- Version 9.0.6
- Published
- 15.3 kB
- 4 dependencies
- MIT license
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TypeScript definitions for hawk
namespace client
module 'lib/client.d.ts' {}
Oz application id
function authenticate
authenticate: ( res: http.IncomingMessage | request.Response, credentials: Credentials, artifacts: Crypto.Artifacts, options?: AuthenticateOptions) => Authentication;
function getBewit
getBewit: (uri: string, options: BewitOptions) => string;
function header
header: (uri: string, method: string, options?: HeaderOptions) => Header;
function message
message: ( host: string, port: number, message: string, options?: MessageOptions) => Message;
interface AuthenticateOptions
interface AuthenticateOptions {}
interface Authentication
interface Authentication {}
property headers
headers: Record<string, string>;
interface BewitOptions
interface BewitOptions {}
property credentials
credentials: Credentials;
property ext
ext?: string | undefined;
Application specific data sent via the ext attribute
property localtimeOffsetMsec
localtimeOffsetMsec: number;
Time offset to sync with server time
property ttlSec
ttlSec: number;
TTL in seconds
interface Credentials
interface Credentials {}
interface Header
interface Header {}
interface HeaderOptions
interface HeaderOptions {}
property app
app?: string | undefined;
Oz application id
property contentType
contentType?: string | undefined;
Payload content-type (ignored if hash provided)
property credentials
credentials: Credentials;
property dlg
dlg?: string | undefined;
Oz delegated-by application id
property ext
ext?: string | undefined;
Application specific data sent via the ext attribute
property hash
hash?: string | undefined;
Pre-calculated payload hash
property localtimeOffsetMsec
localtimeOffsetMsec?: number | undefined;
Time offset to sync with server time (ignored if timestamp provided)
property nonce
nonce?: string | undefined;
A pre-generated nonce
property payload
payload?: string | undefined;
UTF-8 encoded string for body hash generation (ignored if hash provided)
property timestamp
timestamp?: number | undefined;
A pre-calculated timestamp in seconds
interface Message
interface Message {}
interface MessageOptions
interface MessageOptions {}
property credentials
credentials: Credentials;
property localtimeOffsetMsec
localtimeOffsetMsec: number;
Time offset to sync with server time (ignored if timestamp provided)
property nonce
nonce: string;
A pre-generated nonce
property timestamp
timestamp: number;
A pre-calculated timestamp in seconds
namespace crypto
module 'lib/crypto.d.ts' {}
variable algorithms
const algorithms: string[];
variable headerVersion
const headerVersion: string;
function calculateMac
calculateMac: ( type: string, credentials: Client.Credentials, options: Artifacts) => string;
function calculatePayloadHash
calculatePayloadHash: ( payload: string, algorithm: string, contentType: string) => string;
function calculateTsMac
calculateTsMac: (ts: string, credentials: Client.Credentials) => string;
function finalizePayloadHash
finalizePayloadHash: (hash: Crypto.Hash) => string;
function generateNormalizedString
generateNormalizedString: (type: string, options: Artifacts) => string;
function initializePayloadHash
initializePayloadHash: (algorithm: string, contentType: string) => string;
function timestampMessage
timestampMessage: ( credentials: Client.Credentials, localtimeOffsetMsec: number) => TimestampMessage;
interface Artifacts
interface Artifacts {}
property app
app?: string | undefined;
property dlg
dlg?: string | undefined;
property ext
ext?: string | undefined;
property hash
hash?: string | undefined;
property host
host: string;
property method
method: string;
property nonce
nonce: string;
property port
port: number;
property resource
resource: string;
property ts
ts: string;
interface TimestampMessage
interface TimestampMessage {}
namespace server
module 'lib/server.d.ts' {}
optional header field name, used to override the default 'Host' header when used behind a cache of a proxy. Apache2 changes the value of the 'Host' header while preserving the original (which is what the module must verify) in the 'x-forwarded-host' header field. Only used when passed a node
function authenticate
authenticate: ( req: http.IncomingMessage, credentialsFunc: CredentialsFunc, options?: AuthenticateOptions) => Promise<Authentication>;
function authenticateBewit
authenticateBewit: ( req: http.IncomingMessage, credentialsFunc: CredentialsFunc, options?: AuthenticateBewitOptions) => Promise<AuthenticatedBewit>;
function authenticateMessage
authenticateMessage: ( host: string, port: number, message: string, authorization: Message, credentialsFunc: CredentialsFunc, options: AuthenticateMessageOptions) => Promise<AuthenticatedMessage>;
function authenticatePayload
authenticatePayload: ( payload: string, credentials: Credentials, artifacts: Crypto.Artifacts, contentType: string) => void;
function authenticatePayloadHash
authenticatePayloadHash: ( calculatedHash: string, artifacts: Crypto.Artifacts) => void;
function header
header: ( credentials: Credentials, artifacts: Crypto.Artifacts, options?: HeaderOptions) => string;
interface AuthenticatedBewit
interface AuthenticatedBewit extends AuthenticatedMessage {}
property bewit
bewit: Bewit;
interface AuthenticatedMessage
interface AuthenticatedMessage {}
property credentials
credentials: Credentials;
interface AuthenticateOptions
interface AuthenticateOptions {}
property host
host?: string | undefined;
optional host name override. Only used when passed a node request object.
property hostHeaderName
hostHeaderName?: string | undefined;
optional header field name, used to override the default 'Host' header when used behind a cache of a proxy. Apache2 changes the value of the 'Host' header while preserving the original (which is what the module must verify) in the 'x-forwarded-host' header field. Only used when passed a node
property localtimeOffsetMsec
localtimeOffsetMsec?: number | undefined;
Optional local clock time offset express in a number of milliseconds (positive or negative). Defaults to 0.
property nonceFunc
nonceFunc?: NonceFunc | undefined;
optional nonce validation function. The function signature is
async function(key, nonce, ts)
and it must return no value for success or throw an error for invalid state.
property payload
payload?: string | undefined;
optional payload for validation. The client calculates the hash value and includes it via the 'hash' header attribute. The server always ensures the value provided has been included in the request MAC. When this option is provided, it validates the hash value itself. Validation is done by calculating a hash value over the entire payload (assuming it has already be normalized to the same format and encoding used by the client to calculate the hash on request). If the payload is not available at the time of authentication, the
method can be used by passing it the credentials andattributes.hash
returned fromauthenticate()
property port
port?: number | undefined;
optional port override. Only used when passed a node request object.
property timestampSkewSec
timestampSkewSec?: number | undefined;
optional number of seconds of permitted clock skew for incoming timestamps. Defaults to 60 seconds. Provides a +/- skew which means actual allowed window is double the number of seconds.
interface Authentication
interface Authentication {}
property artifacts
artifacts: Crypto.Artifacts;
property credentials
credentials: Credentials;
interface Bewit
interface Bewit {}
interface Credentials
interface Credentials {}
interface HeaderOptions
interface HeaderOptions {}
property contentType
contentType?: string | string[] | undefined;
Payload content-type (ignored if hash provided)
property ext
ext?: string | undefined;
Application specific data sent via the ext attribute
property hash
hash?: string | undefined;
Pre-calculated payload hash
property payload
payload?: string | undefined;
UTF-8 encoded string for body hash generation (ignored if hash provided)
type AuthenticateBewitOptions
type AuthenticateBewitOptions = Pick< AuthenticateOptions, 'hostHeaderName' | 'localtimeOffsetMsec' | 'host' | 'port'>;
type AuthenticateMessageOptions
type AuthenticateMessageOptions = Pick< AuthenticateOptions, 'nonceFunc' | 'timestampSkewSec' | 'localtimeOffsetMsec'>;
type CredentialsFunc
type CredentialsFunc = (id: string) => Promise<Credentials> | Credentials;
type NonceFunc
type NonceFunc = (key: string, nonce: string, ts: string) => Promise<void> | void;
namespace uri
namespace uri {}
variable authenticate
const authenticate: ( req: http.IncomingMessage, credentialsFunc: server.CredentialsFunc, options?: server.AuthenticateBewitOptions) => Promise<server.AuthenticatedBewit>;
variable getBewit
const getBewit: (uri: string, options: client.BewitOptions) => string;
namespace utils
module 'lib/utils.d.ts' {}
Limit the length of uris and headers to avoid a DoS attack on string matching
variable limits
const limits: { maxMatchLength: number };
variable version
const version: string;
function now
now: (localtimeOffsetMsec: number) => number;
function nowSecs
nowSecs: (localtimeOffsetMsec: number) => number;
function parseAuthorizationHeader
parseAuthorizationHeader: ( header: string, keys?: string[]) => Record<string, string>;
function parseContentType
parseContentType: (header?: string) => string;
function parseHost
parseHost: ( req: http.RequestOptions | https.RequestOptions, hostHeaderName?: string) => Host | null;
function parseRequest
parseRequest: ( req: http.RequestOptions | https.RequestOptions, options?: ParseRequestOptions) => CustomRequest;
function setTimeFunction
setTimeFunction: (fn: () => number) => void;
function unauthorized
unauthorized: ( message?: string, attributes?: string | Boom.unauthorized.Attributes) => Boom.Boom & Boom.unauthorized.MissingAuth;
interface CustomRequest
interface CustomRequest {}
property authorization
authorization: string;
property contentType
contentType: string;
property host
host: string;
property method
method: string;
property port
port: number;
property url
url: string;
interface ParseRequestOptions
interface ParseRequestOptions {}
property host
host?: string | undefined;
property hostHeaderName
hostHeaderName?: string | undefined;
property name
name?: string | undefined;
property port
port?: number | undefined;
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