator | DefaultEnvironmentApi, mockedAnswers?: PromptAnswers, options?: DummyPromptOptions) => void;
Parameter generator
a Yeoman generator or environment
Parameter answers
an object where keys are the generators prompt names and values are the answers to the prompt questions
Parameter options
Options or callback
Example 1
mockPrompt(angular, {'bootstrap': 'Y', 'compassBoostrap': 'Y'});
Answer prompt questions for the passed-in generator
method prepareTemporaryDir
prepareTemporaryDir: ( settings?: RunContextSettings) => BasicRunContext<BaseGenerator>;
Prepare temporary dir without generator support. Generator and environment will be undefined.
method restorePrompt
restorePrompt: ( environmentOrGenerator: BaseGenerator | DefaultEnvironmentApi) => void;
Parameter generator
or environment
Restore defaults prompts on a generator.
method run
run: <GeneratorType extends BaseGenerator = IfAny<any, BaseGenerator, any>>( GeneratorOrNamespace: string | GetGeneratorConstructor<GeneratorType>, settings?: RunContextSettings, environmentOptions?: BaseEnvironmentOptions) => RunContext<GeneratorType>;
Run the provided Generator
Parameter GeneratorOrNamespace
Generator constructor or namespace
method setUpTestDirectory
setUpTestDirectory: (dir: string) => () => void;
Parameter dir
path to the test directory
mocha callback
Create a function that will clean up the test directory, cd into it. Intended for use as a callback for the mocha
method testDirectory
testDirectory: (dir: string, callback?: (error?: any) => unknown) => unknown;
Parameter dir
path to the test directory
Parameter cb
callback executed after setting working directory to dir
Example 1
testDirectory(path.join(__dirname, './temp'), function () { fs.writeFileSync('testfile', 'Roses are red.'); });
Clean-up the test directory and cd into it. Call given callback after entering the test directory.
Type Aliases
type Dependency
type Dependency = string | Parameters<DefaultEnvironmentApi['register']>;
Dependencies can be path (autodiscovery) or an array [, ]
type RunContextSettings
type RunContextSettings = { /** * Automatically run this generator in a tmp dir * @default true */ tmpdir?: boolean; cwd?: string; oldCwd?: string; forwardCwd?: boolean; autoCleanup?: boolean; memFs?: Store<MemFsEditorFile>; /** * File path to the generator (only used if Generator is a constructor) */ resolved?: string; /** * Namespace (only used if Generator is a constructor) * @default 'gen:test' */ namespace?: string;};
Provides settings for creating a
type RunResultOptions
type RunResultOptions<GeneratorType extends BaseGenerator> = { generator: GeneratorType; /** * The environment of the generator. */ env: DefaultEnvironmentApi; envOptions: BaseEnvironmentOptions; /** * The working directory after running the generator. */ cwd: string; /** * The working directory before on running the generator. */ oldCwd: string; /** * The file-system of the generator. */ memFs: Store<MemFsEditorFile>; fs?: MemFsEditor; /** * The mocked generators of the context. */ mockedGenerators: Record<string, BaseGenerator>; spawnStub?: any; settings: RunContextSettings; helpers: YeomanTest; askedQuestions: AskedQuestions;};
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