- Version 3.0.8
- Published
- 1.4 MB
- 3 dependencies
- MIT license
npm i pip-services3-commons-node
yarn add pip-services3-commons-node
pnpm add pip-services3-commons-node
Portable abstractions and patterns for Pip.Services in Node.js
- clone()
- equals()
- equalsAsType()
- getAsArray()
- getAsBoolean()
- getAsBooleanWithDefault()
- getAsDateTime()
- getAsDateTimeWithDefault()
- getAsDouble()
- getAsDoubleWithDefault()
- getAsFloat()
- getAsFloatWithDefault()
- getAsInteger()
- getAsIntegerWithDefault()
- getAsLong()
- getAsLongWithDefault()
- getAsMap()
- getAsNullableBoolean()
- getAsNullableDateTime()
- getAsNullableDouble()
- getAsNullableFloat()
- getAsNullableInteger()
- getAsNullableLong()
- getAsNullableString()
- getAsNullableType()
- getAsObject()
- getAsString()
- getAsStringWithDefault()
- getAsType()
- getAsTypeWithDefault()
- getTypeCode()
- hashCode()
- setAsObject()
- toString()
- value
- append()
- clear()
- clone()
- contains()
- containsAsType()
- fromString()
- fromValue()
- fromValues()
- get()
- getAsArray()
- getAsArrayWithDefault()
- getAsBoolean()
- getAsBooleanWithDefault()
- getAsDateTime()
- getAsDateTimeWithDefault()
- getAsDouble()
- getAsDoubleWithDefault()
- getAsFloat()
- getAsFloatWithDefault()
- getAsInteger()
- getAsIntegerWithDefault()
- getAsLong()
- getAsLongWithDefault()
- getAsMap()
- getAsMapWithDefault()
- getAsNullableArray()
- getAsNullableBoolean()
- getAsNullableDateTime()
- getAsNullableDouble()
- getAsNullableFloat()
- getAsNullableInteger()
- getAsNullableLong()
- getAsNullableMap()
- getAsNullableString()
- getAsNullableType()
- getAsObject()
- getAsString()
- getAsStringWithDefault()
- getAsType()
- getAsTypeWithDefault()
- getAsValue()
- put()
- remove()
- setAsObject()
- toString()
- append()
- clear()
- clone()
- fromMaps()
- fromTuples()
- fromTuplesArray()
- fromValue()
- get()
- getAsArray()
- getAsArrayWithDefault()
- getAsBoolean()
- getAsBooleanWithDefault()
- getAsDateTime()
- getAsDateTimeWithDefault()
- getAsDouble()
- getAsDoubleWithDefault()
- getAsFloat()
- getAsFloatWithDefault()
- getAsInteger()
- getAsIntegerWithDefault()
- getAsLong()
- getAsLongWithDefault()
- getAsMap()
- getAsMapWithDefault()
- getAsNullableArray()
- getAsNullableBoolean()
- getAsNullableDateTime()
- getAsNullableDouble()
- getAsNullableFloat()
- getAsNullableInteger()
- getAsNullableLong()
- getAsNullableMap()
- getAsNullableString()
- getAsNullableType()
- getAsObject()
- getAsString()
- getAsStringWithDefault()
- getAsType()
- getAsTypeWithDefault()
- getAsValue()
- getKeys()
- length()
- put()
- remove()
- setAsObject()
- toString()
- append()
- clear()
- clone()
- fromMaps()
- fromString()
- fromTuples()
- fromTuplesArray()
- fromValue()
- get()
- getAsArray()
- getAsArrayWithDefault()
- getAsBoolean()
- getAsBooleanWithDefault()
- getAsDateTime()
- getAsDateTimeWithDefault()
- getAsDouble()
- getAsDoubleWithDefault()
- getAsFloat()
- getAsFloatWithDefault()
- getAsInteger()
- getAsIntegerWithDefault()
- getAsLong()
- getAsLongWithDefault()
- getAsMap()
- getAsMapWithDefault()
- getAsNullableArray()
- getAsNullableBoolean()
- getAsNullableDateTime()
- getAsNullableDouble()
- getAsNullableFloat()
- getAsNullableInteger()
- getAsNullableLong()
- getAsNullableMap()
- getAsNullableString()
- getAsNullableType()
- getAsObject()
- getAsString()
- getAsStringWithDefault()
- getAsType()
- getAsTypeWithDefault()
- getAsValue()
- getKeys()
- length()
- put()
- remove()
- setAsObject()
- toString()
class AndRule
class AndRule implements IValidationRule {}
Validation rule to combine rules with AND logical operation. When all rules returns no errors, than this rule also returns no errors. When one of the rules return errors, than the rules returns all errors.
See Also
### Example ###
let schema = new Schema() .withRule(new AndRule( new ValueComparisonRule("GTE", 1), new ValueComparisonRule("LTE", 10) ));
schema.validate(0); // Result: 0 must be greater or equal to 1 schema.validate(5); // Result: no error schema.validate(20); // Result: 20 must be letter or equal 10
constructor(...rules: IValidationRule[]);
Creates a new validation rule and sets its values.
Parameter rules
a list of rules to join with AND operator
method validate
validate: ( path: string, schema: Schema, value: any, results: ValidationResult[]) => void;
Validates a given value against this rule.
Parameter path
a dot notation path to the value.
Parameter schema
a schema this rule is called from
Parameter value
a value to be validated.
Parameter results
a list with validation results to add new results.
class AnyValue
class AnyValue implements ICloneable {}
Cross-language implementation of dynamic object what can hold value of any type. The stored value can be converted to different types using variety of accessor methods.
### Example ###
let value1 = new AnyValue("123.456");
value1.getAsInteger(); // Result: 123 value1.getAsString(); // Result: "123.456" value1.getAsFloat(); // Result: 123.456
See Also
constructor(value?: any);
Creates a new instance of the object and assigns its value.
Parameter value
(optional) value to initialize this object.
property value
value: any;
The value stored by this object.
method clone
clone: () => any;
Creates a binary clone of this object.
a clone of this object.
method equals
equals: (obj: any) => boolean;
Compares this object value to specified specified value. When direct comparison gives negative results it tries to compare values as strings.
Parameter obj
the value to be compared with.
true when objects are equal and false otherwise.
method equalsAsType
equalsAsType: <T>(type: TypeCode, obj: any) => boolean;
Compares this object value to specified specified value. When direct comparison gives negative results it converts values to type specified by type code and compare them again.
Parameter obj
the value to be compared with.
true when objects are equal and false otherwise.
See Also
method getAsArray
getAsArray: () => AnyValueArray;
Converts object value into an AnyArray or returns empty AnyArray if conversion is not possible.
AnyArray value or empty AnyArray if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsBoolean
getAsBoolean: () => boolean;
Converts object value into a boolean or returns false if conversion is not possible.
string value or false if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsBooleanWithDefault
getAsBooleanWithDefault: (defaultValue: boolean) => boolean;
Converts object value into a boolean or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value.
boolean value or default if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsDateTime
getAsDateTime: () => Date;
Converts object value into a Date or returns current date if conversion is not possible.
Date value or current date if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsDateTimeWithDefault
getAsDateTimeWithDefault: (defaultValue: Date) => Date;
Converts object value into a Date or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value.
Date value or default if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsDouble
getAsDouble: () => number;
Converts object value into a double or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.
double value or 0 if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsDoubleWithDefault
getAsDoubleWithDefault: (defaultValue: number) => number;
Converts object value into a double or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value.
double value or default if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsFloat
getAsFloat: () => number;
Converts object value into a float or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.
float value or 0 if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsFloatWithDefault
getAsFloatWithDefault: (defaultValue: number) => number;
Converts object value into a float or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value.
float value or default if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsInteger
getAsInteger: () => number;
Converts object value into an integer or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.
integer value or 0 if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsIntegerWithDefault
getAsIntegerWithDefault: (defaultValue: number) => number;
Converts object value into a integer or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value.
integer value or default if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsLong
getAsLong: () => number;
Converts object value into a long or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.
string value or 0 if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsLongWithDefault
getAsLongWithDefault: (defaultValue: number) => number;
Converts object value into a long or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value.
long value or default if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsMap
getAsMap: () => AnyValueMap;
Converts object value into AnyMap or returns empty AnyMap if conversion is not possible.
AnyMap value or empty AnyMap if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableBoolean
getAsNullableBoolean: () => boolean;
Converts object value into a boolean or returns null if conversion is not possible.
boolean value or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableDateTime
getAsNullableDateTime: () => Date;
Converts object value into a Date or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Date value or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableDouble
getAsNullableDouble: () => number;
Converts object value into a double or returns null if conversion is not possible.
double value or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableFloat
getAsNullableFloat: () => number;
Converts object value into a float or returns null if conversion is not possible.
float value or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableInteger
getAsNullableInteger: () => number;
Converts object value into an integer or returns null if conversion is not possible.
integer value or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableLong
getAsNullableLong: () => number;
Converts object value into a long or returns null if conversion is not possible.
long value or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableString
getAsNullableString: () => string;
Converts object value into a string or returns null if conversion is not possible.
string value or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableType
getAsNullableType: <T>(type: TypeCode) => T;
Converts object value into a value defined by specied typecode. If conversion is not possible it returns null.
Parameter type
the TypeCode that defined the type of the result
value defined by the typecode or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsObject
getAsObject: () => any;
Gets the value stored in this object without any conversions
the object value.
method getAsString
getAsString: () => string;
Converts object value into a string or returns "" if conversion is not possible.
string value or "" if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsStringWithDefault
getAsStringWithDefault: (defaultValue: string) => string;
Converts object value into a string or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value.
string value or default if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsType
getAsType: <T>(typeCode: TypeCode) => T;
Converts object value into a value defined by specied typecode. If conversion is not possible it returns default value for the specified type.
Parameter typeCode
the TypeCode that defined the type of the result
value defined by the typecode or type default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsTypeWithDefault
getAsTypeWithDefault: <T>(typeCode: TypeCode, defaultValue: T) => T;
Converts object value into a value defined by specied typecode. If conversion is not possible it returns default value.
Parameter typeCode
the TypeCode that defined the type of the result
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
value defined by the typecode or type default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getTypeCode
getTypeCode: () => TypeCode;
Gets type code for the value stored in this object.
type code of the object value.
See Also
method hashCode
hashCode: () => number;
Gets an object hash code which can be used to optimize storing and searching.
an object hash code.
method setAsObject
setAsObject: (value: any) => void;
Sets a new value for this object
Parameter value
the new object value.
method toString
toString: () => any;
Gets a string representation of the object.
a string representation of the object.
See Also
class AnyValueArray
class AnyValueArray extends Array<any> implements ICloneable {}
Cross-language implementation of dynamic object array what can hold values of any type. The stored values can be converted to different types using variety of accessor methods.
### Example ###
let value1 = new AnyValueArray([1, "123.456", "2018-01-01"]);
value1.getAsBoolean(0); // Result: true value1.getAsInteger(1); // Result: 123 value1.getAsFloat(1); // Result: 123.456 value1.getAsDateTime(2); // Result: new Date(2018,0,1)
See Also
constructor(values?: any[]);
Creates a new instance of the array and assigns its value.
Parameter value
(optional) values to initialize this array.
method append
append: (elements: any[]) => void;
Appends new elements to this array.
Parameter elements
a list of elements to be added.
method clear
clear: () => void;
Clears this array by removing all its elements.
method clone
clone: () => any;
Creates a binary clone of this object.
a clone of this object.
method contains
contains: (value: any) => boolean;
Checks if this array contains a value. The check uses direct comparison between elements and the specified value.
Parameter value
a value to be checked
true if this array contains the value or false otherwise.
method containsAsType
containsAsType: <T>(typeCode: TypeCode, value: any) => boolean;
Checks if this array contains a value. The check before comparison converts elements and the value to type specified by type code.
Parameter typeCode
a type code that defines a type to convert values before comparison
Parameter value
a value to be checked
true if this array contains the value or false otherwise.
See Also
method fromString
static fromString: ( values: string, separator: string, removeDuplicates?: boolean) => AnyValueArray;
Splits specified string into elements using a separator and assigns the elements to a newly created AnyValueArray.
Parameter values
a string value to be split and assigned to AnyValueArray
Parameter separator
a separator to split the string
Parameter removeDuplicates
(optional) true to remove duplicated elements
a newly created AnyValueArray.
method fromValue
static fromValue: (value: any) => AnyValueArray;
Converts specified value into AnyValueArray.
Parameter value
value to be converted
a newly created AnyValueArray.
See Also
method fromValues
static fromValues: (...values: any[]) => AnyValueArray;
Creates a new AnyValueArray from a list of values
Parameter values
a list of values to initialize the created AnyValueArray
a newly created AnyValueArray.
method get
get: (index: number) => any;
Gets an array element specified by its index.
Parameter index
an index of the element to get.
the value of the array element.
method getAsArray
getAsArray: (index: number) => AnyValueArray;
Converts array element into an AnyValueArray or returns empty AnyValueArray if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
AnyValueArray value of the element or empty AnyValueArray if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsArrayWithDefault
getAsArrayWithDefault: ( index: number, defaultValue: AnyValueArray) => AnyValueArray;
Converts array element into an AnyValueArray or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
AnyValueArray value of the element or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsBoolean
getAsBoolean: (index: number) => boolean;
Converts array element into a boolean or returns false if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
boolean value ot the element or false if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsBooleanWithDefault
getAsBooleanWithDefault: (index: number, defaultValue: boolean) => boolean;
Converts array element into a boolean or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
boolean value ot the element or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsDateTime
getAsDateTime: (index: number) => Date;
Converts array element into a Date or returns the current date if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
Date value ot the element or the current date if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsDateTimeWithDefault
getAsDateTimeWithDefault: (index: number, defaultValue: Date) => Date;
Converts array element into a Date or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
Date value ot the element or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsDouble
getAsDouble: (index: number) => number;
Converts array element into a double or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
double value ot the element or 0 if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsDoubleWithDefault
getAsDoubleWithDefault: (index: number, defaultValue: number) => number;
Converts array element into a double or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
double value ot the element or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsFloat
getAsFloat: (index: number) => number;
Converts array element into a float or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
float value ot the element or 0 if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsFloatWithDefault
getAsFloatWithDefault: (index: number, defaultValue: number) => number;
Converts array element into a float or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
float value ot the element or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsInteger
getAsInteger: (index: number) => number;
Converts array element into an integer or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
integer value ot the element or 0 if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsIntegerWithDefault
getAsIntegerWithDefault: (index: number, defaultValue: number) => number;
Converts array element into an integer or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
integer value ot the element or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsLong
getAsLong: (index: number) => number;
Converts array element into a long or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
long value ot the element or 0 if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsLongWithDefault
getAsLongWithDefault: (index: number, defaultValue: number) => number;
Converts array element into a long or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
long value ot the element or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsMap
getAsMap: (index: number) => AnyValueMap;
Converts array element into an AnyValueMap or returns empty AnyValueMap if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
AnyValueMap value of the element or empty AnyValueMap if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsMapWithDefault
getAsMapWithDefault: (index: number, defaultValue: AnyValueMap) => AnyValueMap;
Converts array element into an AnyValueMap or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
AnyValueMap value of the element or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableArray
getAsNullableArray: (index: number) => AnyValueArray;
Converts array element into an AnyValueArray or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
AnyValueArray value of the element or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableBoolean
getAsNullableBoolean: (index: number) => boolean;
Converts array element into a boolean or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
boolean value of the element or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableDateTime
getAsNullableDateTime: (index: number) => Date;
Converts array element into a Date or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
Date value of the element or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableDouble
getAsNullableDouble: (index: number) => number;
Converts array element into a double or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
double value of the element or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableFloat
getAsNullableFloat: (index: number) => number;
Converts array element into a float or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
float value of the element or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableInteger
getAsNullableInteger: (index: number) => number;
Converts array element into an integer or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
integer value of the element or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableLong
getAsNullableLong: (index: number) => number;
Converts array element into a long or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
long value of the element or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableMap
getAsNullableMap: (index: number) => AnyValueMap;
Converts array element into an AnyValueMap or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
AnyValueMap value of the element or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableString
getAsNullableString: (index: number) => string;
Converts array element into a string or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
string value of the element or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableType
getAsNullableType: <T>(type: TypeCode, index: number) => T;
Converts array element into a value defined by specied typecode. If conversion is not possible it returns null.
Parameter type
the TypeCode that defined the type of the result
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
element value defined by the typecode or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsObject
getAsObject: (index?: number) => any;
Gets the value stored in array element without any conversions. When element index is not defined it returns the entire array value.
Parameter index
(optional) an index of the element to get
the element value or value of the array when index is not defined.
method getAsString
getAsString: (index: number) => string;
Converts array element into a string or returns "" if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
string value ot the element or "" if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsStringWithDefault
getAsStringWithDefault: (index: number, defaultValue: string) => string;
Converts array element into a string or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
string value ot the element or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsType
getAsType: <T>(type: TypeCode, index: number) => T;
Converts array element into a value defined by specied typecode. If conversion is not possible it returns default value for the specified type.
Parameter type
the TypeCode that defined the type of the result
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
element value defined by the typecode or default if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsTypeWithDefault
getAsTypeWithDefault: <T>(type: TypeCode, index: number, defaultValue: T) => T;
Converts array element into a value defined by specied typecode. If conversion is not possible it returns default value.
Parameter type
the TypeCode that defined the type of the result
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
element value defined by the typecode or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsValue
getAsValue: (index: number) => AnyValue;
Converts array element into an AnyValue or returns an empty AnyValue if conversion is not possible.
Parameter index
an index of element to get.
AnyValue value of the element or empty AnyValue if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method put
put: (index: number, value: any) => void;
Puts a new value into array element specified by its index.
Parameter index
an index of the element to put.
Parameter value
a new value for array element.
method remove
remove: (index: number) => void;
Removes an array element specified by its index
Parameter index
an index of the element to remove.
method setAsObject
setAsObject: (index: any, value?: any) => void;
Sets a new value to array element specified by its index. When the index is not defined, it resets the entire array value. This method has double purpose because method overrides are not supported in JavaScript.
Parameter index
(optional) an index of the element to set
Parameter value
a new element or array value.
See Also
method toString
toString: () => string;
Gets a string representation of the object. The result is a comma-separated list of string representations of individual elements as "value1,value2,value3"
a string representation of the object.
See Also
class AnyValueMap
class AnyValueMap implements ICloneable {}
Cross-language implementation of dynamic object map (dictionary) what can hold values of any type. The stored values can be converted to different types using variety of accessor methods.
### Example ###
let value1 = new AnyValueMap({ key1: 1, key2: "123.456", key3: "2018-01-01" });
value1.getAsBoolean("key1"); // Result: true value1.getAsInteger("key2"); // Result: 123 value1.getAsFloat("key2"); // Result: 123.456 value1.getAsDateTime("key3"); // Result: new Date(2018,0,1)
See Also
constructor(values?: any);
Creates a new instance of the map and assigns its value.
Parameter value
(optional) values to initialize this map.
method append
append: (map: any) => void;
Appends new elements to this map.
Parameter map
a map with elements to be added.
method clear
clear: () => any;
Clears this map by removing all its elements.
method clone
clone: () => any;
Creates a binary clone of this object.
a clone of this object.
method fromMaps
static fromMaps: (...maps: any[]) => AnyValueMap;
Creates a new AnyValueMap by merging two or more maps. Maps defined later in the list override values from previously defined maps.
Parameter maps
an array of maps to be merged
a newly created AnyValueMap.
method fromTuples
static fromTuples: (...tuples: any[]) => AnyValueMap;
Creates a new AnyValueMap from a list of key-value pairs called tuples.
Parameter tuples
a list of values where odd elements are keys and the following even elements are values
a newly created AnyValueArray.
See Also
method fromTuplesArray
static fromTuplesArray: (tuples: any[]) => AnyValueMap;
Creates a new AnyValueMap from a list of key-value pairs called tuples. The method is similar to [[fromTuples]] but tuples are passed as array instead of parameters.
Parameter tuples
a list of values where odd elements are keys and the following even elements are values
a newly created AnyValueArray.
method fromValue
static fromValue: (value: any) => AnyValueMap;
Converts specified value into AnyValueMap.
Parameter value
value to be converted
a newly created AnyValueMap.
See Also
method get
get: (key: string) => any;
Gets a map element specified by its key.
Parameter key
a key of the element to get.
the value of the map element.
method getAsArray
getAsArray: (key: string) => AnyValueArray;
Converts map element into an AnyValueArray or returns empty AnyValueArray if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
AnyValueArray value of the element or empty AnyValueArray if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsArrayWithDefault
getAsArrayWithDefault: ( key: string, defaultValue: AnyValueArray) => AnyValueArray;
Converts map element into an AnyValueArray or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
AnyValueArray value of the element or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsBoolean
getAsBoolean: (key: string) => boolean;
Converts map element into a boolean or returns false if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
boolean value of the element or false if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsBooleanWithDefault
getAsBooleanWithDefault: (key: string, defaultValue: boolean) => boolean;
Converts map element into a boolean or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
boolean value of the element or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsDateTime
getAsDateTime: (key: string) => Date;
Converts map element into a Date or returns the current date if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
Date value of the element or the current date if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsDateTimeWithDefault
getAsDateTimeWithDefault: (key: string, defaultValue: Date) => Date;
Converts map element into a Date or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
Date value of the element or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsDouble
getAsDouble: (key: string) => number;
Converts map element into a double or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
double value of the element or 0 if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsDoubleWithDefault
getAsDoubleWithDefault: (key: string, defaultValue: number) => number;
Converts map element into a double or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
double value of the element or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsFloat
getAsFloat: (key: string) => number;
Converts map element into a float or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
float value of the element or 0 if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsFloatWithDefault
getAsFloatWithDefault: (key: string, defaultValue: number) => number;
Converts map element into a flot or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
flot value of the element or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsInteger
getAsInteger: (key: string) => number;
Converts map element into an integer or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
integer value of the element or 0 if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsIntegerWithDefault
getAsIntegerWithDefault: (key: string, defaultValue: number) => number;
Converts map element into an integer or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
integer value of the element or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsLong
getAsLong: (key: string) => number;
Converts map element into a long or returns 0 if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
long value of the element or 0 if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsLongWithDefault
getAsLongWithDefault: (key: string, defaultValue: number) => number;
Converts map element into a long or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
long value of the element or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsMap
getAsMap: (key: string) => AnyValueMap;
Converts map element into an AnyValueMap or returns empty AnyValueMap if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
AnyValueMap value of the element or empty AnyValueMap if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsMapWithDefault
getAsMapWithDefault: (key: string, defaultValue: AnyValueMap) => AnyValueMap;
Converts map element into an AnyValueMap or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
AnyValueMap value of the element or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableArray
getAsNullableArray: (key: string) => AnyValueArray;
Converts map element into an AnyValueArray or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
AnyValueArray value of the element or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableBoolean
getAsNullableBoolean: (key: string) => boolean;
Converts map element into a boolean or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
boolean value of the element or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableDateTime
getAsNullableDateTime: (key: string) => Date;
Converts map element into a Date or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
Date value of the element or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableDouble
getAsNullableDouble: (key: string) => number;
Converts map element into a double or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
double value of the element or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableFloat
getAsNullableFloat: (key: string) => number;
Converts map element into a float or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
float value of the element or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableInteger
getAsNullableInteger: (key: string) => number;
Converts map element into an integer or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
integer value of the element or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableLong
getAsNullableLong: (key: string) => number;
Converts map element into a long or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
long value of the element or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableMap
getAsNullableMap: (key: string) => AnyValueMap;
Converts map element into an AnyValueMap or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
AnyValueMap value of the element or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableString
getAsNullableString: (key: string) => string;
Converts map element into a string or returns null if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
string value of the element or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsNullableType
getAsNullableType: <T>(type: TypeCode, key: string) => T;
Converts map element into a value defined by specied typecode. If conversion is not possible it returns null.
Parameter type
the TypeCode that defined the type of the result
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
element value defined by the typecode or null if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsObject
getAsObject: (key?: string) => any;
Gets the value stored in map element without any conversions. When element key is not defined it returns the entire map value.
Parameter key
(optional) a key of the element to get
the element value or value of the map when index is not defined.
method getAsString
getAsString: (key: string) => string;
Converts map element into a string or returns "" if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
string value of the element or "" if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsStringWithDefault
getAsStringWithDefault: (key: string, defaultValue: string) => string;
Converts map element into a string or returns default value if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
string value of the element or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsType
getAsType: <T>(type: TypeCode, key: string) => T;
Converts map element into a value defined by specied typecode. If conversion is not possible it returns default value for the specified type.
Parameter type
the TypeCode that defined the type of the result
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
element value defined by the typecode or default if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsTypeWithDefault
getAsTypeWithDefault: <T>(type: TypeCode, key: string, defaultValue: T) => T;
Converts map element into a value defined by specied typecode. If conversion is not possible it returns default value.
Parameter type
the TypeCode that defined the type of the result
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
element value defined by the typecode or default value if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getAsValue
getAsValue: (key: string) => AnyValue;
Converts map element into an AnyValue or returns an empty AnyValue if conversion is not possible.
Parameter key
a key of element to get.
AnyValue value of the element or empty AnyValue if conversion is not supported.
See Also
method getKeys
getKeys: () => string[];
Gets keys of all elements stored in this map.
a list with all map keys.
method length
length: () => number;
Gets a number of elements stored in this map.
the number of elements in this map.
method put
put: (key: string, value: any) => any;
Puts a new value into map element specified by its key.
Parameter key
a key of the element to put.
Parameter value
a new value for map element.
method remove
remove: (key: string) => void;
Removes a map element specified by its key
Parameter key
a key of the element to remove.
method setAsObject
setAsObject: (key: any, value?: any) => void;
Sets a new value to map element specified by its index. When the index is not defined, it resets the entire map value. This method has double purpose because method overrides are not supported in JavaScript.
Parameter key
(optional) a key of the element to set
Parameter value
a new element or map value.
See Also
method toString
toString: () => string;
Gets a string representation of the object. The result is a semicolon-separated list of key-value pairs as "key1=value1;key2=value2;key=value3"
a string representation of the object.
class ApplicationException
class ApplicationException extends Error {}
Defines a base class to defive various application exceptions.
Most languages have own definition of base exception (error) types. However, this class is implemented symmetrically in all languages supported by PipServices toolkit. It allows to create portable implementations and support proper error propagation in microservices calls.
Error propagation means that when microservice implemented in one language calls microservice(s) implemented in a different language(s), errors are returned throught the entire call chain and restored in their original (or close) type.
Since number of potential exception types is endless, PipServices toolkit supports only 12 standard categories of exceptions defined in [[ErrorCategory]]. This [[ApplicationException]] class acts as a basis for all other 12 standard exception types.
Most exceptions have just free-form message that describes occured error. That may not be sufficient to create meaninful error descriptions. The [[ApplicationException]] class proposes an extended error definition that has more standard fields:
- message: is a human-readable error description - category: one of 12 standard error categories of errors - status: numeric HTTP status code for REST invocations - code: a unique error code, usually defined as "MY_ERROR_CODE" - correlation_id: a unique transaction id to trace execution through a call chain - details: map with error parameters that can help to recreate meaningful error description in other languages - stack_trace: a stack trace - cause: original error that is wrapped by this exception
ApplicationException class is not serializable. To pass errors through the wire it is converted into [[ErrorDescription]] object and restored on receiving end into identical exception type.
See Also
constructor( category?: string, correlation_id?: string, code?: string, message?: string);
Creates a new instance of application exception and assigns its values.
Parameter category
(optional) a standard error category. Default: Unknown
Parameter correlation_id
(optional) a unique transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter code
(optional) a unique error code. Default: "UNKNOWN"
Parameter message
(optional) a human-readable description of the error.
property category
category: string;
Standard error category
property cause
cause: string;
Original error wrapped by this exception
property code
code: string;
A unique error code
property correlation_id
correlation_id: string;
A unique transaction id to trace execution throug call chain
property details
details: StringValueMap;
A map with additional details that can be used to restore error description in other languages
property message
message: string;
A human-readable error description (usually written in English)
property stack_trace
stack_trace: string;
Stack trace of the exception
property status
status: number;
HTTP status code associated with this error type
method getCauseString
getCauseString: () => string;
Gets original error wrapped by this exception as a string message.
an original error message.
method getStackTraceString
getStackTraceString: () => string;
Gets a stack trace where this exception occured.
a stack trace as a string.
method setCauseString
setCauseString: (value: string) => void;
Sets original error wrapped by this exception as a string message.
Parameter value
an original error message.
method setStackTraceString
setStackTraceString: (value: string) => void;
Sets a stack trace where this exception occured.
Parameter value
a stack trace as a string
method unwrapError
static unwrapError: (error: any) => any;
Unwraps original exception through wrapped exception objects.
Many frameworks like Seneca or restify wrap original exception. That may result in propagating less specific errors and can hide causes of the errors.
Parameter error
an error object
an original error object
method withCause
withCause: (cause: Error) => ApplicationException;
Sets a original error wrapped by this exception
This method returns reference to this exception to implement Builder pattern to chain additional calls.
Parameter cause
original error object
this exception object
method withCode
withCode: (code: string) => ApplicationException;
Sets a unique error code.
This method returns reference to this exception to implement Builder pattern to chain additional calls.
Parameter code
a unique error code
this exception object
method withCorrelationId
withCorrelationId: (correlationId: string) => ApplicationException;
Sets a correlation id which can be used to trace this error through a call chain.
This method returns reference to this exception to implement Builder pattern to chain additional calls.
Parameter correlationId
a unique transaction id to trace error through call chain
this exception object
method withDetails
withDetails: (key: string, value: any) => ApplicationException;
Sets a parameter for additional error details. This details can be used to restore error description in other languages.
This method returns reference to this exception to implement Builder pattern to chain additional calls.
Parameter key
a details parameter name
Parameter value
a details parameter name
this exception object
method withStackTrace
withStackTrace: (stackTrace: string) => ApplicationException;
Sets a stack trace for this error.
This method returns reference to this exception to implement Builder pattern to chain additional calls.
Parameter stackTrace
a stack trace where this error occured
this exception object
method withStatus
withStatus: (status: number) => ApplicationException;
Sets a HTTP status code which shall be returned by REST calls.
This method returns reference to this exception to implement Builder pattern to chain additional calls.
Parameter status
an HTTP error code.
this exception object
method wrap
wrap: (cause: any) => ApplicationException;
Wraps another exception into an application exception object.
If original exception is of ApplicationException type it is returned without changes. Otherwise a new ApplicationException is created and original error is set as its cause.
Parameter cause
an original error object
an original or newly created ApplicationException
method wrapError
static wrapError: ( error: ApplicationException, cause: any) => ApplicationException;
Wraps another exception into specified application exception object.
If original exception is of ApplicationException type it is returned without changes. Otherwise the original error is set as a cause to specified ApplicationException object.
Parameter error
an ApplicationException object to wrap the cause
Parameter cause
an original error object
an original or newly created ApplicationException
See Also
class ApplicationExceptionFactory
class ApplicationExceptionFactory {}
Factory to recreate exceptions from [[ErrorDescription]] values passed through the wire.
See Also
method create
static create: (description: ErrorDescription) => ApplicationException;
Recreates ApplicationException object from serialized ErrorDescription.
It tries to restore original exception type using type or error category fields.
Parameter description
a serialized error description received as a result of remote call
class ArrayConverter
class ArrayConverter {}
Converts arbitrary values into array objects.
### Example ###
let value1 = ArrayConverter.toArray([1, 2]); // Result: [1, 2] let value2 = ArrayConverter.toArray(1); // Result: [1] let value2 = ArrayConverter.listToArray("1,2,3"); // Result: ["1", "2", "3"]
method listToArray
static listToArray: (value: any) => any[];
Converts value into array object with empty array as default. Strings with comma-delimited values are split into array of strings.
Parameter value
the list to convert.
array object or empty array when value is null
See Also
method toArray
static toArray: (value: any) => any[];
Converts value into array object with empty array as default. Single values are converted into arrays with single element.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
array object or empty array when value is null.
See Also
method toArrayWithDefault
static toArrayWithDefault: (value: any, defaultValue: any[]) => any[];
Converts value into array object with specified default. Single values are converted into arrays with single element.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
Parameter defaultValue
default array object.
array object or default array when value is null.
See Also
method toNullableArray
static toNullableArray: (value: any) => any[];
Converts value into array object. Single values are converted into arrays with a single element.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
array object or null when value is null.
class ArraySchema
class ArraySchema extends Schema {}
Schema to validate arrays.
### Example ###
let schema = new ArraySchema(TypeCode.String);
schema.validate(["A", "B", "C"]); // Result: no errors schema.validate([1, 2, 3]); // Result: element type mismatch schema.validate("A"); // Result: type mismatch
constructor(valueType?: any, required?: boolean, rules?: IValidationRule[]);
Creates a new instance of validation schema and sets its values.
Parameter valueType
a type of array elements. Null means that elements may have any type.
Parameter required
(optional) true to always require non-null values.
Parameter rules
(optional) a list with validation rules.
See Also
method getValueType
getValueType: () => any;
Gets the type of array elements. Null means that elements may have any type.
the type of array elements.
method performValidation
protected performValidation: ( path: string, value: any, results: ValidationResult[]) => void;
Validates a given value against the schema and configured validation rules.
Parameter path
a dot notation path to the value.
Parameter value
a value to be validated.
Parameter results
a list with validation results to add new results.
method setValueType
setValueType: (value: any) => void;
Sets the type of array elements. Null means that elements may have any type.
Parameter value
a type of array elements.
class AtLeastOneExistsRule
class AtLeastOneExistsRule implements IValidationRule {}
Validation rule that check that at least one of the object properties is not null.
See Also
### Example ###
let schema = new Schema() .withRule(new AtLeastOneExistsRule("field1", "field2"));
schema.validate({ field1: 1, field2: "A" }); // Result: no errors schema.validate({ field1: 1 }); // Result: no errors schema.validate({ }); // Result: at least one of properties field1, field2 must exist
constructor(...properties: string[]);
Creates a new validation rule and sets its values
Parameter properties
a list of property names where at least one property must exist
method validate
validate: ( path: string, schema: Schema, value: any, results: ValidationResult[]) => void;
Validates a given value against this rule.
Parameter path
a dot notation path to the value.
Parameter schema
a schema this rule is called from
Parameter value
a value to be validated.
Parameter results
a list with validation results to add new results.
class BadRequestException
class BadRequestException extends ApplicationException {}
Errors due to improper user requests.
For example: missing or incorrect parameters.
constructor(correlation_id?: string, code?: string, message?: string);
Creates an error instance and assigns its values.
Parameter correlation_id
(optional) a unique transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter code
(optional) a unique error code. Default: "UNKNOWN"
Parameter message
(optional) a human-readable description of the error.
See Also
class BooleanConverter
class BooleanConverter {}
Converts arbitrary values to boolean values using extended conversion rules: - Numbers: <>0 are true, =0 are false - Strings: "true", "yes", "T", "Y", "1" are true; "false", "no", "F", "N" are false - DateTime: <>0 total milliseconds are true, =0 are false
### Example ###
let value1 = BooleanConverter.toNullableBoolean(true); // true let value2 = BooleanConverter.toNullableBoolean("yes"); // true let value3 = BooleanConverter.toNullableBoolean(123); // true let value4 = BooleanConverter.toNullableBoolean({}); // null
method toBoolean
static toBoolean: (value: any) => boolean;
Converts value into boolean or returns false when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
boolean value or false when conversion is not supported.
See Also
method toBooleanWithDefault
static toBooleanWithDefault: (value: any, defaultValue?: boolean) => boolean;
Converts value into boolean or returns default value when conversion is not possible
Parameter value
the value to convert.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value
boolean value or default when conversion is not supported.
See Also
method toNullableBoolean
static toNullableBoolean: (value: any) => boolean;
Converts value into boolean or returns null when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
boolean value or null when convertion is not supported.
class Cleaner
class Cleaner {}
Helper class that cleans stored object state.
See Also
method clear
static clear: ( correlationId: string, components: any[], callback?: (err: any) => void) => void;
Clears state of multiple components.
To be cleaned state components must implement [[ICleanable]] interface. If they don't the call to this method has no effect.
Parameter correlationId
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter components
the list of components that are to be cleaned.
Parameter callback
callback function that returns error or null no errors occured.
See Also
method clearOne
static clearOne: ( correlationId: string, component: any, callback?: (err: any) => void) => void;
Clears state of specific component.
To be cleaned state components must implement [[ICleanable]] interface. If they don't the call to this method has no effect.
Parameter correlationId
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter component
the component that is to be cleaned.
Parameter callback
callback function that returns error or null no errors occured.
See Also
class Closer
class Closer {}
Helper class that closes previously opened components.
method close
static close: ( correlationId: string, components: any[], callback?: (err: any) => void) => void;
Closes multiple components.
To be closed components must implement [[ICloseable]] interface. If they don't the call to this method has no effect.
Parameter correlationId
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter components
the list of components that are to be closed.
Parameter callback
callback function that receives error or null no errors occured.
See Also
method closeOne
static closeOne: ( correlationId: string, component: any, callback?: (err: any) => void) => void;
Closes specific component.
To be closed components must implement [[ICloseable]] interface. If they don't the call to this method has no effect.
Parameter correlationId
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter component
the component that is to be closed.
Parameter callback
callback function that receives error or null no errors occured.
See Also
class Command
class Command implements ICommand {}
Concrete implementation of [[ICommand ICommand]] interface. Command allows to call a method or function using Command pattern.
### Example ###
let command = new Command("add", null, (correlationId, args, callback) => { let param1 = args.getAsFloat("param1"); let param2 = args.getAsFloat("param2"); let result = param1 + param2; callback(null, result); });
command.execute( "123", Parameters.fromTuples( "param1", 2, "param2", 2 ), (err, result) => { if (err) console.error(err); else console.log("2 + 2 = " + result); } );
// Console output: 2 + 2 = 4
See Also
constructor(name: string, schema: Schema, func: any);
Creates a new command object and assigns it's parameters.
Parameter name
the command name.
Parameter schema
the schema to validate command arguments.
Parameter func
the function to be executed by this command.
method execute
execute: ( correlationId: string, args: Parameters, callback: (err: any, result: any) => void) => void;
Executes the command. Before execution it validates [[Parameters args]] using the defined schema. The command execution intercepts exceptions raised by the called function and returns them as an error in callback.
Parameter correlationId
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter args
the parameters (arguments) to pass to this command for execution.
Parameter callback
function to be called when command is complete
See Also
method getName
getName: () => string;
Gets the command name.
the name of this command.
method validate
validate: (args: Parameters) => ValidationResult[];
Validates the command [[Parameters args]] before execution using the defined schema.
Parameter args
the parameters (arguments) to validate using this command's schema.
an array of ValidationResults or an empty array (if no schema is set).
See Also
class CommandSet
class CommandSet {}
Contains a set of commands and events supported by a [[ICommandable commandable]] object. The CommandSet supports command interceptors to extend and the command call chain.
CommandSets can be used as alternative commandable interface to a business object. It can be used to auto generate multiple external services for the business object without writing much code.
See Also
### Example ###
export class MyDataCommandSet extends CommandSet { private _controller: IMyDataController;
constructor(controller: IMyDataController) { // Any data controller interface super(); this._controller = controller; this.addCommand(this.makeGetMyDataCommand()); }
private makeGetMyDataCommand(): ICommand { return new Command( 'get_mydata', null, (correlationId: string, args: Parameters, callback: (err: any, result: any) => void) => { let param = args.getAsString('param'); this._controller.getMyData(correlationId, param, callback); } ); } }
Creates an empty CommandSet object.
method addCommand
addCommand: (command: ICommand) => void;
Adds a [[ICommand command]] to this command set.
Parameter command
the command to add.
See Also
method addCommands
addCommands: (commands: ICommand[]) => void;
Adds multiple [[ICommand commands]] to this command set.
Parameter commands
the array of commands to add.
See Also
method addCommandSet
addCommandSet: (commandSet: CommandSet) => void;
Adds all of the commands and events from specified [[CommandSet command set]] into this one.
Parameter commandSet
the CommandSet to add.
method addEvent
addEvent: (event: IEvent) => void;
Adds an [[IEvent event]] to this command set.
Parameter event
the event to add.
See Also
method addEvents
addEvents: (events: IEvent[]) => void;
Adds multiple [[IEvent events]] to this command set.
Parameter events
the array of events to add.
See Also
method addInterceptor
addInterceptor: (interceptor: ICommandInterceptor) => void;
Adds a [[ICommandInterceptor command interceptor]] to this command set.
Parameter interceptor
the interceptor to add.
See Also
method addListener
addListener: (listener: IEventListener) => void;
Adds a [[IEventListener listener]] to receive notifications on fired events.
Parameter listener
the listener to add.
See Also
method execute
execute: ( correlationId: string, commandName: string, args: Parameters, callback: (err: any, result: any) => void) => void;
Executes a [[ICommand command]] specificed by its name.
Parameter correlationId
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter commandName
the name of that command that is to be executed.
Parameter args
the parameters (arguments) to pass to the command for execution.
Parameter callback
the function that is to be called once execution is complete. If an exception is raised, then it will be called with the error (for example: a ValidationException can be thrown).
See Also
method findCommand
findCommand: (commandName: string) => ICommand;
Searches for a command by its name.
Parameter commandName
the name of the command to search for.
the command, whose name matches the provided name.
See Also
method findEvent
findEvent: (eventName: string) => IEvent;
Searches for an event by its name in this command set.
Parameter eventName
the name of the event to search for.
the event, whose name matches the provided name.
See Also
method getCommands
getCommands: () => ICommand[];
Gets all commands registered in this command set.
a list of commands.
See Also
method getEvents
getEvents: () => IEvent[];
Gets all events registred in this command set.
a list of events.
See Also
method notify
notify: (correlationId: string, eventName: string, args: Parameters) => void;
Fires event specified by its name and notifies all registered [[IEventListener listeners]]
Parameter correlationId
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter eventName
the name of the event that is to be fired.
Parameter args
the event arguments (parameters).
method removeListener
removeListener: (listener: IEventListener) => void;
Removes previosly added [[IEventListener listener]].
Parameter listener
the listener to remove.
See Also
method validate
validate: (commandName: string, args: Parameters) => ValidationResult[];
Validates [[Parameters args]] for command specified by its name using defined schema. If validation schema is not defined than the methods returns no errors. It returns validation error if the command is not found.
Parameter commandName
the name of the command for which the 'args' must be validated.
Parameter args
the parameters (arguments) to validate.
an array of ValidationResults. If no command is found by the given name, then the returned array of ValidationResults will contain a single entry, whose type will be ValidationResultType.Error.
See Also
class ConfigException
class ConfigException extends ApplicationException {}
Errors related to mistakes in the microservice's user-defined configurations.
constructor(correlation_id?: string, code?: string, message?: string);
Creates an error instance and assigns its values.
Parameter correlation_id
(optional) a unique transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter code
(optional) a unique error code. Default: "UNKNOWN"
Parameter message
(optional) a human-readable description of the error.
See Also
class ConfigParams
class ConfigParams extends StringValueMap {}
Contains a key-value map with configuration parameters. All values stored as strings and can be serialized as JSON or string forms. When retrieved the values can be automatically converted on read using GetAsXXX methods.
The keys are case-sensitive, so it is recommended to use consistent C-style as: "my_param"
Configuration parameters can be broken into sections and subsections using dot notation as: "section1.subsection1.param1". Using GetSection method all parameters from specified section can be extracted from a ConfigMap.
The ConfigParams supports serialization from/to plain strings as: "key1=123;key2=ABC;key3=2016-09-16T00:00:00.00Z"
ConfigParams are used to pass configurations to [[IConfigurable]] objects. They also serve as a basis for more concrete configurations such as [[https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-components-node/classes/connect.connectionparams.html ConnectionParams]] or [[https://pip-services3-node.github.io/pip-services3-components-node/classes/auth.credentialparams.html CredentialParams]] (in the Pip.Services components package).
See Also
### Example ###
let config = ConfigParams.fromTuples( "section1.key1", "AAA", "section1.key2", 123, "section2.key1", true );
config.getAsString("section1.key1"); // Result: AAA config.getAsInteger("section1.key1"); // Result: 0
section1 = config.getSection("section1"); section1.toString(); // Result: key1=AAA;key2=123
constructor(values?: any);
Creates a new ConfigParams and fills it with values.
Parameter values
(optional) an object to be converted into key-value pairs to initialize this config map.
See Also
method addSection
addSection: (section: string, sectionParams: ConfigParams) => void;
Adds parameters into this ConfigParams under specified section. Keys for the new parameters are appended with section dot prefix.
Parameter section
name of the section where add new parameters
Parameter sectionParams
new parameters to be added.
method fromString
static fromString: (line: string) => ConfigParams;
Creates a new ConfigParams object filled with key-value pairs serialized as a string.
Parameter line
a string with serialized key-value pairs as "key1=value1;key2=value2;..." Example: "Key1=123;Key2=ABC;Key3=2016-09-16T00:00:00.00Z"
a new ConfigParams object.
See Also
method fromTuples
static fromTuples: (...tuples: any[]) => ConfigParams;
Creates a new ConfigParams object filled with provided key-value pairs called tuples. Tuples parameters contain a sequence of key1, value1, key2, value2, ... pairs.
Parameter tuples
the tuples to fill a new ConfigParams object.
a new ConfigParams object.
See Also
method fromValue
static fromValue: (value: any) => ConfigParams;
Creates a new ConfigParams object filled with key-value pairs from specified object.
Parameter value
an object with key-value pairs used to initialize a new ConfigParams.
a new ConfigParams object.
method getSection
getSection: (section: string) => ConfigParams;
Gets parameters from specific section stored in this ConfigMap. The section name is removed from parameter keys.
Parameter section
name of the section to retrieve configuration parameters from.
all configuration parameters that belong to the section named 'section'.
method getSectionNames
getSectionNames: () => string[];
Gets a list with all 1st level section names.
a list of section names stored in this ConfigMap.
method mergeConfigs
static mergeConfigs: (...configs: ConfigParams[]) => ConfigParams;
Merges two or more ConfigParams into one. The following ConfigParams override previously defined parameters.
Parameter configs
a list of ConfigParams objects to be merged.
a new ConfigParams object.
See Also
method override
override: (configParams: ConfigParams) => ConfigParams;
Overrides parameters with new values from specified ConfigParams and returns a new ConfigParams object.
Parameter configParams
ConfigMap with parameters to override the current values.
a new ConfigParams object.
See Also
method setDefaults
setDefaults: (defaultConfigParams: ConfigParams) => ConfigParams;
Set default values from specified ConfigParams and returns a new ConfigParams object.
Parameter defaultConfigParams
ConfigMap with default parameter values.
a new ConfigParams object.
See Also
class ConflictException
class ConflictException extends ApplicationException {}
Errors raised by conflicts between object versions that were posted by the user and those that are stored on the server.
constructor(correlation_id?: string, code?: string, message?: string);
Creates an error instance and assigns its values.
Parameter correlation_id
(optional) a unique transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter code
(optional) a unique error code. Default: "UNKNOWN"
Parameter message
(optional) a human-readable description of the error.
See Also
class ConnectionException
class ConnectionException extends ApplicationException {}
Errors that occur during connections to remote services. They can be related to misconfiguration, network issues, or the remote service itself.
constructor(correlation_id?: string, code?: string, message?: string);
Creates an error instance and assigns its values.
Parameter correlation_id
(optional) a unique transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter code
(optional) a unique error code. Default: "UNKNOWN"
Parameter message
(optional) a human-readable description of the error.
See Also
class DataPage
class DataPage<T> {}
Data transfer object that is used to pass results of paginated queries. It contains items of retrieved page and optional total number of items.
Most often this object type is used to send responses to paginated queries. Pagination parameters are defined by [[PagingParams]] object. The skip parameter in the PagingParams there means how many items to skip. The takes parameter sets number of items to return in the page. And the optional total parameter tells to return total number of items in the query.
Remember: not all implementations support the total parameter because its generation may lead to severe performance implications.
See Also
### Example ###
myDataClient.getDataByFilter( "123", FilterParams.fromTuples("completed": true), new PagingParams(0, 100, true), (err: any, page: DataPage) => { if (err == null) { console.log("Items: "); for (let item of page.Data) { console.log(item); } console.log("Total items: " + page.total); } }; );
constructor(data?: T[], total?: number);
Creates a new instance of data page and assigns its values.
Parameter data
a list of items from the retrieved page.
Parameter total
(optional) .
property data
data: T[];
The items of the retrieved page.
property total
total: number;
The total amount of items in a request.
class DateTimeConverter
class DateTimeConverter {}
Converts arbitrary values into Date values using extended conversion rules: - Strings: converted using ISO time format - Numbers: converted using milliseconds since unix epoch
### Example ###
let value1 = DateTimeConverter.toNullableDateTime("ABC"); // Result: null let value2 = DateTimeConverter.toNullableDateTime("2018-01-01T11:30:00.0"); // Result: Date(2018,0,1,11,30) let value3 = DateTimeConverter.toNullableDateTime(123); // Result: Date(123)
method toDateTime
static toDateTime: (value: any) => Date;
Converts value into Date or returns current date when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
Date value or current date when conversion is not supported.
See Also
method toDateTimeWithDefault
static toDateTimeWithDefault: (value: any, defaultValue?: Date) => Date;
Converts value into Date or returns default when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value.
Date value or default when conversion is not supported.
See Also
method toNullableDateTime
static toNullableDateTime: (value: any) => Date;
Converts value into Date or returns null when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
Date value or null when conversion is not supported.
class DependencyResolver
class DependencyResolver implements IReferenceable, IReconfigurable {}
Helper class for resolving component dependencies.
The resolver is configured to resolve named dependencies by specific locator. During deployment the dependency locator can be changed.
This mechanism can be used to clarify specific dependency among several alternatives. Typically components are configured to retrieve the first dependency that matches logical group, type and version. But if container contains more than one instance and resolution has to be specific about those instances, they can be given a unique name and dependency resolvers can be reconfigured to retrieve dependencies by their name.
### Configuration parameters ###
dependencies: - [dependency name 1]: Dependency 1 locator (descriptor) - ... - [dependency name N]: Dependency N locator (descriptor)
### References ###
References must match configured dependencies.
### Example ###
class MyComponent: IConfigurable, IReferenceable { private _dependencyResolver: DependencyResolver = new DependencyResolver(); private _persistence: IMyPersistence; ...
public constructor() { this._dependencyResolver.put("persistence", new Descriptor("mygroup", "persistence", "*", "*", "1.0")); }
public configure(config: ConfigParams): void { this._dependencyResolver.configure(config); }
public setReferences(references: IReferences): void { this._dependencyResolver.setReferences(references); this._persistence = this._dependencyResolver.getOneRequired("persistence"); } }
// Create mycomponent and set specific dependency out of many let component = new MyComponent(); component.configure(ConfigParams.fromTuples( "dependencies.persistence", "mygroup:persistence:*:persistence2:1.0" // Override default persistence dependency )); component.setReferences(References.fromTuples( new Descriptor("mygroup","persistence","*","persistence1","1.0"), new MyPersistence(), new Descriptor("mygroup","persistence","*","persistence2","1.0"), new MyPersistence() // This dependency shall be set ));
See Also
constructor(config?: ConfigParams, references?: IReferences);
Creates a new instance of the dependency resolver.
Parameter config
(optional) default configuration where key is dependency name and value is locator (descriptor)
Parameter references
(optional) default component references
See Also
method configure
configure: (config: ConfigParams) => void;
Configures the component with specified parameters.
Parameter config
configuration parameters to set.
See Also
method find
find: <T>(name: string, required: boolean) => T[];
Finds all matching dependencies by their name.
Parameter name
the dependency name to locate.
Parameter required
true to raise an exception when no dependencies are found.
a list of found dependencies
a [[ReferenceException]] of required is true and no dependencies found.
method fromTuples
static fromTuples: (...tuples: any[]) => DependencyResolver;
Creates a new DependencyResolver from a list of key-value pairs called tuples where key is dependency name and value the depedency locator (descriptor).
Parameter tuples
a list of values where odd elements are dependency name and the following even elements are dependency locator (descriptor)
a newly created DependencyResolver.
See Also
method getOneOptional
getOneOptional: <T>(name: string) => T;
Gets one optional dependency by its name.
Parameter name
the dependency name to locate.
a dependency reference or null of the dependency was not found
method getOneRequired
getOneRequired: <T>(name: string) => T;
Gets one required dependency by its name. At least one dependency must present. If the dependency was found it throws a [[ReferenceException]]
Parameter name
the dependency name to locate.
a dependency reference
a [[ReferenceException]] if dependency was not found.
method getOptional
getOptional: <T>(name: string) => T[];
Gets all optional dependencies by their name.
Parameter name
the dependency name to locate.
a list with found dependencies or empty list of no dependencies was found.
method getRequired
getRequired: <T>(name: string) => T[];
Gets all required dependencies by their name. At least one dependency must be present. If no dependencies was found it throws a [[ReferenceException]]
Parameter name
the dependency name to locate.
a list with found dependencies.
a [[ReferenceException]] if no dependencies were found.
method put
put: (name: string, locator: any) => void;
Adds a new dependency into this resolver.
Parameter name
the dependency's name.
Parameter locator
the locator to find the dependency by.
method setReferences
setReferences: (references: IReferences) => void;
Sets the component references. References must match configured dependencies.
Parameter references
references to set.
class Descriptor
class Descriptor {}
Locator type that most often used in PipServices toolkit. It locates components using several fields: - Group: a package or just named group of components like "pip-services" - Type: logical component type that defines it's contract like "persistence" - Kind: physical implementation type like "mongodb" - Name: unique component name like "default" - Version: version of the component contract like "1.0"
The locator matching can be done by all or only few selected fields. The fields that shall be excluded from the matching must be set to "*" or null. That approach allows to implement many interesting scenarios. For instance: - Locate all loggers (match by type and version) - Locate persistence components for a microservice (match by group and type) - Locate specific component by its name (match by name)
### Example ###
let locator1 = new Descriptor("mygroup", "connector", "aws", "default", "1.0"); let locator2 = Descriptor.fromString("mygroup:connector:*:*:1.0");
locator1.match(locator2); // Result: true locator1.equal(locator2); // Result: true locator1.exactMatch(locator2); // Result: false
constructor( group: string, type: string, kind: string, name: string, version: string);
Creates a new instance of the descriptor.
Parameter group
a logical component group
Parameter type
a logical component type or contract
Parameter kind
a component implementation type
Parameter name
a unique component name
Parameter version
a component implementation version
method equals
equals: (value: any) => boolean;
Compares this descriptor to a value. If value is a Descriptor it tries to match them, otherwise the method returns false.
Parameter value
the value to match against this descriptor.
true if the value is matching descriptor and false otherwise.
See Also
method exactMatch
exactMatch: (descriptor: Descriptor) => boolean;
Matches this descriptor to another descriptor by all fields. No exceptions are made.
Parameter descriptor
the descriptor to match this one against.
true if descriptors match and false otherwise.
See Also
method fromString
static fromString: (value: String) => Descriptor;
Parses colon-separated list of descriptor fields and returns them as a Descriptor.
Parameter value
colon-separated descriptor fields to initialize Descriptor.
a newly created Descriptor.
a [[ConfigException]] if the descriptor string is of a wrong format.
method getGroup
getGroup: () => string;
Gets the component's logical group.
the component's logical group
method getKind
getKind: () => string;
Gets the component's implementation type.
the component's implementation type.
method getName
getName: () => string;
Gets the unique component's name.
the unique component's name.
method getType
getType: () => string;
Gets the component's logical type.
the component's logical type.
method getVersion
getVersion: () => string;
Gets the component's implementation version.
the component's implementation version.
method isComplete
isComplete: () => boolean;
Checks whether all descriptor fields are set. If descriptor has at least one "*" or null field it is considered "incomplete",
true if all descriptor fields are defined and false otherwise.
method match
match: (descriptor: Descriptor) => boolean;
Partially matches this descriptor to another descriptor. Fields that contain "*" or null are excluded from the match.
Parameter descriptor
the descriptor to match this one against.
true if descriptors match and false otherwise
See Also
method toString
toString: () => string;
Gets a string representation of the object. The result is a colon-separated list of descriptor fields as "mygroup:connector:aws:default:1.0"
a string representation of the object.
class DoubleConverter
class DoubleConverter {}
Converts arbitrary values into double using extended conversion rules: - Strings are converted to double values - DateTime: total number of milliseconds since unix epoсh - Boolean: 1 for true and 0 for false
### Example ###
let value1 = DoubleConverter.toNullableDouble("ABC"); // Result: null let value2 = DoubleConverter.toNullableDouble("123.456"); // Result: 123.456 let value3 = DoubleConverter.toNullableDouble(true); // Result: 1 let value4 = DoubleConverter.toNullableDouble(new Date()); // Result: current milliseconds
method toDouble
static toDouble: (value: any) => number;
Converts value into doubles or returns 0 when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
double value or 0 when conversion is not supported.
See Also
method toDoubleWithDefault
static toDoubleWithDefault: (value: any, defaultValue?: number) => number;
Converts value into integer or returns default value when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value.
double value or default when conversion is not supported.
See Also
method toNullableDouble
static toNullableDouble: (value: any) => number;
Converts value into doubles or returns null when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
double value or null when conversion is not supported.
class ErrorCategory
class ErrorCategory {}
Defines standard error categories to application exceptions supported by PipServices toolkit.
property BadRequest
static readonly BadRequest: string;
Errors due to incorrectly specified invocation parameters.
For example: missing or incorrect parameters.
property Conflict
static readonly Conflict: string;
Errors raised by conflicts between object versions that were posted by the user and those that are stored on the server.
property FailedInvocation
static readonly FailedInvocation: string;
Errors caused by remote calls failed due to unidenfied reasons.
property FileError
static readonly FileError: string;
Errors in read/write local disk operations.
property Internal
static readonly Internal: string;
Internal errors caused by programming mistakes.
property InvalidState
static readonly InvalidState: string;
Errors caused by incorrect object state..
For example: business calls when the component is not ready.
property Misconfiguration
static readonly Misconfiguration: string;
Errors related to mistakes in user-defined configurations.
property NoResponse
static readonly NoResponse: string;
Errors caused by remote calls timeouted and not returning results. It allows to clearly separate communication related problems from other application errors.
property NotFound
static readonly NotFound: string;
Errors caused by attempts to access missing objects.
property Unauthorized
static readonly Unauthorized: string;
Access errors caused by missing user identity (authentication error) or incorrect security permissions (authorization error).
property Unknown
static readonly Unknown: string;
Unknown or unexpected errors.
property Unsupported
static readonly Unsupported: string;
Errors caused by calls to unsupported or not yet implemented functionality.
class ErrorDescription
class ErrorDescription {}
Serializeable error description. It is use to pass information about errors between microservices implemented in different languages. On the receiving side [[ErrorDescription]] is used to recreate exception object close to its original type without missing additional details.
See Also
property category
category: string;
Standard error category
property cause
cause: string;
Original error wrapped by this exception
property code
code: string;
A unique error code
property correlation_id
correlation_id: string;
A unique transaction id to trace execution throug call chain
property details
details: any;
A map with additional details that can be used to restore error description in other languages
property message
message: string;
A human-readable error description (usually written in English)
property stack_trace
stack_trace: string;
Stack trace of the exception
property status
status: number;
HTTP status code associated with this error type
property type
type: string;
Data type of the original error
class ErrorDescriptionFactory
class ErrorDescriptionFactory {}
Factory to create serializeable [[ErrorDescription]] from [[ApplicationException]] or from arbitrary errors.
The ErrorDescriptions are used to pass errors through the wire between microservices implemented in different languages. They allow to restore exceptions on the receiving side close to the original type and preserve additional information.
See Also
method create
static create: (error: any) => ErrorDescription;
Creates a serializable ErrorDescription from error object.
Parameter error
an error object
a serializeable ErrorDescription object that describes the error.
class Event
class Event implements IEvent {}
Concrete implementation of [[IEvent IEvent]] interface. It allows to send asynchronous notifications to multiple subscribed listeners.
See Also
### Example ###
let event = new Event("my_event");
event.notify("123", Parameters.fromTuples( "param1", "ABC", "param2", 123 ));
constructor(name: string);
Creates a new event and assigns its name.
Parameter name
the name of the event that is to be created.
an Error if the name is null.
method addListener
addListener: (listener: IEventListener) => void;
Adds a listener to receive notifications when this event is fired.
Parameter listener
the listener reference to add.
method getListeners
getListeners: () => IEventListener[];
Gets all listeners registred in this event.
a list of listeners.
method getName
getName: () => string;
Gets the name of the event.
the name of this event.
method notify
notify: (correlationId: string, args: Parameters) => void;
Fires this event and notifies all registred listeners.
Parameter correlationId
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter args
the parameters to raise this event with.
an [[InvocationException]] if the event fails to be raised.
method removeListener
removeListener: (listener: IEventListener) => void;
Removes a listener, so that it no longer receives notifications for this event.
Parameter listener
the listener reference to remove.
class ExcludedRule
class ExcludedRule implements IValidationRule {}
Validation rule to check that value is excluded from the list of constants.
See Also
### Example ###
let schema = new Schema() .withRule(new ExcludedRule(1, 2, 3));
schema.validate(2); // Result: 2 must not be one of 1, 2, 3 schema.validate(10); // Result: no errors
constructor(...values: any[]);
Creates a new validation rule and sets its values.
Parameter values
a list of constants that value must be excluded from
method validate
validate: ( path: string, schema: Schema, value: any, results: ValidationResult[]) => void;
Validates the given value. None of the values set in this ExcludedRule object must exist in the value that is given for validation to pass.
Parameter path
the dot notation path to the value that is to be validated.
Parameter schema
(not used in this implementation).
Parameter value
the value that is to be validated.
Parameter results
the results of the validation.
class Executor
class Executor {}
Helper class that executes components.
method execute
static execute: ( correlationId: string, components: any[], args: Parameters, callback: (err: any, results: any[]) => void) => void;
Executes multiple components.
To be executed components must implement [[IExecutable]] interface. If they don't the call to this method has no effect.
Parameter correlationId
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter components
a list of components that are to be executed.
Parameter args
execution arguments.
Parameter callback
callback function that receives execution result or error.
See Also
method executeOne
static executeOne: ( correlationId: string, component: any, args: Parameters, callback: (err: any, result: any) => void) => any;
Executes specific component.
To be executed components must implement [[IExecutable]] interface. If they don't the call to this method has no effect.
Parameter correlationId
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter component
the component that is to be executed.
Parameter args
execution arguments.
Parameter callback
callback function that receives execution result or error.
See Also
class FileException
class FileException extends ApplicationException {}
Errors in read/write local disk operations.
constructor(correlation_id?: string, code?: string, message?: string);
Creates an error instance and assigns its values.
Parameter correlation_id
(optional) a unique transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter code
(optional) a unique error code. Default: "UNKNOWN"
Parameter message
(optional) a human-readable description of the error.
See Also
class FilterParams
class FilterParams extends StringValueMap {}
Data transfer object used to pass filter parameters as simple key-value pairs.
See Also
### Example ###
let filter = FilterParams.fromTuples( "type", "Type1", "from_create_time", new Date(2000, 0, 1), "to_create_time", new Date(), "completed", true ); let paging = new PagingParams(0, 100);
myDataClient.getDataByFilter(filter, paging, (err, page) => {...});
constructor(map?: any);
Creates a new instance and initalizes it with elements from the specified map.
Parameter map
a map to initialize this instance.
method fromString
static fromString: (line: string) => FilterParams;
Parses semicolon-separated key-value pairs and returns them as a FilterParams.
Parameter line
semicolon-separated key-value list to initialize FilterParams.
a newly created FilterParams.
See Also
method fromTuples
static fromTuples: (...tuples: any[]) => FilterParams;
Creates a new FilterParams from a list of key-value pairs called tuples.
Parameter tuples
a list of values where odd elements are keys and the following even elements are values
a newly created FilterParams.
method fromValue
static fromValue: (value: any) => FilterParams;
Converts specified value into FilterParams.
Parameter value
value to be converted
a newly created FilterParams.
class FilterParamsSchema
class FilterParamsSchema extends MapSchema {}
Schema to validate [[FilterParams]].
See Also
Creates a new instance of validation schema.
class FixedRateTimer
class FixedRateTimer implements IClosable {}
Timer that is triggered in equal time intervals.
It has summetric cross-language implementation and is often used by Pip.Services toolkit to perform periodic processing and cleanup in microservices.
See Also
### Example ###
class MyComponent { private timer: FixedRateTimer = new FixedRateTimer(() => { this.cleanup }, 60000); ... public open(correlationId: string, callback: (err: any) => void): void { ... timer.start(); ... }
public open(correlationId: string, callback: (err: any) => void): void { ... timer.stop(); ... }
private cleanup(): void { ... } ... }
constructor(taskOrCallback?: any, interval?: number, delay?: number);
Creates new instance of the timer and sets its values.
Parameter taskOrCallback
(optional) a Notifiable object or callback function to call when timer is triggered.
Parameter interval
(optional) an interval to trigger timer in milliseconds.
Parameter delay
(optional) a delay before the first triggering in milliseconds.
See Also
method close
close: (correlationId: string, callback?: (err: any) => void) => void;
Closes the timer.
This is required by [[ICloseable]] interface, but besides that it is identical to stop().
Parameter correlationId
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter callback
callback function that receives error or null no errors occured.
See Also
method getCallback
getCallback: () => () => void;
Gets the callback function that is called when this timer is triggered.
the callback function or null if it is not set.
method getDelay
getDelay: () => number;
Gets initial delay before the timer is triggered for the first time.
the delay in milliseconds.
method getInterval
getInterval: () => number;
Gets periodic timer triggering interval.
the interval in milliseconds
method getTask
getTask: () => INotifiable;
Gets the INotifiable object that receives notifications from this timer.
the INotifiable object or null if it is not set.
method isStarted
isStarted: () => boolean;
Checks if the timer is started.
true if the timer is started and false if it is stopped.
method setCallback
setCallback: (value: () => void) => void;
Sets the callback function that is called when this timer is triggered.
Parameter value
the callback function to be called.
method setDelay
setDelay: (value: number) => void;
Sets initial delay before the timer is triggered for the first time.
Parameter value
a delay in milliseconds.
method setInterval
setInterval: (value: number) => void;
Sets periodic timer triggering interval.
Parameter value
an interval in milliseconds.
method setTask
setTask: (value: INotifiable) => void;
Sets a new INotifiable object to receive notifications from this timer.
Parameter value
a INotifiable object to be triggered.
method start
start: () => void;
Starts the timer.
Initially the timer is triggered after delay. After that it is triggered after interval until it is stopped.
See Also
method stop
stop: () => void;
Stops the timer.
See Also
class FloatConverter
class FloatConverter {}
Converts arbitrary values into float using extended conversion rules: - Strings are converted to float values - DateTime: total number of milliseconds since unix epoсh - Boolean: 1 for true and 0 for false
### Example ###
let value1 = FloatConverter.toNullableFloat("ABC"); // Result: null let value2 = FloatConverter.toNullableFloat("123.456"); // Result: 123.456 let value3 = FloatConverter.toNullableFloat(true); // Result: 1 let value4 = FloatConverter.toNullableFloat(new Date()); // Result: current milliseconds
method toFloat
static toFloat: (value: any) => number;
Converts value into float or returns 0 when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
float value or 0 when conversion is not supported.
See Also
method toFloatWithDefault
static toFloatWithDefault: (value: any, defaultValue: number) => number;
Converts value into float or returns default when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value.
float value or default value when conversion is not supported.
See Also
method toNullableFloat
static toNullableFloat: (value: any) => number;
Converts value into float or returns null when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
float value or null when conversion is not supported.
See Also
class IdGenerator
class IdGenerator {}
Helper class to generate unique object IDs. It supports two types of IDs: long and short.
Long IDs are string GUIDs. They are globally unique and 32-character long.
ShortIDs are just 9-digit random numbers. They are not guaranteed be unique.
### Example ###
IdGenerator.nextLong(); // Possible result: "234ab342c56a2b49c2ab42bf23ff991ac" IdGenerator.nextShort(); // Possible result: "23495247"
method nextLong
static nextLong: () => string;
Generates a globally unique 32-digit object ID. The value is a string representation of a GUID value.
a generated 32-digit object ID
method nextShort
static nextShort: () => string;
Generates a random 9-digit random ID (code).
Remember: The returned value is not guaranteed to be unique.
a generated random 9-digit code
class IncludedRule
class IncludedRule implements IValidationRule {}
Validation rule to check that value is included into the list of constants.
See Also
### Example ###
let schema = new Schema() .withRule(new IncludedRule(1, 2, 3));
schema.validate(2); // Result: no errors schema.validate(10); // Result: 10 must be one of 1, 2, 3
constructor(...values: any[]);
Creates a new validation rule and sets its values.
Parameter values
a list of constants that value must be included to
method validate
validate: ( path: string, schema: Schema, value: any, results: ValidationResult[]) => void;
Validates a given value against this rule.
Parameter path
a dot notation path to the value.
Parameter schema
a schema this rule is called from
Parameter value
a value to be validated.
Parameter results
a list with validation results to add new results.
class IntegerConverter
class IntegerConverter {}
Converts arbitrary values into integers using extended conversion rules: - Strings are converted to floats, then to integers - DateTime: total number of milliseconds since unix epoсh - Boolean: 1 for true and 0 for false
### Example ###
let value1 = IntegerConverter.toNullableInteger("ABC"); // Result: null let value2 = IntegerConverter.toNullableInteger("123.456"); // Result: 123 let value3 = IntegerConverter.toNullableInteger(true); // Result: 1 let value4 = IntegerConverter.toNullableInteger(new Date()); // Result: current milliseconds
method toInteger
static toInteger: (value: any) => number;
Converts value into integer or returns 0 when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
integer value or 0 when conversion is not supported.
See Also
method toIntegerWithDefault
static toIntegerWithDefault: (value: any, defaultValue: number) => number;
Converts value into integer or returns default value when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value.
integer value or default when conversion is not supported.
See Also
method toNullableInteger
static toNullableInteger: (value: any) => number;
Converts value into integer or returns null when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
integer value or null when conversion is not supported.
See Also
class InterceptedCommand
class InterceptedCommand implements ICommand {}
Implements a [[ICommand command]] wrapped by an interceptor. It allows to build command call chains. The interceptor can alter execution and delegate calls to a next command, which can be intercepted or concrete.
See Also
### Example ###
export class CommandLogger implements ICommandInterceptor {
public getName(command: ICommand): string { return command.getName(); }
public execute(correlationId: string, command: ICommand, args: Parameters, callback: (err: any, result: any) => void): void { console.log("Executed command " + command.getName()); command.execute(correlationId, args, callback); }
private validate(command: ICommand, args: Parameters): ValidationResult[] { return command.validate(args); } }
let logger = new CommandLogger(); let loggedCommand = new InterceptedCommand(logger, command);
// Each called command will output: Executed command <command name>
constructor(interceptor: ICommandInterceptor, next: ICommand);
Creates a new InterceptedCommand, which serves as a link in an execution chain. Contains information about the interceptor that is being used and the next command in the chain.
Parameter interceptor
the interceptor that is intercepting the command.
Parameter next
(link to) the next command in the command's execution chain.
method execute
execute: ( correlationId: string, args: Parameters, callback: (err: any, result: any) => void) => void;
Executes the next command in the execution chain using the given [[Parameters parameters]] (arguments).
Parameter correlationId
unique transaction id to trace calls across components.
Parameter args
the parameters (arguments) to pass to the command for execution.
Parameter callback
the function that is to be called once execution is complete. If an exception is raised, then it will be called with the error.
See Also
method getName
getName: () => string;
the name of the command that is being intercepted.
method validate
validate: (args: Parameters) => ValidationResult[];
Validates the [[Parameters parameters]] (arguments) that are to be passed to the command that is next in the execution chain.
Parameter args
the parameters (arguments) to validate for the next command.
an array of ValidationResults.
See Also
class InternalException
class InternalException extends ApplicationException {}
Errors caused by programming mistakes.
constructor(correlation_id?: string, code?: string, message?: string);
Creates an error instance and assigns its values.
Parameter correlation_id
(optional) a unique transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter code
(optional) a unique error code. Default: "UNKNOWN"
Parameter message
(optional) a human-readable description of the error.
See Also
class InvalidStateException
class InvalidStateException extends ApplicationException {}
Errors related to calling operations, which require the component to be in a specific state.
For instance: business calls when the component is not ready.
constructor(correlation_id?: string, code?: string, message?: string);
Creates an error instance and assigns its values.
Parameter correlation_id
(optional) a unique transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter code
(optional) a unique error code. Default: "UNKNOWN"
Parameter message
(optional) a human-readable description of the error.
See Also
class InvocationException
class InvocationException extends ApplicationException {}
Errors returned by remote services or by the network during call attempts.
constructor(correlation_id?: string, code?: string, message?: string);
Creates an error instance and assigns its values.
Parameter correlation_id
(optional) a unique transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter code
(optional) a unique error code. Default: "UNKNOWN"
Parameter message
(optional) a human-readable description of the error.
See Also
class JsonConverter
class JsonConverter {}
Converts arbitrary values from and to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) strings.
### Example ###
let value1 = JsonConverter.fromJson("{"key":123}"); // Result: { key: 123 } let value2 = JsonConverter.toMap({ key: 123}); // Result: "{"key":123}"
See Also
method fromJson
static fromJson: <T>(type: TypeCode, value: string) => T;
Converts JSON string into a value of type specified by a TypeCode.
Parameter type
the TypeCode for the data type into which 'value' is to be converted.
Parameter value
the JSON string to convert.
converted object value or null when value is null.
method toJson
static toJson: (value: any) => string;
Converts value into JSON string.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
JSON string or null when value is null.
method toMap
static toMap: (value: string) => any;
Converts JSON string into map object or returns empty map when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the JSON string to convert.
Map object value or empty object when conversion is not supported.
See Also
method toMapWithDefault
static toMapWithDefault: (value: string, defaultValue: any) => any;
Converts JSON string into map object or returns default value when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the JSON string to convert.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value.
Map object value or default when conversion is not supported.
See Also
method toNullableMap
static toNullableMap: (value: string) => any;
Converts JSON string into map object or returns null when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the JSON string to convert.
Map object value or null when conversion is not supported.
See Also
class LongConverter
class LongConverter {}
Converts arbitrary values into longs using extended conversion rules: - Strings are converted to floats, then to longs - DateTime: total number of milliseconds since unix epoсh - Boolean: 1 for true and 0 for false
### Example ###
let value1 = LongConverter.toNullableLong("ABC"); // Result: null let value2 = LongConverter.toNullableLong("123.456"); // Result: 123 let value3 = LongConverter.toNullableLong(true); // Result: 1 let value4 = LongConverter.toNullableLong(new Date()); // Result: current milliseconds
method toLong
static toLong: (value: any) => number;
Converts value into long or returns 0 when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
long value or 0 when conversion is not supported.
See Also
method toLongWithDefault
static toLongWithDefault: (value: any, defaultValue: number) => number;
Converts value into integer or returns default when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value.
long value or default when conversion is not supported
See Also
method toNullableLong
static toNullableLong: (value: any) => number;
Converts value into long or returns null when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
long value or null when conversion is not supported.
class MapConverter
class MapConverter {}
Converts arbitrary values into map objects using extended conversion rules: - Objects: property names as keys, property values as values - Arrays: element indexes as keys, elements as values
### Example ###
let value1 = MapConverted.toNullableMap("ABC"); // Result: null let value2 = MapConverted.toNullableMap({ key: 123 }); // Result: { key: 123 } let value3 = MapConverted.toNullableMap([1,2,3]); // Result: { "0": 1, "1": 2, "2": 3 }
method toMap
static toMap: (value: any) => any;
Converts value into map object or returns empty map when conversion is not possible
Parameter value
the value to convert.
map object or empty map when conversion is not supported.
See Also
method toMapWithDefault
static toMapWithDefault: (value: any, defaultValue: any) => any;
Converts value into map object or returns default when conversion is not possible
Parameter value
the value to convert.
Parameter defaultValue
the default value.
map object or emptu map when conversion is not supported.
See Also
method toNullableMap
static toNullableMap: (value: any) => any;
Converts value into map object or returns null when conversion is not possible.
Parameter value
the value to convert.
map object or null when conversion is not supported.
class MapSchema
class MapSchema extends Schema {}
Schema to validate maps.
### Example ###
let schema = new MapSchema(TypeCode.String, TypeCode.Integer);
schema.validate({ "key1": "A", "key2": "B" }); // Result: no errors schema.validate({ "key1": 1, "key2": 2 }); // Result: element type mismatch schema.validate([ 1, 2, 3 ]); // Result: type mismatch
constructor( keyType?: any, valueType?: any, required?: boolean, rules?: IValidationRule[]);
Creates a new instance of validation schema and sets its values.
Parameter keyType
a type of map keys. Null means that keys may have any type.
Parameter valueType
a type of map values. Null means that values may have any type.
Parameter required
(optional) true to always require non-null values.
Parameter rules
(optional) a list with validation rules.
See Also
method getKeyType
getKeyType: () => any;
Gets the type of map keys. Null means that keys may have any type.
the type of map keys.
method getValueType
getValueType: () => any;
Gets the type of map values. Null means that values may have any type.
the type of map values.
method performValidation
protected performValidation: ( path: string, value: any, results: ValidationResult[]) => void;
Validates a given value against the schema and configured validation rules.
Parameter path
a dot notation path to the value.
Parameter value
a value to be validated.
Parameter results
a list with validation results to add new results.
method setKeyType
setKeyType: (value: any) => void;
Sets the type of map keys. Null means that keys may have any type.
Parameter value
a type of map keys.
method setValueType
setValueType: (value: any) => void;
Sets the type of map values. Null means that values may have any type.
Parameter value
a type of map values.
class MethodReflector
class MethodReflector {}
Helper class to perform method introspection and dynamic invocation.
This class has symmetric implementation across all languages supported by Pip.Services toolkit and used to support dynamic data processing.
Because all languages have different casing and case sensitivity rules, this MethodReflector treats all method names as case insensitive.
### Example ###
let myObj = new MyObject();
let methods = MethodReflector.getMethodNames(); MethodReflector.hasMethod(myObj, "myMethod"); MethodReflector.invokeMethod(myObj, "myMethod", 123);
method getMethodNames
static getMethodNames: (obj: any) => string[];
Gets names of all methods implemented in specified object.
Parameter obj
an objec to introspect.
a list with method names.
method hasMethod
static hasMethod: (obj: any, name: string) => boolean;
Checks if object has a method with specified name..
Parameter obj
an object to introspect.
Parameter name
a name of the method to check.
true if the object has the method and false if it doesn't.
method invokeMethod
static invokeMethod: (obj: any, name: string, ...args: any[]) => any;
Invokes an object method by its name with specified parameters.
Parameter obj
an object to invoke.
Parameter name
a name of the method to invoke.
Parameter args
a list of method arguments.
the result of the method invocation or null if method returns void.
class MultiString
class MultiString {}
An object that contains string translations for multiple languages. Language keys use two-letter codes like: 'en', 'sp', 'de', 'ru', 'fr', 'pr'. When translation for specified language does not exists it defaults to English ('en'). When English does not exists it falls back to the first defined language.
### Example ###
let values = MultiString.fromTuples( "en", "Hello World!", "ru", "Привет мир!" );
let value1 = values.get('ru'); // Result: "Привет мир!" let value2 = values.get('pt'); // Result: "Hello World!"
constructor(map?: any);
Creates a new MultiString object and initializes it with values.
Parameter map
a map with language-text pairs.
method append
append: (map: any) => void;
Appends a map with language-translation pairs.
Parameter map
the map with language-translation pairs.
method clear
clear: () => any;
Clears all translations from this MultiString object.
method fromTuples
static fromTuples: (...tuples: any[]) => MultiString;
Creates a new MultiString object from language-translation pairs (tuples).
Parameter tuples
an array that contains language-translation tuples.
a MultiString Object.
See Also
method fromTuplesArray
static fromTuplesArray: (tuples: any[]) => MultiString;
Creates a new MultiString object from language-translation pairs (tuples) specified as array.
Parameter tuples
an array that contains language-translation tuples.
a MultiString Object.
method fromValue
static fromValue: (value: any) => MultiString;
Creates a new MultiString object from a value that contains language-translation pairs.
Parameter value
the value to initialize MultiString.
a MultiString object.
See Also
method get
get: (language: string) => string;
Gets a string translation by specified language. When language is not found it defaults to English ('en'). When English is not found it takes the first value.
Parameter language
a language two-symbol code.
a translation for the specified language or default translation.
method getLanguages
getLanguages: () => string[];
Gets all languages stored in this MultiString object,
a list with language codes.
method length
length: () => number;
Returns the number of translations stored in this MultiString object.
the number of translations.
method put
put: (language: string, value: any) => any;
Puts a new translation for the specified language.
Parameter language
a language two-symbol code.
Parameter value
a new translation for the specified language.
method remove
remove: (language: string) => void;
Removes translation for the specified language.
Parameter language
a language two-symbol code.
class NameResolver
class NameResolver {}
A helper class that allows to extract component name from configuration parameters. The name can be defined in "id", "name" parameters or inside a component descriptor.
### Example ###
let config = ConfigParams.fromTuples( "descriptor", "myservice:connector:aws:connector1:1.0", "param1", "ABC", "param2", 123 );
let name = NameResolver.resolve(config); // Result: connector1
method resolve
static resolve: (config: ConfigParams, defaultName?: string) => string;
Resolves a component name from configuration parameters. The name can be stored in "id", "name" fields or inside a component descriptor. If name cannot be determined it returns a defaultName.
Parameter config
configuration parameters that may contain a component name.
Parameter defaultName
(optional) a default component name.
resolved name or default name if the name cannot be determined.
class NotFoundException
class NotFoundException extends ApplicationException {}
Errors caused by attempts to access missing objects.
constructor(correlation_id?: string, code?: string, message?: string);
Creates an error instance and assigns its values.
Parameter correlation_id
(optional) a unique transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter code
(optional) a unique error code. Default: "UNKNOWN"
Parameter message
(optional) a human-readable description of the error.
See Also
class Notifier
class Notifier {}
Helper class that notifies components.
method notify
static notify: ( correlationId: string, components: any[], args: Parameters) => void;
Notifies multiple components.
To be notified components must implement [[INotifiable]] interface. If they don't the call to this method has no effect.
Parameter correlationId
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter components
a list of components that are to be notified.
Parameter args
notification arguments.
See Also
method notifyOne
static notifyOne: ( correlationId: string, component: any, args: Parameters) => void;
Notifies specific component.
To be notiied components must implement [[INotifiable]] interface. If they don't the call to this method has no effect.
Parameter correlationId
(optional) transaction id to trace execution through call chain.
Parameter component
the component that is to be notified.
Parameter args
notifiation arguments.
See Also
class NotRule
class NotRule implements IValidationRule {}
Validation rule negate another rule. When embedded rule returns no errors, than this rule return an error. When embedded rule return errors, than the rule returns no errors.
See Also
### Example ###
let schema = new Schema() .withRule(new NotRule( new ValueComparisonRule("EQ", 1) ));
schema.validate(1); // Result: error schema.validate(5); // Result: no error
constructor(rule: IValidationRule);
Creates a new validation rule and sets its values
Parameter rule
a rule to be negated.
method validate
validate: ( path: string, schema: Schema, value: any, results: ValidationResult[]) => void;
Validates a given value against this rule.
Parameter path
a dot notation path to the value.
Parameter schema
a schema this rule is called from
Parameter value
a value to be validated.
Parameter results
a list with validation results to add new results.
class ObjectComparator
class ObjectComparator {}
Helper class to perform comparison operations over arbitrary values.
### Example ###
ObjectComparator.compare(2, "GT", 1); // Result: true ObjectComparator.areEqual("A", "B"); // Result: false
method areEqual
static areEqual: (value1: any, value2: any) => boolean;
Checks if two values are equal. The operation can be performed over values of any type.
Parameter value1
the first value to compare
Parameter value2
the second value to compare
true if values are equal and false otherwise
method areNotEqual
static areNotEqual: (value1: any, value2: any) => boolean;
Checks if two values are NOT equal The operation can be performed over values of any type.
Parameter value1
the first value to compare
Parameter value2
the second value to compare
true if values are NOT equal and false otherwise
method compare
static compare: (value1: any, operation: string, value2: any) => boolean;
Perform comparison operation over two arguments. The operation can be performed over values of any type.
Parameter value1
the first argument to compare
Parameter operation
the comparison operation: "==" ("=", "EQ"), "!= " ("<>", "NE"); "<"/">" ("LT"/"GT"), "<="/">=" ("LE"/"GE"); "LIKE".
Parameter value2
the second argument to compare
result of the comparison operation
method isGreater
static isGreater: (value1: any, value2: any) => boolean;
Checks if first value is greater than the second one. The operation can be performed over numbers or strings.
Parameter value1
the first value to compare
Parameter value2
the second value to compare
true if the first value is greater than second and false otherwise.
method isLess
static isLess: (value1: any, value2: any) => boolean;
Checks if first value is less than the second one. The operation can be performed over numbers or strings.
Parameter value1
the first value to compare
Parameter value2
the second value to compare
true if the first value is less than second and false otherwise.
method match
static match: (value: any, regexp: any) => boolean;
Checks if string matches a regular expression
Parameter value
a string value to match
Parameter regexp
a regular expression string
true if the value matches regular expression and false otherwise.
class ObjectReader
class ObjectReader {}
Helper class to perform property introspection and dynamic reading.
In contrast to [[PropertyReflector]] which only introspects regular objects, this ObjectReader is also able to handle maps and arrays. For maps properties are key-pairs identified by string keys, For arrays properties are elements identified by integer index.
This class has symmetric implementation across all languages supported by Pip.Services toolkit and used to support dynamic data processing.
Because all languages have different casing and case sensitivity rules, this ObjectReader treats all property names as case insensitive.
See Also
### Example ###
let myObj = new MyObject();
let properties = ObjectReader.getPropertyNames(); ObjectReader.hasProperty(myObj, "myProperty"); let value = PropertyReflector.getProperty(myObj, "myProperty");
let myMap = { key1: 123, key2: "ABC" }; ObjectReader.hasProperty(myMap, "key1"); let value = ObjectReader.getProperty(myMap, "key1");
let myArray = [1, 2, 3] ObjectReader.hasProperty(myArrat, "0"); let value = ObjectReader.getProperty(myArray, "0");
method getProperties
static getProperties: (obj: any) => any;
Get values of all properties in specified object and returns them as a map.
The object can be a user defined object, map or array. Returned properties correspondently are object properties, map key-pairs or array elements with their indexes.
Parameter obj
an object to get properties from.
a map, containing the names of the object's properties and their values.
method getProperty
static getProperty: (obj: any, name: string) => any;
Gets value of object property specified by its name.
The object can be a user defined object, map or array. The property name correspondently must be object property, map key or array index.
Parameter obj
an object to read property from.
Parameter name
a name of the property to get.
the property value or null if property doesn't exist or introspection failed.
method getPropertyNames
static getPropertyNames: (obj: any) => string[];
Gets names of all properties implemented in specified object.
The object can be a user defined object, map or array. Returned property name correspondently are object properties, map keys or array indexes.
Parameter obj
an objec to introspect.
a list with property names.
method getValue
static getValue: (obj: any) => any;
Gets a real object value. If object is a wrapper, it unwraps the value behind it. Otherwise it returns the same object value.
Parameter obj
an object to unwrap..
an actual (unwrapped) object value.
method hasProperty
static hasProperty: (obj: any, name: string) => boolean;
Checks if object has a property with specified name.
The object can be a user defined object, map or array. The property name correspondently must be object property, map key or array index.
Parameter obj
an object to introspect.
Parameter name
a name of the property to check.
true if the object has the property and false if it doesn't.
class ObjectSchema
class ObjectSchema extends Schema {}
Schema to validate user defined objects.
### Example ###
let schema = new ObjectSchema(false) .withOptionalProperty("id", TypeCode.String) .withRequiredProperty("name", TypeCode.String);
schema.validate({ id: "1", name: "ABC" }); // Result: no errors schema.validate({ name: "ABC" }); // Result: no errors schema.validate({ id: 1, name: "ABC" }); // Result: id type mismatch schema.validate({ id: 1, _name: "ABC" }); // Result: name is missing, unexpected _name schema.validate("ABC"); // Result: type mismatch
constructor( allowUndefined?: boolean, required?: boolean, rules?: IValidationRule[]);
Creates a new validation schema and sets its values.
Parameter allowUndefined
true to allow properties undefines in the schema
Parameter required
(optional) true to always require non-null values.
Parameter rules
(optional) a list with validation rules.
See Also
property isUndefinedAllowed
isUndefinedAllowed: boolean;
Sets flag to allow undefined properties
Parameter value
true to allow undefined properties and false to disallow.
method allowUndefined
allowUndefined: (value: boolean) => ObjectSchema;
Sets flag to allow undefined properties
This method returns reference to this exception to implement Builder pattern to chain additional calls.
Parameter value
true to allow undefined properties and false to disallow.
this validation schema.
method getProperties
getProperties: () => PropertySchema[];
Gets validation schemas for object properties.
the list of property validation schemas.
See Also
method performValidation
protected performValidation: ( path: string, value: any, results: ValidationResult[]) => void;
Validates a given value against the schema and configured validation rules.
Parameter path
a dot notation path to the value.
Parameter value
a value to be validated.
Parameter results
a list with validation results to add new results.
method setProperties
setProperties: (value: PropertySchema[]) => void;
Sets validation schemas for object properties.
Parameter value
a list of property validation schemas.
See Also
method withOptionalProperty
withOptionalProperty: ( name: string, type?: any, ...rules: IValidationRule[]) => ObjectSchema;
Adds a validation schema for an optional object property.
Parameter name
a property name.
Parameter type
(optional) a property schema or type.
Parameter rules
(optional) a list of property validation rules.
method withProperty
withProperty: (schema: PropertySchema) => ObjectSchema;
Adds a validation schema for an object property.
This method returns reference to this exception to implement Builder pattern to chain additional calls.
Parameter schema
a property validation schema to be added.
this validation schema.
See Also
method withRequiredProperty
withRequiredProperty: ( name: string, type?: any, ...rules: IValidationRule[]) => ObjectSchema;
Adds a validation schema for a required object property.
Parameter name
a property name.
Parameter type
(optional) a property schema or type.
Parameter rules
(optional) a list of property validation rules.
class ObjectWriter
class ObjectWriter {}
Helper class to perform property introspection and dynamic writing.
In contrast to [[PropertyReflector]] which only introspects regular objects, this ObjectWriter is also able to handle maps and arrays. For maps properties are key-pairs identified by string keys, For arrays properties are elements identified by integer index.
This class has symmetric implementation across all languages supported by Pip.Services toolkit and used to support dynamic data processing.
Because all languages have different casing and case sensitivity rules, this ObjectWriter treats all property names as case insensitive.
See Also
### Example ###
let myObj = new MyObject();
ObjectWriter.setProperty(myObj, "myProperty", 123);
let myMap = { key1: 123, key2: "ABC" }; ObjectWriter.setProperty(myMap, "key1", "XYZ");
let myArray = [1, 2, 3] ObjectWriter.setProperty(myArray, "0", 123);
method setProperties
static setProperties: (obj: any, values: any) => void;
Sets values of some (all) object properties.
The object can be a user defined object, map or array. Property values correspondently are object properties, map key-pairs or array elements with their indexes.
If some properties do not exist or introspection fails they are just silently skipped and no errors thrown.
Parameter obj
an object to write properties to.
Parameter values
a map, containing property names and their values.
See Also
method setProperty
static setProperty: (obj: any, name: string, value: any) => void;
Sets value of object property specified by its name.
The object can be a user defined object, map or array. The property name correspondently must be object property, map key or array index.
If the property does not exist or introspection fails this method doesn't do anything and doesn't any throw errors.
Parameter obj
an object to write property to.
Parameter name
a name of the property to set.
Parameter value
a new value for the property to set.
class OnlyOneExistsRule
class OnlyOneExistsRule implements IValidationRule {}
Validation rule that check that at exactly one of the object properties is not null.
See Also
### Example ###
let schema = new Schema() .withRule(new OnlyOneExistsRule("field1", "field2"));
schema.validate({ field1: 1, field2: "A" }); // Result: only one of properties field1, field2 must exist schema.validate({ field1: 1 }); // Result: no errors schema.validate({ }); // Result: only one of properties field1, field2 must exist
constructor(...properties: string[]);
Creates a new validation rule and sets its values
Parameter properties
a list of property names where at only one property must exist
method validate
validate: ( path: string, schema: Schema, value: any, results: ValidationResult[]) => void;
Validates a given value against this rule.
Parameter path
a dot notation path to the value.
Parameter schema
a schema this rule is called from
Parameter value
a value to be validated.
Parameter results
a list with validation results to add new results.
class Opener
class Opener {}
Helper class that opens components.
method isOpen
static isOpen: (components: any[]) => boolean;
Checks if all components are opened.
To be checked components must implement [[IOpenable]] interface. If they don't the call to this method returns true.
Parameter components
a list of components that are to be checked.
true if all components are opened and false if at least one component is closed.
See Also
method isOpenOne
static isOpenOne: (component: any) => boolean;
Checks if specified component is opened.
To be checked components must implement [[IOpenable]] interface. If they don't the call to this method returns true.
Parameter component
the component that is to be checked.
true if component is opened and false otherwise.
See Also
method open