
  • Version 7.0.2
  • Published
  • 17.7 kB
  • 1 dependency
  • MIT license


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PostCSS Plugin for PurgeCSS

Most bundlers and frameworks to build websites are using PostCSS. The easiest way to configure PurgeCSS is with its PostCSS plugin.



variable purgeCSSPlugin

const purgeCSSPlugin: postcss.PluginCreator<UserDefinedOptions>;
  • PostCSS Plugin for PurgeCSS

    Parameter opts

    PurgeCSS Options


    the postCSS plugin


    • @public


interface ExtractorResultDetailed

interface ExtractorResultDetailed {}
  • Modifiers

    • @public

property attributes

attributes: {
names: string[];
values: string[];

    property classes

    classes: string[];

      property ids

      ids: string[];

        property tags

        tags: string[];

          property undetermined

          undetermined: string[];

            interface Extractors

            interface Extractors {}
            • Modifiers

              • @public

            property extensions

            extensions: string[];

              property extractor

              extractor: ExtractorFunction;

                interface PurgeCSSUserDefinedOptions

                interface PurgeCSSUserDefinedOptions {}
                • Options used by PurgeCSS to remove unused CSS


                  • @public

                property blocklist

                blocklist?: StringRegExpArray;

                property content

                content: Array<string | RawContent>;

                property css

                css: Array<string | RawCSS>;

                property defaultExtractor

                defaultExtractor?: ExtractorFunction;

                property dynamicAttributes

                dynamicAttributes?: string[];

                property extractors

                extractors?: Array<Extractors>;

                property fontFace

                fontFace?: boolean;

                property keyframes

                keyframes?: boolean;

                property output

                output?: string;

                property rejected

                rejected?: boolean;

                property rejectedCss

                rejectedCss?: boolean;

                property safelist

                safelist?: UserDefinedSafelist;

                property skippedContentGlobs

                skippedContentGlobs?: Array<string>;

                property sourceMap

                sourceMap?: boolean | (postcss.SourceMapOptions & { to?: string });

                property stdin

                stdin?: boolean;

                property stdout

                stdout?: boolean;

                property variables

                variables?: boolean;

                interface RawContent

                interface RawContent<T = string> {}
                • Modifiers

                  • @public

                property extension

                extension: string;

                  property raw

                  raw: T;

                    interface RawCSS

                    interface RawCSS {}
                    • Modifiers

                      • @public

                    property name

                    name?: string;

                      property raw

                      raw: string;

                        interface UserDefinedOptions

                        interface UserDefinedOptions
                        extends Omit<PurgeCSSUserDefinedOptions, 'content' | 'css'> {}

                        property content

                        content?: PurgeCSSUserDefinedOptions['content'];

                          property contentFunction

                          contentFunction?: (sourceFile: string) => Array<string | RawContent>;

                            Type Aliases

                            type ComplexSafelist

                            type ComplexSafelist = {
                            standard?: StringRegExpArray;
                            * You can safelist selectors and their children based on a regular
                            * expression with `safelist.deep`
                            * @example
                            * ```ts
                            * const purgecss = await new PurgeCSS().purge({
                            * content: [],
                            * css: [],
                            * safelist: {
                            * deep: [/red$/]
                            * }
                            * })
                            * ```
                            * In this example, selectors such as `.bg-red .child-of-bg` will be left
                            * in the final CSS, even if `child-of-bg` is not found.
                            deep?: RegExp[];
                            greedy?: RegExp[];
                            variables?: StringRegExpArray;
                            keyframes?: StringRegExpArray;
                            • Modifiers

                              • @public

                            type ExtractorFunction

                            type ExtractorFunction<T = string> = (content: T) => ExtractorResult;
                            • Modifiers

                              • @public

                            type ExtractorResult

                            type ExtractorResult = ExtractorResultDetailed | string[];
                            • Modifiers

                              • @public

                            type StringRegExpArray

                            type StringRegExpArray = Array<RegExp | string>;
                            • Modifiers

                              • @public

                            type UserDefinedSafelist

                            type UserDefinedSafelist = StringRegExpArray | ComplexSafelist;
                            • Modifiers

                              • @public

                            Package Files (1)

                            Dependencies (1)

                            Dev Dependencies (1)

                            Peer Dependencies (1)


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